Monday, October 24, 2011

SNSD Exposed in NYC: Jacking Hyosung's Swagger


  1. snsd looks better in it because they dont have gumbo thighs

  2. Kpop idols have no swagger

  3. Hyosung looks better in it because she actually has a body.

  4. Is that yuri in the first picture?

  5. Hyosung has thunder thighs and has no curves, LUL. Same with SNSD but I can see a lil something from Yuri.

  6. I believe that SNSD looks a ton better than Hyosung, and it's not considered ripping off if SNSD is out of Hyosung's league. lol seriously this is a REAL issue lol more like bias to me

  7. hyosung is superior to any bish from SNSD. She looks healthier, has great hips & legs. You belly jelly snsdfags....eat my ass squirts if you think an bish from snsd is hotter than Hyosung. You people that say she has thick legs, you only wish you could get bish with a body like that. All you get is your fucking hand to jack off with while rubbing yourself to shindong photos. Fuck you all!

  8. no one in snsd has anything on mah gurl hyosung. she can break any of the nine bishes in half

  9. ^LOL So true

    I reckon Hyosung suits it better, it doesn't hang off her body like some of plastic generation.

  10. @10:01 lol one butthurt sone.
    "it's not considered ripping off if SNSD is out of Hyosung's league" <--- what major BS, so it's okay for SNSD to wear the Madonna outfits but not okay for Secret to wear the Hoot outfits because Plastic Generation is out of their "league". LOL it's funny because if they were both debuting in the US, Secret would throttle SNSD.

    Sounds like I'm bashing SNSD (which I sorta am) even though I'm actually fan. Your Sone logic fails, and is, like every other fan, with delusional reasoning.

  11. hyosung has the face and body of a horse

  12. 11:03
    theyd throttle snsd with their lame ass wannabe soul/jazz music?they sound like a cheaper idol imitation of beyonce

    if snsd and secret tried to debut in america theyd probably both fail equally
    lets not be delusional here

  13. sulli_fag
    my mom is only 98 pounds
    shes never been obese in her life

  14. Hyosohungry is her new name.

  15. if it's yuri in the first picture, bless my soul the bish got back to life. stopped stanning her when she decided to be sooyoung's twig buddy.

    jessica has so much more horse in her than hyosung

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hyosung is 51 kilos and stands at a borderline midget height of 5'3. She's fat, bruh. I like my women sleek and slim. Would take any SNSD member(with the exception of trollface or midget manber or South East Asian Giraffe) over her bruh.

    Btw, not an SNSD fan in the least. Terrible music, worse concepts. But I'm sure everyone already knows that.

  18. Btw, I could set up camp on dem gumz.

  19. Id take Hyoseong over anybody in snsd anyday and I am a snsd fan

  20. @11:22 I love that nicknqme for her lmao XD You all need to get off HYOSOHUNGRY and secrets sweaty pussies
    because their music sucks just as much ass as snsd.

  21. Gotta love 'em thickOctober 25, 2011 at 1:47 AM

    Fat giggles bitches... dem thighs are muscle.

  22. Who cares is hyosung has fat, bitch is hot, and i, for one, would like to grab something when i make some mazik with my madonna .
    And really, secret is just so fucking hot minus zinger.
    Sorry, i dont know all there names
    But the purple haired one in love is move is so fucking fuckable, and im gay
    And Sunhwa is so cute in an awkward kind of way.
    Also, big hips are there for bearing children, so snsds will have those small waists to grown in while secrets babies have leg room :D (Also, If i had babies with any of the secret girls, zinger doesn't count, they will probs come out sexy)
    And really, trolls are never happy.
    "Hara looks like a stick, she is so fucking skinny, someone give her a drip"
    10 seconds later
    "Fuck secret is so fat, go starve yourselves tubbies"

  23. ^Because Hara really is too thin and Hyosung really Is fat. Way to create a strawman, dude. An intermediate does exist. Look at idols like Krystal or Hyomin. I think their bodies are perfect. U mad?

  24. Yuri and Hyoyeon can throttle Hyosung's fat ass any day. Hyosung is fat, Yuri and Hyoyeon are curvy and hot. Bitches are delusional for thinking otherwise 8)

  25. lol, look at all you pathetic bitches. don't give a shit about snsd, but your pathetic insults aren't going to bring them down any day, while you
    think that those tree stumps are better than SNSD's. you all mad snsd is above those hoes? and i'm not calling hyosung fat to bash her, because she really is fat. i think it's time leeteuk says something.

  26. Yuri is hot. Hyoyeon is a transvestite.

  27. These virgins have never seen a naked womans body in real life so its funny to read some of these comments

    Keep flapping to your (stick) thin idols if you want no ones stopping you (if just funny because you all could never get any that small irl lol)

    but kindly lay off the fat comments just because you can't appreciate the unf that thick girls bring to the table XD

    Hyosung has a great body (its her teeth that throw me off ^^)

  28. What's it like being fat, fatty?

    I like how you're trying to glorify/justify your own fatness by pretending fat girls are aesthetic, fatty.

    Do you take that delusion with a side of large fries, fatty?

    Does your mum call you fatty, fatty?

