Sunday, October 16, 2011

Narsha attempts a wink!

And fails terribly.
But more importantly, what the fuck is up with Miryo's legs?
I dearly hope it's just the angle, otherwise, that is just fucking nasty.

Reminds me of Gayoon's photoshop accident.


  1. Lol wtf, Narsha & Miryo are deadly cute.

  2. she probably tried so hard to get that wink with that plastic face of her.

  3. lmao @ Gayoon's legs. Even Sooyoung could laugh at that.

  4. i assumed it was a permanent twitch from singing the dolphin note

  5. Why?She never says it's a wink. From what I can see from this picture, her surgery has reached the end of its useful life and her right eye was inundated with melting silicone.

  6. damn, they nerfed gayoons legs hard in that pic!

  7. I'm really liking BEG, but their faces (minus Gain) are so plastic... Still they are great performers and Sixth Sense is hot. Kiss Kiss Frenchy Frenchy

  8. Its a shame that Miryo is conforming to Korea's beauty rule this much now.

    She actually has talent :|

  9. LMAO, that 4minute's album photoshop was a total FAIL!! Can't believe they printed thousands of copies of that!! Someone seriously should be fired for that!

  10. it's their life...it doesn't even effect us...why should we care whether they were plastic or not...BEG was one of the most talented group in korea.it's far better than the people here who keep whining and insulting other just because they jealous because they were not as beautiful and talented as them...do you know how much people (artists) get effected just by reading these kind of comments? this kind of things was not more than a cyber bully... grow up guys!!!


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