Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fap Dance: A Visual History

Since there's not much going on in KPop (or this site OHOHO) right now, I decided to try something new. Without further ado, I give you my not-at-all-comprehensive visual presentation on the fapdance phenomenon. WARNING: THERE IS A FUCKTON OF GIFS AFTER THE JUMP, SO PREPARE TO LAG YOUR FACE OFF FOR A GOOD MINUTE OR SO IF YOU HAVE SHITTY INTERNET. 

By now you've probably noticed an increasing prevalence of a certain move in many of our girl groups' dances. Colloquially dubbed the "fap dance," this highly suggestive gesture has its origins in an earlier time of KPop. In those simpler days, The Wonder Girls broke new ground by incorporating this move into So Hot.

Wonder Girls - So Hot (2008)
As you may have been able to guess, the fapdance is exactly what it sounds like: a dance move that is essentially a fapping motion. Then after a two year drought (more like I couldn't find anything after So Hot's fapdance), the fapdance resurfaced in T-ara's comeback MV. The Wonder Girls' prototype move isn't quite the fapping motion we've gotten used to seeing nowadays, but T-ara took this basic move and refined it to a state more like the modern fapdance. 

T-ara - Like the First Time (2010)
From there, it caught on like wildfire, spreading to rookie acts like Miss A and even veteran performers like Chae Yeon. Each group put its own take on the fapdance, combining it with other moves or embellishments.

Miss A - Good Girl Bad Girl (2010)
Chae Yeon - Look Look Look (2010)
SNSD - Oh! (2010)
Rainbow - A (2010)
Lee Hyori - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (2010)

BoA - Hurricane Venus (2010)
Sunny Hill - Midnight Circus (2011)

Miss A - Good Bye Baby (2011)
Having proven its longevity and staying power within the KPop gestalt, the fapdance has thus firmly established itself as a dance phenomenon. What sorts of fresh new ways will the fapdance be incorporated into KPop's dance choreographies in 2012? Only time will tell, and from the looks of the rookie groups' efforts thus far, we will not be disappointed.

Chocolat - One More Time (2012)
SPICA - Russian Roulette (2012)

EDIT: If you know of any KPop fapdances I've missed, feel free to tell me in the comments below and I'll update the article.

((Okay if you've gotten this far, you deserve to know that this "article" was the result of a bet between me and Davidfresh. He thought I couldn't compile a fuckton of fapdance gifs. Who's laughing now, bitch?))


  1. Midnight circus is from 2011.

    1. Thanks for pointing that out, edited the article.

  2. Tia fap dance...why is it so seductive....

    Spica is gonna revolutionize the fap dance!!!

  3. Miss a mv for touch is out!

  4. Need some fancams to fap !

  5. lol do a male fuck dance next. like jaypark , taeyang, g-dragon ,michael jackson, kwon yuri ,2pm,beast,suju

  6. Some thoughts:

    - T-ara's version looks more like Conan's 'string dance'.
    - The girls in Miss A have the biggest 'dicks' - a good 18 inches at least
    - Sunny Hill looks like she just finished fapping and is now trying to get the sticky cum off her hand
    - The Chocolat girls are multitasking - taking turns jerking and then reaching down to pleasure themselves in-between jerks
    - Spica needs to slow down. No need to finish it off that quickly.

  7. Interesting history background. Thanks zaku!

    But you are missing one thing...who were the choreographers for these music videos? It would be nice if you could provide some info about them (and maybe their pics xD)

  8. vip are shit bigbang are shit

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks for making them still relevant enough to shit on. They will be returning soon! LOL

    3. ^LMFAO
      @10:54 --->OWNED!!!

  9. damn, that rainbow gif. love those greasy ass hyunyoung thighs.

  10. Yubin and Hyomin looking sooo hot!

    1. Hyomin is a horse

      Say no to bestiality

      Yubin is a goddess tho

    2. Yes, Yubin is "THE GODDESS!!!!" and could snap Yoona and UEE in two.
      Couldn't give two Oppar-Didn't-Mean-It stans if Hyomin's a horse, she's one hot, sexy fynnne horse.

    3. Hyomin is gross.

      Shes only sexy in the prostitute who will do anything for crack kind of way...

    4. A person I would DO-BIN!

    5. Shut up fool, Hyomin is the sex!

    6. Don't care if Hyomin is a horse, a prostitute, or crack whore, I would still do her and Yoobin. Preferable together!:D

  11. I'm pretty sure it's in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as well.

  12. nice post!

    waiting for the male version/counterpart :-P

  13. Is midnight circus dance like a female fap dance? Because Kota looks like she's fingering herself.

  14. So...the fap dance means female singers do the fap thing with their hands? Some of them don't move their hips in a really suggestive way, BoA doesn't count at all for example.

  15. hows Boa sunny hill and lee hyo ri MVs fappable?

  16. What a load of wank.

  17. You missed SNSD's Show! Show! Show! wank dance part. You can spot it in one of their full live versions.

  18. oh oh oh is not relevan!!!!
    oh please ..

  19. You missed Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Lee Hyori

  20. Omg i thought they fired aurelie lol. Zaku who are you????

  21. SNSD's one looks like more they're whopping it off. lol

  22. There's a fap dance in After School's Bang too... During the slow part.

  23. There's a fap dance at the big gaining of Miss A Over U go check it out!

  24. the starting of Brave Girls' Nowadays You there's a fap dance


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