Monday, January 9, 2012

It's Eunjunffffffffffffffffff time.

Deleted all of the content. - AKF


  1. shes ugly and useless. just like qri

  2. scratch that, i mean just like the rest of T-ara

  3. my Qri is betta at acting mmk?

  4. eunjung is so delicious! Great body...juicy vagina.

  5. "Hyomin is hot, Soyeon can sing, Qri is cool, Boram will bore, Jiyeon is jizz and Hwayoung will hump it, but only Eunjung can combine all those and more like no one else can."


  6. No one cares about T-ara. What was the point of this? I'm disappointed .

  7. Noonar you can do great things when you lay off the crack. Trust me. This is a good example.

  8. The writing is fine, but what's the point of footnotes if there are no in-text citations?

  9. what does this have to do with anything.

  10. @8.33
    agreed but this is eunjunf we're talking about.

    awww yeah my links are there

  11. i'm a girl and i stan eunjung.

  12. I can't believe we once had Eunjung, IU, and Suzy in the same drama.


  13. came here just for the pics

  14. It's funny that I have Lil Mama - Lip Gloss playing in the background. Eunjungg ggguuurrrrlll

  15. that was actually a good read. nice. fuck the rest. aurelie for lyfe - prio

  16. As much as I hate Eunjung she is a lot better than that slut Suzy.

  17. I don't understand why anyone will hate on Eunjung or Suzy..Come on they are hot and if they lie on the bed naked i won't hesitate to creampie them

  18. article is relevant because its eunjung

  19. you just like to fap to her -.-

  20. author trying too hard..

  21. first this blog became a Tara fan club, and it has turned now into a Eunjung stan club? fuck this.......

  22. What the fuck is this shit? Aurelie, I'll let you off this time, but if you do it again, you're out. This is not a place to fanboy/fangirl. For the people that saw the Krystal article by mynameisnotsuzy, we know how fucking terrible shit like this is.


    Keep this kind of shit on tumblr, twitter, 6theory, etc.

    1. Calm down I just wanna fuck with Aurelie mmmmk??

  23. Looks like your author fell to the dark side eh. Don't you have like anti-fangirl training or something so they can level up...sending an acolyte against the hordes is always a bad idea.

    That said, this article has really awesome pics lol

  24. Okay, noona. That's enough now. We get the point. I like Eunjung too.

  25. "Eunjung is over-rated"

  26. Congratulations for writing a Wikipedia article.
    This is a blog, show your opinion, bring some news or even just caption some dumb pics.
    Oh, and the gif at the top was distracting.

  27. Dude/dudette you can really write, mad props

    But I think your writing really missed the point on this blog lol

  28. wtf? you should go to allkpop or soompi or something, but spare us please
    and yes, tl;dr. don't even care.

  29. this goes against everything this blog stands for

  30. "But I would still have sex with Eunjung. There's something in the way she moves that delicious body of hers - a je ne sais quoi that the other members can only dream of emulating. Those curves; those soft, smooth breasts; the smell of fresh sweat on pleather; those lips that were meant to suck my kiss and more. I want Eunjung. I want to hold her close and whisper tall tales of dark and dirty deeds in her ear; to feel the gentle press of those lovely breasts against me; to smell the intoxicating scent of her womanhood and all to know that she is, now and forever - world without end - always mine. My Eunjung. My one and only."

    Just had to repeat that.

  31. @12:35 - how come suzy is a slut??

    care to explain..

  32. Suzy is a fat whore.

  33. Chuck, did you read the article? She doesn't input her own opinion whatsoever.
    This article may have been pointless, but it certainly wasn't "against everything this blog stands for".

  34. @David It's a fucking waste of space and has no place on this blog.

  35. at least keep the gifs fucking douchebag

  36. @AKF yet you let that utterly useless and pointless nose article stay... major fail on your part. If you're going to start getting rid of all the irrelevant articles, do so properly.

