Saturday, February 4, 2012

AVEX saves DBSK! Cassies rejoice

"On January 22nd, a Japanese article titled, “Will Avex act as the savior? TVXQ’s reunion project” surfaced. It reported of rumors of a reunion concert at Tokyo Dome orchestrated by Avex, who was previously accused of hindering JYJ‘s Japanese activities. In light of Avex’s recent under-performing releases, it is said that they are willing to go head with this project and stop hindering JYJ’s Japanese activities. Japanese superstar Ayumi Hamasaki is rumored to be negotiating on behalf of both sides."

Hahahaha. Oh my. Good one. Good luck, Avex. When you fail, Cassies around the world will go netizen on yo ass. And I am sure you all know what fangirl craziness will have in store for you.

Delusional Cassies:
"i want this really happen!!!! the greatest asian star DBSK!"
"ayumi <3333 yes please. our favorite Tohoshinki fan, please come through for the boys ^^"

Delusional (but not crazy) Cassie comments:
"WHO CARES IF ITS A RUMOR, AKTF!! guys come on' finally theres official "news" about dbsk coming back as 5 and 90% of cassies are sulking and bashing on Avex. what if Avex succeeds? if could happen, maybe, maybe not. and the most us cassie's can do is just always keep the faith, hope, believe, and support JYJ and TVXQ!!"
"dream on....  sm nor their puppet agency in japan would allow it.  i'm sure both agencies have black and blue butts from kicking themselves since they've lost beaucoup bucks from not allowing JYJ from performing under their agencies.....   Stupid is as stupid gets...

Sensible comments include:
"Shmeh.. it's not that easy, Avex. Honestly the conflict was really big; I'm kinda taken back by how they seem to think reconciliation is easy. If they couldn't do it in Korea w/ SM, I doubt they would do it in Japan. Besides, AVEX probably just wants to make $$ off of them.."
"I hope they stop writing these pointless reunion articles"
"They say Avex will lead the project but I can’t trust them"
"I don't think it will be possible for a reunion. It seems impossible...Not trying to be negative and all, but it just seems unlikely to happen...yet. "

Not even the Cassies believe in you, Avex. Maybe just quit while you are "ahead".

My favourite part of the whole article:
"The article goes on to state, “While the reunion of TVXQ is something that many fans are waiting, the small possibility of this actually happening is an indicator of Avex’s desperation,” hinting that Avex’s recent lack of success may be reason for pursuing such an unlikely project."


  1. I like the current TVXQ better,I lost respect for JYJ when the sabotaged thier so called"brothers" and then played the innocent victim card.So please let things stay the way they are.

    1. LOL. JYJ is way better than those two guys who dancing and singing in weirdest tracks..

    2. Only Junsu still sounds good,the other two are better off in acting.

    3. Junsu still sucks cock for a living is why.

    4. Lol 11:10 is probably some lame jyj stan. tvxq is meh, but jyj is a total failure.

    5. Junsu were, is and always will be disgusting.

    6. ^ Was, nigga. You done goofed.

  2. Hey Anons,
    I am a Cassie, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
    Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

    1. Teach me how to win at life like you do.

      Please oh mighty one.

    2. Shit was so cash

      This ain't 2007 u guido piece of shif

    3. Hi Cassie,
      I am an Anon. I also have a MBA from MIT and work in a top tier management consulting firm. You know that football team that you are captain of? I can buy that team 100 times over. My motto is, why play sports when you can buy the team?
      I am replying to you post because I would like to ask you a very legitimate question. So you have a banging hot girlfriend, why are you stanning a bunch of gay fucks that is DBSK? Your girlfriend must be terrible at head for you to want to look at the likes of Homin and JYJ. Thanks for listening.

    4. I think a better question is, What in the fuck is a nigga with an MBA doing on a site like this loool

    5. totally thought you were some ugly fangirl...still think you are. after high school, no one's gonna give a shit about you and your "achievements" and if you're lying, which is likely, quit lying about them. you're probably getting d's and is just some emotional loser girl crying about their oppars separating. no guy on a fucking football team would stan fucking tvxq.

    6. Considering you're an Anon as well, you basically just said/lied about all that crap to yourself...
      I'd bet you're probably exactly what you decribe... You're probably fat. From your comment, you're obviously retarded. And blatantly lying on a shits and giggles kpop blog, definitely shows how much of a life you have

    7. @11:13

      I thought you were for real...then I read all the responses lol

      Slow clap

    8. It was easy to see you are trolling the trolls, because you see yourself as perfect, and no one sees themselves as perfect. Perfect people do not criticise others, nor do they make assumptions about others. And most of all, a "perfect" person wouldn't be on this blog in the first place, nor would they call people fat, retarded, no-lifes". No normal person brags about sex acts with their girlfriend with random people online. And when you said faggot, a highly used word in the troll vocabulary, it was the last nail in your fake coffin.

      It just seems someone has a problem with self hyperbole.

