Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How to be INFINITE-ly sneaky

On November 19th, Pedo-noona gag woman, Shin Bong Sun, went to visit INFINITE in their impressive new home away from their pedo-manager.

Crazy, hawk-eyed netizens, of course, were not only creeping on watching where every inch of furniture was located so they may hide under it when they inevitably break into their home, but they also spotted a photo of Taeyeon which one of the boys most likely enjoys himself looking at tucked into his bed.

I have to say, never have I ever seen anyone hide something so terribly. It is almost like he set it up like that hoping Taeyeon would watch the episode and be enamoured by his dedication and, in turn, fall in love with this closet stalker.

Just so you know though, it does not work like that, INFINTE boys. Trust me, I would know.

Try voodoo dolls next.

But anyways, do any of you have creepy collections of idols? I'm looking at you: Anti Kpop-Fangirl, Davidfresh, and 아저씨.


  1. well, i guess we know who's going to drag taeyeon off stage next.

  2. I dare to stake a wager that he must have fapped to taeyeon many times

  3. My Taeyeon photo is on my ceiling, so when I wake up, I fap to it straight away. No need to hide such things!

  4. Surprisingly, I don't have any pictures of the idols I like, aside from what I have saved on my computer.

  5. I think it was planted there by the show personally... the way she's randomly looking out of the window right next to the picture of Taeyeon made it kind of obvious lol.

  6. I have 471 high-res pictures of Taeyeon on my iPod touch. Not that I actually do anything with them, just so you know. You know. Yeah. Touch. That's all.

    I like the ones in uniform best.

  7. @ Anti Kpop-Fangirl: Your 80 terabytes of actress and female idol photos count as a collection. You creeper. =P

  8. I wouldnt be surprised if all three of them had their stanning idol painted on their wall.

    The only colection I have is on my PC, but I do have posters from ordering albums, SNSD and GsD

  9. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm2ce8H0kU1qj65aso1_500.gif

  10. Lol, 80 terabytes. That rivals a small institutional archive.

    I have three pictures of Hyomin on my phone, but not as its background because I'd be embarrassed if another person saw. I have more pictures of her on my computer.

  11. @Shin-B Actually there are TWO pictures of Taeyeon.
    Netizens found the original picture: http://data.imagup.com/12/1136676075.jpeg

  12. I would never fap to my queen.

  13. i bet you have more than 1 right :/


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