Saturday, November 26, 2011

2PM's Junsu disregards basic air safety protocol.

On November 24th, 2PM's Junsu tweeted a picture of the clouds while in flight.

Can't see the problem with all the purdy fuzzy clouds clouding your logic?

As far as I know, at that altitude, the seat belt sign should still be on. Which means, keep your butts on your seats and don't use your damn electronic devices which will fuck up the navigation system.

To substantiate this, I took it upon myself to ask a family friend who's an air steward and he said at around this point the plane is still in take-off mode, and no electronic devices are to be switched on yet.

And of course, not a single netizen at AKP is bothered that their dear Junsu oppar could have 1, single-handedly cause a plane crash; or 2, didn't pay attention to the safety video played before take-off.

If anyone sees news about a plane en route to Malaysia from Japan crashing, you’ll know who to blame. People with family members on that plane, you’ll know who to direct your flaming torches and pitchforks to. No need to thank me.

(PS: New author in the house. Despite this being one of my application pieces, it's rather recent news.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. /Contains hate

    Good job sekhmet, i am hoping to see more of this pointing out of idols.

  3. He looks like a donkey

  4. He acts like he's from the hood and tries to talk like a gangsta. Get real dude u came from Korea. All that plastic surgery on his face.

  5. Good job Sekhmet. This is unbelievable.
    Since he tweets from the airplane, it means he used his smart phone, isn't it? There's a rule that cellphone/smartphone shouldn't be switch on at the airplane because it can disturb the navigation system.Is Junsu stupid as to not know about this rule? Or does he purposely do this to show off? I don't care if he died because of his own fault but I care about the other passengers.

  6. I've been waiting for AKF to post a article bringing those talentless 2PM hacks down, and I finally get it, and it's like... what? Really?

    Depending on location as well as seasons, you can still see clouds like that while at a reasonably safe altitude to turn electronic devices on. Heck, dude. I fly from Singapore to Tokyo, and I can still see clouds as such from 17 000 ft. Which is more than safe enough to unbuckle your seatbelt and switch on electronic devices.

    As for him using his smart phone to upload it. Have you heard of in-flight wifi? It exists. You can pay to use wifi in flight, it isn't some ground breaking technology only available to elite K-Pop stars. It's been around for a year or so now.

    Come on man. This is just trying too hard. Or not hard enough. Can't you just make fun of his nose job or something?

  7. how the fuck did this author get chosen for AKF?
    do you not have a smart phone, most of them have an airplane mode and a lot of planes have onboard wifi.
    stupid article is stupid.

    oh and using yubin's photo shoot pics as the banner for AKF is perfect. she is so fucking hot.

  8. LOL people,have you ever be on a plane?

  9. @anon 2:41am, 3:04am, 3:23am
    I think I need to apologize for my ignorance about in-flight wifi since I never use it on a plane (to be exact, the plane I have been using doesn't have in-flight wifi)

  10. lol...so much hate for a debut :[

  11. .... do you even know what a plan is

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. How old are you? 12? If not you acting like one. Picking on such thing is childish.

  14. Okay, just who is this horrible new author ? Apparently he has a family friend who's an air steward just to ask why junsu oppawr taek pix on a plane. With that being said this is a horrible post. And it's such a try-hard like '2NE1 gangster wannabe' post.

  15. i have to admit, this was a pretty boring article. where is the news worthy material? where is the comedy?!

  16. Welcome to our new author!! :D Yehey!! Congrats!! :))

    GTFO Sekhmet!!

  17. what a fucking shit author. Did you ever ride a plane you stupid fuck?

    nice attempt at fail trolling.

    Plese gtfo nig

  18. Wow you people are really rude.......

  19. Do authors even bother researching about topics they know jackshit about? Because a hundred planes crash every day due to passengers on wifi, right?

    Except... no.

    Pathetic new author. Do your research next time. It's not trolling if you're being extremely ignorant about it.

  20. @952 Maybe it's an initiation process? Or it's the same two or three people posting as anonymous? Or it's the genuine feelings of a lot of the blog's readers? Eh, don't care.

    What happened to JK? I thought his/her articles were okay.

  21. lol u bitches
    i thought this article was funny
    & junsu is a moron

  22. Yes it was wrong.
    No, this is nothing to make a bug fuss over.
    Have a nice day.

  23. There's nothing wrong with this new author. All of you, stop being assholes.

    Welcome, Sekhmet.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Cellphones mess with anything smaller then a BBJs comm and nav systems. Something like 1% of all cellphones will mess with bigger planes so in order to avoid any potential that your phone will hinder those devices they ask you to keep them off. That is also why you have a airplane mode on all cellphones.
    Side note Wifi runs at a frequency that won't mess with anything but some networks don't. That's all to say Sekhmet does actually have a point.

    2 side notes: Welcome Sekhmet !
    I absolutely hate 2pm.

  26. lol i'm late on this. hey new author. idk what akp saw in you but congrats on making it in. try harder next time.

  27. wow, new author has a fanbase.
    Thats a good sign!!!!

  28. Go sekhmet go!!! we Love you!!!

  29. Hi I am Amit Khalil Mustafa!! Mushkila!!

  30. Damnnnn. You know that phrase, "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed?"
    After reading some of these comments, looks like a couple ppl got butt raped by shindong.

    How can so many bad things happen to so many people???

  31. Dont worry Shindong oppa, I'll just lick your anus every night! :)) Yummy!!

  32. Conundrum,she would have a point in the past maybe...not nowdays...really...however we love u <3

  33. Ahahaha....
    my stomach hurt so much... yo AUTHOR... had u ever been in a flight???? Please read about types of cloud and the existing level of that cloud.. that aircraft could been cruising at flight level..opsss sorry u might not understand aviation term.. that plane might be flying at 30000 feet above sea level means that such cloud do exist at that high n the plane is no more at take off phase but already steady flying... or slowly n steadily climb which does not require passenger to put a seat belt.. dont just ask air steward.. they probably too busy to know what happens on the outside.. ask real pilot..... fool...

  34. dumbass article. Please try harder next time.

  35. hi noonar, don't worray. Reehji will always support you mmk? Fighting! <3

  36. sum sick people trolling AKF right now... trolololollllllol!!!!! :))

  37. Fail understanding of basic technology is full of fail trolololol.

  38. This post just shows me that the author has no idea how technology, wi-fi, or planes work. That's okay, I don't expect you to, but don't write articles on things you don't understand.

  39. ^ agree!
    To take that kind of photograph, all we need to do is sit beside the window. Thousands of people did that. And so you know, camera isn't a device that emits frequency.
    It's a shame when you try to be smart by pointing out the 'bad side' of fangirls, but you screw yourself by showing that you aren't smart enough to understand about technology.


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