Monday, December 5, 2011

Lovey Dovey to have 5 fucking MVs

Five fucking MVs? God damn. The only good thing I saw is that there's going to be three directors. We may get two versions that don't induce seizures.


  1. Whu the fuck is that DERPFACE

  2. 5. fucking hell. TOO MUCH. and ew cyclops -.-

  3. Suddenly I want to eat Hwadog's pussy like a motherfucker. Five! FUCK YEAH

  4. ... is that photoshoped?

  5. wait, are they going to be five individual mvs, or are they going to pull that roly poly shit and make one mv, a dance version mv, and then use youtube dance covers for the other three?

  6. I bet that is gonna be the cover dancer's for the other three MV... since they said that the new dance will be more easier than roly poly...

  7. the lovey dovey song sounded okay though, much more reminiscent of their first album than cry cry

  8. If I were to have a seizure, I wouldn't want it any other way than from watching MVs of T-ara. BRING IT ON KKS!

  9. They said it would have a "Club Version", "Drama Version", etc. Stuff like this is why I detest T-ara: they have got to be the most poorly run idol group in Korea today. 30 minute long MVs DETRACT from the musical experience, who wants to see bad acting and writing for that long when you could have 3-5 minutes of eye candy like "Trouble Maker", "The Boys" or "My My"?

    Additionally, they are dispersing youtube views over five MVs rather than putting them all in one. Dance version? Fine. FIVE VERSIONS? NOT OKAY.

    T-ara have an outside chance of becoming the third most important girl group in Korea (let's face it, they don't stand a chance against SNSD or 2NE1 at this point). But not with this asshattery, NO SIR.

    1. Get a director who doesn't do 100 cuts every minute,
    2. Get some good songs (Roly Poly for example),
    3. Put Hwayoung's rap verse from Roly Poly into every subsequent T-ara song. YEAH.

  10. @CombatBaby, I don't completely agree. I mean, they must be doing something right if T-ara's like number 5 in girl groups (after Kara and Wonder Girls).

    But I do likey likey your recommendations. Yeah.

  11. I agree with CombatBaby on all accounts.

    I assume they'll have 6 once they release the inevitable Japanese version down the road.

  12. They can release as many shit like rkelly did and I wouldnt care, as long as the music is great. Btw, I love these kind of vids, rkelly mvs which was a mini drama was the best

  13. Jiyeon you are cute but your eyes are fucking creepy.

    Like the Disney freaks who walk around Disney land.

    I would still fuck you though

  14. The more T-ara, the better ^_^

  15. groce looks like Mike from Monster Inc ..

  16. I personally wish it were 10 MVs, I love T-ara and I just can't get enough really~ One day each member will get their own MV, I'm sure of it!~

    Beside T-ara is bringing in major $$$, why not spend it on making fans spazz? The troll king is finally doing something nice for us T-ara fans ^^

  17. As a fan of T-ara. They do not need that many vids. Two at most.

  18. I read the title 5 Fucking MVs and was so excited for a split second then I realised.... It's not fucking as in the fucking with the penis and vagina, it's the fucking that you express in anger.

    I'm disappointed.

  19. couldnt careless i love t-ara MV tons of fap material

  20. ^Can't fap if they jump from every fappable member (i.e. Soyeon, Hyomin, Eunjung, Qri, maybe Jiyeon) to Boram and Hwayoung every second :O

  21. ^Then I guess it's good they don't do that too often ;)


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