  29. My mom calls me Sweetie (maybe I should lay off the candy?)October 25, 2011 at 6:10 AM

    ^U mad, virgin?

    I guess because I don't think Hyosung is fat that makes me automatically a lardass? Okay, better join Jenny Craig or Weight Watcher then! I'll get right one that! XD

    Its sad because you know you'd kill to have any girl pay a lick of attention to you -- even a fat girl huh? Keep dreaming, maybe one day you'll find a skinny girl desperate enough to have the sex with you! (You'd be better off just buying it though... crack hoes are pretty thin!)


    flawless response bb!

  31. the fanboys on this site make me sad sometimes... how can you sink to crazy fangirl status so easily here?

    Smh lol

  32. @6:10 Nope, have had sex before. U mad fatty? And yes, only fat girls find fat girls attractive. They're the pits of society. I like how you use "XD" gratuitously. Makes you sound erudite, fatty!

    Hmm, I think it's time for your Twinkie break...fatty.

  33. 7:34 Are you a White knight phaggot or a dyke? Or better yet original fatty giving herself a pat on the back( like that would ever happen with her 20 inch arms)?

  34. @8:08 I feel like you would be a lot less angry if you just got some ass... XD

    Its okay though, I don't take virgins like you seriously. Lifes a lot better after you have the sex -- it gets better.

  35. how the fk is 51 kilos fat are u people retarded? thats still light as hell and u guys want even lighter than that? no wonder these girls are so skinny cuz u fags like sticks.. but i guess thats just the media brainwashing u idiots thinking that skinny is better looking.

  36. hyosungs legs are ok BUT SHES FUGLY AS FUCK

  37. @7:35 Im always thinking about this.
    I should make a blog called anti-antikpopfangirl and post these hilarious comments

  38. hyosung shoes are too small for her in that pic

  39. Its funny because you know Anon @808 is like a 30 year fat slob that still lives at home with his parents in the basement flapping to Asian girls that wouldn't give him the time of day

    (but that could probably be said about half the posters here lol)

    I don't think hes a virgin though... he didn't seem to mind that prostitute gab God, I hope my life doesn't come to that!

    GTFO Hyosung is hot and if that is fat then I'm a fucking chubbie chaser

    Calm you bitch tits and go hire another street walker

  40. WTF whoever said hyosung is fat is a fucking moron.

  41. Hyosung's body is pretty hot but i prefer Hyoyeon and Yuri's bodies better tbh. It seems like they are more nicely proportioned

  42. Hyosung just has an alright face, and decent boobs and nice thighs. She has no ass, so I don't see what you guys are talking about.

    Either way, Yuri is over Hyosung any day. Hyosung is over the majority of SNSD, but Yuri has a better face, better proportioned body, and is just better overall.

  43. Yuri pwns Hyosung any day.

  44. ^yeah totally agree

  45. So much trolling under this thread it's ridickulous.

  46. Its the virgin fanboys... not like thy got anything better to do lol

  47. Hyosung > anyone in SNSD in any eternity

    you fuckers are obviously brainwashed if you think otherwise

  48. tired of desperate fat smelly digusting rabid fangirls trolling under the guise of males pretending to know what we consider aesthetically pleasing

    majority rules and Hyosung tramples over all of those plastic bitches with strong masculine features

    sadly only Yuri is the group's remaining redeeming quality smh

  49. I'm tired of fat smelly disgusting rabid fanboys telling me what I'm supposed to find aesthetically pleasing. You don't speak for all of us, just speak for yourself.

    ON TOPIC: Hyosung is UNF!

  50. If Hyosung is fat I must be morbidly obese! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ;D The anons here are hilarious!

    But gurrrrrl needs some better fitting shoes! Ouch, that looks painfully ><

  51. Hyosung is 161cm and 51kg
    which makes her BMI about 20, which is in the "normal weight" category so you're delusional if you think she's fat

    plus 51kg is what netizens calculated after a variety show and a girl's weight changes daily (there's this thing called the MENSTRUATION CYCLE say it loud say it proud. does my admission of being a girl ruin the validity of this post? don't care) so who knows how accurate that is
    anyway, i wouldn't be surprised if Hyosung actually purposely gained weight for this comeback because she looks more succulent than ever

  52. As far as faces go..

    Everyone in SNSD besides Sunny and Hyoyeon > Hyosung

    When it comes to body..

    Yuri > Hyosung > Everyone else in SNSD

  53. 1) I live a pretty good life. Nothing extraordinary but like every other nineteen year old that has a social life(unlike you), I club, smoke weed and work out fairly regularly.

    2) the BMI is a crock of crap, especially with Asians who have a smaller skeletal structure.

    3) She may not be obese but she's definitely not slim or aesthetic. She's fat. Maybe you live in America so you're used to seeing whales, causing you to raise the bar of what constitutes "fat".

    4) know your place, mutt. I'm willing to bet my life savings you're unattractive. Ergo, your value as a female is null.

    Tip: you'd be worth more as a solitary vagina.

