Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sistar finds Jesus.

After Sistar's embarrassing wardrobe malfunction at the KBS Gayo Daejun, the ladies of Sistar confessed, repented, and devoted their lives to Christ, with Hyorin explicitly promising never to show her tanned ass cheeks ever again. No, they're not entirely giving up their life of stardom, but at least these dresses are progress, right? At this rate, we'll have them in nun habits in no time at all! Hallelujah! With a new year, I bring you a new Sistar. Watch out for their upcoming single 'Ma Jesus'!

cr; prettyrickyrock@tumblr


  1. Thats some nice photoshopping skills you got there ;)

  2. oh jesus christ kill it with fire

  3. never get tired of that pic. centaur dasom has a nice butt.

  4. @9:12, It's not theirs, it's from tumblr.

  5. eh, those are still pretty fucking short. Soon they'll go back showing ass again cus now everyone is talking about their 3rd-string girl group ass. Hey, maybe they'll be rise to T-ara level with some nice thongs next time.

  6. Fuck, I lost the credits.
    It was like chrissyrock@tumblr or something. :@

  7. Wow that's enough internet for one day

  8. why does sistar always find the weirdest songs to cover

  9. Yes it's kinda hot but that leg is too muscular for me. Might as well fap to white girl porn if I'm into that kind of shit. I dunno, just feel like Ewww instead of fap fap fap, even with her face gone.

  10. Didn't really get the title until I saw the vid........
    Why?! Why that song?
    Does no one in SK know English?

  11. OMFG I thought she was a centaur LOL


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