      Also, what the fuck does I have never heard "shit was so cash" mean?

    9. ^ When you talk you need to make sense brah

    10. http://9gag.com/gag/2425729


    11. U a 9fag??? They have a special place in hell for ppl like u nigga

    12. well, if you are a fangirl, and have a banging hot gf.... you must be les

  3. I am not Cassie or even stanning on both of JYJ or HoMin. But I super duper prefer that they stay split up. HoMin side is cheesy..

  4. he a dumbass nigga dat avex muthafucka

  5. I like JYJ voices... but I just hate TVXQ and JYJ music... not my type

    I don't think a reunion could be possible...

  6. It would be nice if it could happen; both JYJ and 2VXQ fucking suck without each other.
    And I'm sick of Jaejoong's eating disorders/drug abuse/emotional tweeting

    But lol if this fails. Cassies have always hated Ayumi Hamasaki's washed up has been popstar guts.

    1. I had no idea Chuck/Jaejoong was so fucked up. Oh wells.

    2. Boojae lost without Yunhoppar.

  7. The japanese fans are laughing at this article because they know the source is a tabloid. It's the international fans that are making fools of themselves as usual.
    JYJ are milking their fans worse than SM and Avex ever did put together, they will never give up their "freedom" (i.e. money). Nor would Avex ever agree to their very reasonable demands (like "we won't to work whenever we feel like it") when TVXQ2 are making pretty much the same money TVXQ5 were making in Japan.

    1. Yeah I was gonna say that... it's from Cyzo so.. it really shouldn't be taken seriously. And it's being even more sensationalized from a Korean article too? Lol...

  8. HoMin > DBSK, JYJ sucks, end.

  9. "The article goes on to state, “While the reunion of TVXQ is something that many fans are waiting, the small possibility of this actually happening is an indicator of Avex’s desperation,” hinting that Avex’s recent lack of success may be reason for pursuing such an unlikely project."

    Lol, total BS. Avex is the second best selling music company in Japan.

  10. Cassies sure are more scary than elf..

    1. And that's saying something.

    2. Anons will beat Cassies in a fight any day motherfuckerrrr

    3. Thats what she said

  11. JYJ is the epitome of betrayers. If there is any young kids who wants to know whats the meaning of traitors, one who's integrity and moral are non existent, look no further than JYJ.

    When they signed that damned contract, everything is fine. When they make it big, fuck it i will counter sue my company.God bless the whole world doesn't function like those tards.

    Imagine the mess it will be if every one of you favourite oppar/noona groups are suing their company whenever they felt unjust.

    1. ur a traitor wae u have a NAME u faggot

  12. JYJ sucks, HoMin is far better and are not traitors like the other 3 motherfuckers...

    1. No one actually knows for a fact what may have happend between them. Some things cannot be publicized so the public is not certain of the reason for the seperation and the lawsuit. No one knows who may be lying and who is telling the truth and to what extent.

      Therefore if people are going to make assumptions without actual facts and judge them, calling them traitors and what not I don't know what to say to those people.

      Remember there are always things that are never brought into light due to certain reasons so I advise people to think rationally about this whole thing rather than jump to conclusions which may be unjust to JYJ/TVXQ!

    2. Sure thing Sherlock , jyj still sucks dick tho

    3. At least you admit to the truth

      Now please work on your irrational hatred and try to have a logical point of view.

      I am sure you will not like it if people are pointing fingers and insulting you for something you may have done without understanding/knowing the truth behind it.

      Just think how you will feel if you were in their place. This is what most people lack and judge others without understanding. It is a simple solution but people are not ready to take this on board. This has been the cause of many confluct and will further be if people don't understand. Hatred is very powerful and only causes fear and pain. You are a human so understand another without knowing the truth!

    4. You lost me at the last sentence. Elaborate.

    5. Nigga u need a tl;dr for some of these illiterate inbred fags

    6. Fristly I apologise for the error in the last sentense.

      Secondly I am sorry to say that you cannot detect human error but can still criticise others despite your own lack of usage of proper english.

      To correct my mistake, I meant that you should have something that is called humanity. We should try to understand what their stand may be rather than criticise them for the actions they have taken. To be a human means that you have certain qualities, such sympathy, understanding and compassion. No one knows the facts so don't just go around insulting them because that just illustrates your ignorance and stupidity.

      Also 'confluct' should be 'conflict' - that was a typo - just incase you didn't understand.

    7. With a post that long u expect a sexfic

      You fucking fag

    8. HHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

      Just because you can't understand standard English you go off cursing at people.
      Seems like you have a one track mind!

      Just because you can't justify yourself don't go off cursing at others! This just reiterates my point about being ignorant and stupid!

      Hmmm I guess you can't expect much off people who can't even use proper english to have an intelligent argument.

    9. HoMin will always be inferior to JYJ

  13. umm AVEX is already major dough with TVXQ and they ripped off JYJ's J-pop debut so how much MORE money could they expect to get?


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