  54. Oh yea, to the anon that I presume was taking a potshot at me by describing me as a "30 year old fat slob", LOL.

    I'm 19. And I loathe fat people. I'm obsessed with fitness and take working out and having a good diet very seriously. You wouldn't know a damned thing about macros, carb cycling or bulk/cut phases now would you? What about pyramid training or German Volume training? What about something more basic like supersets? Still no?

    I loathe fat girls. They literally disgust me.

  55. Sones in attack mode. Command attack Hyosung because someone bitched our precious SNSD girls!

    Oh yeah, Hyosung does look better because she actually has a body of a woman. Suprise!

  56. 5:13 so when you make fun of snsd its because you're jealous of them?lol
    you must be some fat fan girl whos only defending secret because you could never be thin and pretty like snsd

  57. guys, seriously the outfits probably have nothing to do with each other, and both girls from both groups are amazing and all that other stuff
    lol why are you guys trolling on this again?

  58. http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50264_323785338700_3304398_n.jpg

  59. anon 5:13 tbh i feel like vomiting whenever I see so shit dae

    this coming from a male btw

  60. Yuri has a pear-shaped body in that picture. Bleh.

  61. Does no one not know what a chaser is?
    Bears? Chubs? There are whole fucking communities who do just fine being fat asses and love to fuck other fat asses. Or skinny guys, occasionally a fucking adonis comes along wanting a piece of fat. Im apart of the gay bear community, and there is a straight one too. Dedicated to people who like fat, hair, and masculinity. i THINK there is a same thing for fat women as well.
    Also, fat chicks = Dat ass

  62. 13 and still more mature then you lolOctober 26, 2011 at 5:05 AM

    If I'm ever 19 and still trolling on sites like this... shoot me! I'm hoping to have a actual life by then ^^ Lamewad.

  63. ^this is no place for children... just bored "adults"

  64. *An actual life. Pretty sure people learn that before they turn 13.

    And trolling has no age limits. That's its inherent beauty.

    PS: You still being breastfed, 13 year old fatty? Maybe you'll slim down once puberty starts. Or...get fatter.

  65. ^Sorry, it needs to be said: U Mad? lol

  66. WTF are these comments?

    But seriously, Hyosung is not fat, she's short and curvy... Hyoyeon and Jessica used to be built a lot like Hyosung and I don't remember them being considered fat by sones (unnie was just muscular, she had curves) so just back the fuck off, and I'm not even a secret fan but hell these comments...smh.

    I think it looks better on Hyosung simply because it has more to cling to tbh. SNSD, many of those members need to GAIN weight (sooyoung, jessica, Tiffany side-eyeing you rn).

    And both groups songs sound generic as fuck tbh, so no point arguing about that either... SNSD's is like a rejected saturday's song but in korean while secret's sounds like a fail amy winehouse jazz version knockoff imho.

  67. Hyosung has the better body but not the face. If you've seen her without make-up, you'd know that she looks like the average asian girl. Even with that thick layer of make-up she always has on, she's barely passable as pretty.

    Not saying that SNSD's bodies are admirable, but they are definitely prettier. Personally I think face>body, but I guess it depends on the person.

  68. ^The topic is SNSD stealing the Madonna costume, and who suits it better, not who looks prettier.

  69. Clever use of a vastly overused( to the point of being cliche and completely useless) meme! Keep trying to justify your stupidity, lack of basic grammar and ultimately, the face and/or body of horse

    Stop wasting our oxygen and just die already. You're gonna die a virgin anyway. Hope you at least die with a big mac keeping you company. :)

  70. ^ stay mad you desperate acne-ridden putrid fangirl

  71. LOL @ anon 7:36PM

    u mad?

    someone's taking this topic wayyyy to seriously. lol @ obsessed fangirls.

  72. I'm a dude. And I wasn't criticising the author. I was talking about the clinically retarded 13 year old that has a predilection for fat girls which probably manifests itself to justify her own corpulence-induced insecurity.

  73. Lol at these heated arguments. My only input is, hyosung is not pretty by idol standard but I still wouldn't mind fapping to her thighs, period

  74. @7:36, funny because you sound just like a crazy fangirl hmmmmm XD

  75. ^ How so? I'm not defending anyone; I'm simply appalled by the false sense of entitlement and sheer stupidity of some individuals(such as you). I really do hope your stupidity is ephemeral and you can look back in contempt at the erstwhile you, ten years in the future. If god does exist, he is a cruel little man.

  76. Hyosung is fat by K-pop standards but who gives a shit, she's hot as fuck.

  77. Do not engage the trolls!

  78. Wow this comment section drifted a little off topic, didn't it!

    Anyway, I feel some serious self loathing going on here. Are some of you really just fat and hate yourselves for it? Or were you fat and made fun of? I mean really... I'm all for some good old fashioned trolling, but you sound like you have some serious issues (more then your usual kpop fan). To each there own though! Keep preaching your hate, freedom of speech and all.

    I like bigger girls (not obese, but I like some meat! Yum.) Hyosung is pure unf to me, but SNSD has some pretty faces.

  79. what the fuck was this article about? I got so lost on the way down :(

  80. Hyosung is a fucking ugly bitch. SNSD over her any day.

  81. SNSD are fucking ugly bitches. Hyosung over them any day.



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