Sunday, November 27, 2011

U-KISS's Tick Tack

You know what that reminds me of?

This is why I think U-KISS and their fans are more pathetic than ELFs. Yes, ELFs are insane and kill people...okay, no one can be more pathetic than ELFs. Anyway, begging for wins is pathetic. Maybe if U-KISS actually put out half decent songs and stopped having terrible concepts, people would listen to their music and buy it.

Then again, it's impossible to take these "guys" seriously.


  1. i bet u that the spam comment spoke real shits about the reality :S

  2. Aww, Ukiss is one of the groups that I actually like.
    I don't really care if they win an award or not, cause either way i think that their songs are catchy and their dances are cool. ^^

  3. I've heard album sales aren't even the greatest source of cash for idols because music piracy is so pervasive. Instead idols make their money through concerts, tv/public appearances and product endorsements. If that's the case, I don't understand why fans are more disappointed when their group doesn't win some music award instead of being passed over for modelling jobs and shit.

  4. I think U-KISS does have some talent among them (the main vocal dude who looks like Boom) but that doesn't mean they have folding screen members too.

    Still I agree with @2.53. Fans think that winning #1 means their group is teh b35T.

  5. I don't like most ukiss fans because I find them slightly desperate because there isn't a lot of them but I don't so much mind the group only because they are one of the few groups that actually let the English speaker sing in English instead of the non English speaker. I guess it helps that one of their main vocalists is American. But catchier beats could help their popularity.

  6. screw u-kiss. GO KARA!

  7. LOL @ ELI'S TWEET ...............

  8. how are they going to win after their producer bashing on kara like there's no tomorrow.. that already ruined their reputation lawl

  9. and cant forget for all kissmes bashing on kamilias/kara for winning when they themselves werent even close to second during the time when both bands were promoting at the same time XDDD

  10. lol i've just turned into a new ukiss fan. I didn't really care much about their old albums before but i really liked the neverland album. it had a good mix of ballads and dance-able tracks but i guess i'm not that much of a fan to actually get myself to accede to eli's desperate tweet hurhurhur

  11. LOL "what means daebak"

  12. I feel so sad for them, mostly because U-Kiss actually put out decent songs this year (my 1st time giving them a 2nd look tbh) but still didn't win anything. They're as good as forever nugus...

  13. i just saw a tumblr post about this. i think it's fucking stupid to ask people to support them when it's obvious nobody gives a flying fuck. and eli was begging for votes, yet apparently not enough people cared to help.

    i'd like to see them disband. honestly, i don't hate them or like them, but why stay when it's obvious you're going downhill and haven't been improving for 3 fucking years?

  14. It is kinda sad, being around for 3 years and not winning a single music award. Neverland was pretty awesome. Not a fan but it would suck if they had to disband just because they didn't win anything. They have a pretty huge fanbase outside Korea.

  15. Losers being desperate. Understandable since they debuted 3 years now and haven't won anything relevant at all in their home country. Even a newer group like Infinite has surpassed them.


    or the fame

    or getting blow jobs

    or banging female idols

    or looking like a ladyboy

    or whatever

  17. Dr. Mordney is too good for UKiss maybe.. I mean Ukiss must ditch their gayness to succeed.. my 2 cents..

  18. I like U-kiss and it's sad to see them this desperate.

  19. I feel bad for U-KISS though. Because NEVERLAND was one of the best albums this year, and their material has been really tight since 0330. >.< I don't know, I like them. I find Kevin really sweet and endearing. If not ghey.

  20. Wowww i never knew artist would beg their fans like thatt... so low lifee..
    Danggg suddenly something hits my mind... now i think those elfs that always pushing other fans to vote for suju like crazy are actually super junior oppas disguising themselves as netizens... Popularity-seeking-whores...

  21. Honestly, the song is not that bad. I have not listened to many of their songs but the main vocalist seems pretty good.

  22. the problem is that they're trying to rely on international fans. they boast about speaking English and all that but fans overseas can't help you much if you're in Korea.
    also, their maknae main visual is ugly lol

    plus, you know a company is shit when they kick out members for allegedly not being talented enough. there are tons of useless member so what's the difference if your group has another? your fanbase will turn on you if you do stupid things like that

    i'd say just let them disband, but i do like a few members. that's how the companies keep you in x_.

  23. Hmm I kinda like this, though it probably won't last long since UKISS's songs get boring pretty quickly.

  24. You know if you hate kpop so much its pretty pathtic you dedicate time to write about it. Not only that you have knowledge of the artist fandoms. I hate Justin Bieber but that doesn't mean I am going to take time to write about him. That would mean I would have to pay attention to him and I don't even want to hear his name.

  25. I'll admit I didn't really pay attention to them until 'Neverland' came out, but I'm growing steadily more fond of them. It's a shame that they're not more popular because Soohyun has such a great voice, and I was pleasantly surprised with new member Hoon's vocals too. I did laugh at Eli's tweet though (he's awlays seemed like an airhead to me anyway).

  26. I'm Japanese so I understand what they're saying and I like the song but the lyrics are seriously just crap.

  27. ^ A group of losers and faggots.

  28. 1) wats wrong with ELFs? we're the most loyal fanbase out there 2) U-Kiss is awesome, and they ARE underrated, their songs r AWESOME and catchy, they should hav won WAY earlier, but its ll the company's faul

  29. OMG this is a real anti...

  30. eli's tweet pic isn't showing up on my computor. Can someone please tell me what it said?

  31. at least u-kiss is humble and hardworking.put yourselves in their shoes,do u have any idea how hard it has been for them?& they actually did win an award u fuckers.so just shut the fuck up.saying that they are gay and ugly doesnt make u any better.its not like as if you are talented or more good looking than them.i mean look at the number of followers they have compared to yours.nobody gives a fuck about your tweets too.no one gives a fuck about whether u like them or not.to me,u kiss i awesome.whether u like it or not,im a KISSME.


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