Monday, October 31, 2011

Question of the Week 17 HALLOWEEN SPECIAL

Alright, kiddies! Today is a Halloween special question here on Anti Kpop-Fangirl!

If you could dress up as any idol, who would you be and why?

Examples include, but are not limited to:
- "A plastic bag so I would be as pretty as Bom"
- "A mannequin to look as sexy as G.NA"
- "Why, Heechul! I'm a girl anyways. I don't even have to dress up!"
- "A cloud of smoke. Don't worry, it doesn't have to look good cause they'll never find me (G-Dragon) trippin' balls inside of it anyways."

In other Halloween related news:
A pastor in my country decided to start something called "JesusWeen ... a non profit organization also known as JesusWin". Essentially, houses "[hand] out Bibles, Christian post cards or tracts instead of treats [to Trick-or-Treat-ers], ... [and] participants are encouraged to wear white as a symbol of purity".

Just lol. Nothing against religion, but I love the whole idea of: "we can't teach our children to be beggars and vagabonds and liars! Dressing up as vile demons and going around taking people's food! If they want to dress up, make your kids friendly costumes. Not whore-witches".

If anyone has suggestions for later Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com. Thanks!


  1. I'd just rock up driving a car.

  2. I'd get a costume of Shrek and be Hyoyeon. Or maybe a horse head and be Hyomin.

  3. I'm going to be a fish and be one of the Jotwins.

  4. i'd be sooyoung but all the kids dressed up as skeletons wld be her too so....

    darn i have no originality.

  5. a tranny and be nana

  6. a plastic barbie costume for jessica

  7. a dog like Hwayoung

  8. a chipmunk or muskrat for Taeyeon
    Pillsbury dough boy for Bom
    Slakoth or Slowbro for Sulli

    etc etc

  9. ^
    You're pretty bad at this. The chipmunk voice in SNSD is Jessica. Going by appearance, it would be Sunny. The Pilsbury Doughboy is not made of the correct material to be Bom. And Sulli isn't fat enough to be a sloth. She's just a bitch.

  10. ^ contribute or stfu

  11. i'm going as a perfect princess for Soyeon

  12. I'm going to be a grandma for Jungah, and then I'll run over some trick or treaters with my car to be Daesung.

  13. i'm going as a horse..i mean jessica from snsd

  14. ^
    If JungAh's a Grandma, then I want to fuck a grandma. Is there anything wrong with me?

  15. pig - Sunny
    gorilla - Hyoyeon
    giraffe - Hyeri
    meerkat - Hyewon
    frog - Minho

    kpop is full of animal looking creatures

  16. A blobfish, AKA Niel from Teen Top.

  17. Monkey Suit with a penis = Taecyeon.
    Monkey Suit with a bigger penis = Zinger.


  19. I'm gonna dress like a "pho minute slut"
    It's cheap and easy....like them.

  20. if I but on a fatsuit and paint it black, would it look like an asshole?

    Cause that's the perfect Leeteuk costume.

  21. I have to say, I think I am in love with all of you Anonymous commenters. Most of these are freaking adorable and hilarious. This worked out much better than I anticipated. Some of these made me audibly pleased.

  22. @Anon 8:48, I Love you. Keep up the great work whoever you are! <3

  23. I'm going as an unborn fetus aka Gina Choi

  24. Prostitute-Hyuna
    Normal clothes (i'm a boy)-Amber

  25. "I'm going to be a grandma for Jungah, and then I'll run over some trick or treaters with my car to be Daesung."


    I should have dressed up as Spock for TOP.

  26. Like the last post, I'll dress up like Miley Cyrus to be Hyosung.


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