Friday, December 23, 2011

T-ara and Davichi We Were In Love

Oh, we were in love before Hwayoung showed up at the end.

Trust me, I loved this song, despite Minkyung and Hyomin rapping, until Hwayoung showed up. Hell, this is more of a problem with Kim Kwang Soo. He makes something good just to shit on it later. I always ask myself "Why does he try to make things worse for his groups and their songs? Most CEOs try to make things better." But no, this fucking dumbass always thinks of a way to make something that could have been good into something you don't want to listen to.

Someone needs to make a rapless version of the song.


  1. I wished Eunjung was in this.

    Where was she anyway?

  2. ^ Filming a drama.

    Added the Kim Kwang Soo picture.

  3. lol, her rap here wasn't that bad. i kinda liked it. better than likey likey dis

  4. Yeah, when I first watched the MV I wasn't really sure if it was Minkyung rapping. Like her "sexy dance" it felt odd.

  5. Thumbs up if you want to see more Soyeon and less of that butterface behind her.

    TBH I had no idea Soyeon was this good looking...and fuckable

  6. I hate it when one bitch spoils it for the others, which is exactly what Hwayoung is doing. It's like when you're in class and the teacher says she has corrected all your exams and has the results, but you can't get it back because one student hasn't taken the test. THINK ABOUT OTHERS HWAYOUNG

  7. I don't think Hwa Young sucked that much in this song. Her rap is better than Hyomin and Minkyung's rap. At least Hwa Young looks serious in this one. She didn't do the troll face in this. I think she is fine here. But it would be better if there was a rapless version for this!!!

  8. Hwayoung isn't really the problem, but the rapping part as a whole. Personally, I thought Minkyung ruined it the most out of the three.

  9. @AKPFG

    This is K-pop lawl. Your voice never, ever makes up for your face - however unfuckingbelievably good it may be.

    I like Taeyeon though. I'd bang her silly.

    1. Think there had been none of such nasty law until you made up one.

      Bang whoever you feel like. Singers don't compete the same league as your idols do.

      And Haeri is not that ugly to be called butterface. She probably is prettier than an appreciation number of girls you've ever laid your fingers on (if any).

  10. oh wtf, why does haeri look constipated.....
    rapping in a ballad....KKS is trolling so hard

  11. You guys have probably noticed but there's one thing that's been really bothering me lately. HWAYOUNG HAS EFFECTIVE REPLACED EUNJUNG. Her haircut is dangerously close to Eunjung's and her function in the group is dangerously close to Eunjung's. And now, Eunjung is no where to be seen!

  12. ^

    In my great distress, I made a typo.

  13. @Anon 9:25 Davichi isn't Kpop though haha.

    @ANon 9:41 Eunjung is getting ready to leave T-ara lol.

  14. @ 9:25

    where the fuck did taeyeon come from?

    also i really like haeri, she's pretty to me. but soyeon..... UNF UNF UNF

  15. @Anti Kpop-Fangirl I've been thinking that for a long time also. Eunjung would be MUCH MUCH better off without T-ara. She's not getting anything from there now. She can be an actress or something, occasionally doing OST's.

    T-ara without her is crappy anyways, even with Soyeon. Unless it's like SNSD where one person carries the whole group (but it wouldn't be good that way). Huh, if only I knew Hwayoung was there to gradually take on Eunjung's role. But then again, this is just speculation.

    ^Sorry for the essay post :/

  16. Here's my theory:

    They put HorseShit and Cyclops next to Minkyung to make her look hotter...

    And, they put DerpDerp and Haeri next to Soyeon to make her look hotter...

    My God. It worked.

  17. I think Haeri is pretty alright?
    But then again, i think B.E.G Jae is pretty and also Jubee from Sunny Hill... I have some weird taste.
    At first i though Hwayoung was Qri, but there was no mole, so then I though it was Eunjung, but then eyes didn't match, but it all came together at the end when i head "UH UH"
    It's weird they give Hyomin a rap but then RIGHT AFTER she sings, and they dont even switch the camera of her, it's just "hardcore Hyomin you see? Now it's sad Hyomin"
    Anyway, I dont think Hyomin and the other ones rap was bad, It certainly didn't fit into the song but itself wasn't bad, but then Hwayoung showed herself and shat on the dinner plate that the rest of them had prepared.

