Saturday, January 7, 2012

Son Eun Seo is hot

She's the only reason I sat through Jay Park's Star MV. After the autotuned shit in the beginning, I was ready to stop watching it, but then Son Eun Seo showed up.

Yeah, it's the same girl that resembles Seohyun.

You want my opinion on the song and the MV? Here.


  1. The pic is really misleading. You tricked me into thinking that this mv contains footage of hot babe with swimsuit clad boobs....................

    But all I see is a mv done on the cheap and a guy with stupid-ass hair. And is he biologically linked to Jo Kwon?

  2. Dude, Seohyun resembles her. Not the other way round.

  3. Jay Park's music are going downhill. Miss the old him not this fake shit.

  4. Have good body, will fuck. That is all.

  5. Lol, I thought you were gonna talk about We Got Married. :|

  6. more like Uee than Seohyun

  7. She resembles Seohyun, because Seohyun has fans.
    I'm glad I don't watch WGM, because this chick is boring boring boring.

  8. she looks like Uee and that Davichi girl imo
    only the first season of WGM was worth watching

  9. i dont see her looking like uee :I

  10. She looks like a prettier Seohyun (tbh I find seobot's face a bit weird?) and I like her after watching Oh My School but she is SO.DAMN.BORING. I'm glad she's going on wgm though, maybe she'll help the decline in ratings and bring an end to that horrible show and Leeteuk's fug (I feel bad for Koreans to have to be exposed to that much of that plastic human pokemon polluting their screen all the damn time tbh).

  11. Seohyun is the epitome of boredom. I reckon she is decent looking, but honestly couldn't picture anyone getting turned on and having sex with her. Yes, she will even bore the male instinct out of you.

  12. ^ This chick not only looks like Seohyun, but has the same recessive gene that causes you to be a boring-ass fuck. Watch 100/100 if you don't believe me.

    1. when i saw her on 100/100 i wondered if its possible to get her lobotomy reversed

  13. Seohyun is like the fembot in those hardcore pornos

    "YEZZZ MASTERR" steam and mechanical clanking

  14. LMAO AT THIS SONG. "you know i'm jay park!!!"

  15. oh God pairing up Son Eun Seo with Donghae is probably the worst decision in ever.
    Donghae is cute, yes. But he is very, VERY bad at variety, especially on his own. In the whole Fighting Junior thing that they have on Teukso's WGM he contributes the least; the only reason he is relevant is because Eunhyuk is very good at variety and keeps bringing up the Guy number 3 thing. I have a feeling this will end up being Eunhae weds Son Eunseo because someone is going to have to save their gorgeous-but-painfully-boring asses.

  16. Goo Hye Sun is prettier

  17. Donghae is a emotionless robot too.. he seems off lately.. And this pair gonna fails just as leeteuk-sora..

  18. wtf is wrong with his hair it looks like someone jizzed on it

  19. I hate this whoever chic. Hey lady, I am your ANTI.

  20. this is the worst blogger ever !!!!!!!!!!!! ihope this blog never exist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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