  37. The gifs are old and can be found on tumblr.

    There's a difference between disliking an article for its content and being a waste of space. People disagree with Con and I didn't like it, but at least she wrote her opinion on it.

  38. You could have left the gifs, wtf? Sexy gifs are ALWAYS relevant. Only saving grace for this article

    Eunjunf deserves better then this yo-

  39. *didn't like it as in didn't like the article.

  40. What happened to ALWAYS KEEP THE FAP

  41. Awww fuck. Eunjunf is sacred~ REPOST ALL THE GIFS

  42. I agree with AKF on this one.

    Also, the nose article was quite funny IMO

  43. http://i.minus.com/iIWc7enDnj0nw.gif

    Suzy is such a whore omg

  44. Wait, what was written in this article? I want to see what was so terrible about it.

  45. Suzy is a fat whore btw

  46. ^
    Just an essay sucking Eunjung's cock. I mean, Eunjung cocksucking is cool and all but it was an entire essay...

  47. It went past cocksucking to be impaled by Eunjung's BBC.

  48. We don't do essays here. Just high resolution pictures. 637, you are not welcome here anymore. GTFO

  49. Yum, Eunjung cocksucking? So sad I missed it... UNF!

  50. I'm sorry but what in the fucks are you up in arms for Chuck?You write fap posts all the time. Or is there a criteria one ought to follow with fap/fangirling/boying posts? Help us understand Chuck.

    Oh and the reasons you give in the comments, cause you say one thing then say something contrary to that.

    But it is your blog so I guess..?

  51. ^ but wats ur point noonar i likey likey dis but what do unf

  52. I want to hear Eunjung moan; that soft, sibilant hiss escaping those lovely lips as I take her from behind. I want to hear her scream my name; a primal sound matched in its intensity only by the depths to which I will penetrate her - and beyond. I want to hear her whisper, hoarse and husky with that rampant animal desire so latently concealed in those dark eyes - a plea for more, more and only more: Oh, Eunjung. I want to do things to you that I don't even have names for; I only know that I want you, and how. I want the sweet intimacy of your musk; the taste of immortality on your lips; the tender love of your alabaster breasts; the promise of a nirvana here on earth between those slender legs. Eunjung, that I am entirely in love with you is quite besides the point: I want you, and only you. Eunjung. Only you.

  53. ^^ troly poly some of the comments here are hilarious

    on a related note T-ara releases LobiDobi™ Zombie version Allkpop crashes. power of Unf!

  54. a little creepy, but still...


  55. Oh wow Liley, learn to read.

    davidfreshJan 10, 2012 10:34 AM

    Chuck, did you read the article? [b]She doesn't input her own opinion whatsoever.[/b]
    This article may have been pointless, but it certainly wasn't "against everything this blog stands for".

    Anti Kpop-FangirlJan 10, 2012 11:02 AM
    @David It's a fucking waste of space and has no place on this blog.

    Don't know if the codes work in the comments, but this is a blog, not a news site. All she did was copy a news article and post a couple of pictures.

  56. Okay bro, enough. It sucked. It got deleted. End of story. Fuck the trolls who can't read, or can't be bothered to read.

    Or got distracted by the Eunjung porn.

  57. 637 made this the 69th comment. Bitches, show a little respect and things will get themselves done. Stop being such fucking cholos

  58. This post wasn't worse than 94% of the crap you guys try to pass off as "edgy" and "anti-fangirl".

    Eunjung's the only useful member of T-ARA, anyways, and the only idol who can go from acting to singing, unlike UEE, Dara, etc.

    1. I read that as 'Aurelie's the most useful author on AKF'

      Bitch which part of DELETED did u not understand huh

  59. Eunjung is flawless no denying that, but this article had no place here... I did aprreciate the gifs though, UNF! ANG! UNF!

  60. I still come here to pay my respects every now and then. Noonar, RIP

  61. guess aurelie hit a nerve there, because noone else than you, leadja chuck, is allowed to write fanboy/fangirl articles like that. fucking asshole.


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