  18. Hwayoungs rap was the best part of this song..

  19. @ J.K

    I got weird taste also, when i see Hwayeong.....UNFFFFFFF

  20. Kim Kwang Soo looks like Kim Jong Il.

  21. lol i thought minkyungs rap was going to be some kind of brain splitting ear rape the way you all described it. wasn't as bad as i figured it would be. still though, since when the hell does minkyung rap?

  22. If Eunjung leaves T-ara, the group will crash and burn... it will be HILARIOUS! XD

    Hyomin looks so basic in this song. She should have never cut her hair, it make her horse face stand out more.

    Hwayoungs raps was the best out of the three, imo. THANK GOD SHE CUT HER HAIR! (She will NEVER replace Eunjung though, I hope KKS knows that is not possible :/)

    Soyeon looks less plastic in this video, but damn she has dead eyes... its creepy.

    Jiyeon has effectively been put back in her place as a vocalist (and not a lead vocalist trolling on Black Eyes), but I swear if this bitch doesn't start moving her fucking mouth to sing...

    All in all this whole thing would have been a lot better with Eunjung. Eunjunf makes everything better. (Plus, she's the only one in T-ara that can sing with her eyes~ These girls need to learn how to smize!)

  23. Personally I look forward to T-ara crashing and burning regardless of the reason

  24. Yes, if they weren't celebrities anymore That would increase my chances of scoring with one of them a bit.

  25. ^ so it increases your chances from 0 to approximately 0.

  26. ^
    Yes, so Eunjung can focus on acting and work on producing some sex scenes a la Frozen Flower.

    >_< flap.

  27. @8:10


    Perfect, reply is perfect.

  28. Why the fuck does everyone say Soyeon had dead eyes? They're big and kawaii and I just want to cum in them hnnng


  30. ^Which is why you'll forever be alone

    I stan Soyeon but Eunjung is hot

  31. Eunjung is the best. She has a freaking puppydog face and a rocking body. And have you seen her lips? They're PERFECT.

  32. @9:38

  33. Hey AKF, Please change the top banner. I feel gay every time I load up this blog. Put some hot bitches up there instead.

  34. Just watched her clip from WGM (that bored) and I'm sold! Eunjung is one hot piece of ass!


    Officially stanning her.

    PS - What is wrong with this Kang Sora chick? Is she retarded?

  35. @Unf. Lol, wtf is with her body waves?

  36. This song is SO basic.... and the rapping... please kpop make it stop.


    Find something else for your useless members to do.

    Anyway, Soyeon looks hot and Eunjung is fucking hot as always in that cut.

  37. I have a theory about Hwayoung and Eunjung! When Hwayoung's hair grows to the same length as Eunjung's, Eunjung will be completely replaced. I dunno if I have my tin foil hat on too tight, but KKS's plan is all coming together in my mind.

  38. I liked the rap it was kinda Outsider/Gilme and I like that style, so. I swear to god Hwayoung got really hot, too. They found a style that looks good on her. She's also not a bad rapper, seriously. She has some flow. I'm actually serious, here.

    I hate how this site is becoming a place for bitchy 12 year old girls to flame the idols they are jealous of.

  39. Gah, I love T-ara POSTS!December 25, 2011 at 2:39 AM

    Hwayoungs rap was definitely the best of the 3, but she still can't touch Eunjung imo (still a little too derpy).

    I know KKS is the troll king, but I hope he's not stupid enough to think T-ara can survive without Eunjung. Eunjung and Jiyeon are the only to relevant members in T-ara and if Eunjung goes Jiyeon won't be that far behind her. (Also, I seriously think Jiyeon is like one scandal away from a psychotic break. Eunjung leaving could trigger something... lol)

    Even if she misses half the performances, Eunjung needs to be there to keep Hyomins fame whore urges in check, to keep Soyeon from talking until peoples ears bleed, and to make sure Jiyeon doesn't have a breakdown on stage... Ugh, too late for all three... damn. Nevermind. Eunjung can go and pursue her acting career now. LOL.

    I'll enjoy watching this plane crash and burn.

    ^I love the bitchy 12yos, they are quite amusing~ Trolololol.

  40. I really do love T-ara posts always a great read/laugh.

    Ya'll crazy~ XD

  41. Hwayoung actually looked nice. From indirect angles. Actually, nobody looked freaking amazing. Just pretty from the sides. And lol, this is Soyeon's song without the raps. That Davichi girl next to Soyeon is so stiff and awkward... it was an ok song.

  42. Poor Qri & Boram, didn't even get to stand there and look pretty in the song at all

  43. The next person who says Hwayoung actually looks good in the MV is gonna get a xmas stocking up their ass

  44. Hwayoung actually looks good in this MV.

    (i like it up the ass)

  45. I want to go doggie style with Hwayoung. She's tall, has great legs and isn't all that bad looking actually. Most of the posts here bash her for being talentless and a useless addition to the group, but they can't deny that she is some seriously fuckable piece of ass. Oh, the things I'd do to her. She's not stick-thin, doesn't have dead doll eyes and looks like she could swallow some hot cum with or without make-up.


  46. ^Its not our fault... she only just recently became fuckable. :/ The wonders of a good hair cut.

    I think she's moved up to #3 on my fuck list:

    1. Eunjung
    2. Qri
    3. Hwayoung
    4. Jiyeon (with an eye mask on...)

    ... the rest I'd fuck (lets be real), but only if my top four weren't available.

  47. I liked Hwayoung better with long hair.

  48. Well, tara's got the look, they've got the resources, so essentially they've got all the ingredients for success. And don't even get me started on the talent department. Let's be honest here, who really cares about talent in kpop? The rule of thumb is, you are hot then you are talented.

  49. at first i have a feeling, when hwayoung came kks want to make hwayoung like eunjung. and now, i think i am right. hwayoung's role, appearance, and style are exactly look alike eunjung. so i just need to wait eunjung out from t-ara and my prediction gonna be perfect lol

  50. ^ But I would not have sex with Eunjung. Hwayoung! I want to pound seven different kinds of shit out of her.

  51. Oh god.

    Hwayoung finally gets a haircut and some decent lines and suddenly she can replace Eunjung?

    Styling aside, Hwayoungs got nothing on Eunjung.

    Eunjung is a full package entertainer and Hwayoung just got rid of her derp.

    I don't even stan Eunjung and I find this ridiculous. Next you people will be saying Qri can replace Soyeon as main vocalist. I mean really, smh.

  52. ^Im with this OBVIOUS Eunjung stan lol

    Hwayoungs rapping =/= Eunjungs rapping (or Eunjungs rapping singing dancing acting etc)

    Besides T-aras just really hit it big I hope they dont go screwing things up by getting rid of their most relevant member

  53. ugh this song is so basic

  54. Soyeon will give one hell of a blowjob

  55. ^She's finally leader now so I'm guessing her blowjob skills have greatly improved~

  56. Need to lube those vocal cords. Feels good man.

  57. The only relevant members in Tara who can elicit any sorts of interest from the audience:

    1) Soyeon - she can sing and she is getting so damn hot of late. But I still get pissed by her old lady vibe from time to time and now that she is the leader, she either need to put on a muffler or insert a dick to rein in her mouth.........

    2)Eunjung - no need to speak more

    3)Jiyeon - like it or not she is by far the most popular member in Tara. (yeah, I know she is really hated here, but couldn't deny the fact that more than half of Tara's youtube video comments are about her, she just has such a legion of fan boys/gals) But jiyeon can actually be funny and hilarious before the camera, if she is in the mood to chuck away her bitch face and keep her emo personality at bay.

    So what's been holding Tara back is the number of redundant group members they have. Hwayoung is getting better lately, I sense that she is starting to settle down in Tara and enjoy her time as a group member. That is a good sign, but what's up with Qri the plastic doll? Even average joe and jane can utter more words before the camera than her. Is her mouth having a chronic soreness from overnight blow jobs?

  58. ^ u jelly bro dat ma bitch u tawkin bout

  59. Yes, Eunjung is flawless, isn't she? lol

    But I think Hyomin is more relevant then Soyeon. Talent means nothing in kpop, but sex does and no one wants to have sex with '68 Soyeon... expect CZ. XD

  60. I will not have sex with a horseface.

    Ahjumma > horse


  61. I'd rather just fuck myself if those are my only two options.


  62. ^Flap? You must be new here.

  63. eunjunf>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>masturbation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hyomin>>>>>>>>>soyeon

  64. Jiyeon looks crosseyed and soulless everytime she faces the camera. I'll never understand why so many people like her despite her lifeless performances and mediocre voice.

  65. ^because KKS shoves her down everyones throats

    she must give the BEST bjs

  66. it was good till cyclops started singing

  67. Just want to post about my hatred of this fucking head of CCM who tries his best to prevent T-Ara from beating SNSD and 2NE1.


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