Sunday, March 11, 2012

Fanatical Japanese Nutcases hate Kim Tae Hee

Saw this article on Soompi and shook my head.

“Anti-Japanese actress Kim Tae Hee! Don’t come to Japan,” “Cancel your deal with Kim Tae Hee,” “Anti-Japanese actress! Stop making money in Japan,” “Go back to where you come from,” “If you [Kim Tae Hee] come to Japan, we’ll kill you,”

Okay, okay. A Korean said Dokdo is Korean, therefore Kim Tae Hee is automatically anti-Japanese. But these faggots say Takeshima (Takeshima and Dokdo are the same island) belongs to Japan, so that somehow automatically makes them anti-Korean.

Normally I don't care about shit like this. I am of Korean descent, but I care more about shit in America, like gas being three dollars and eighty nine mother fucking cents a gallon. But ever since Kim Tae Hee started activities in Japan, these fucking losers do shit like this every month.

I think it's fine for them to state their dissatisfaction of Kim Tae Hee being in Japan, but threatening to kill her? Jesus fucking Christ. I'm sure these cunts wouldn't like it if I went over to Japan and shouted "I wish you fuckers would visit a dentist once in a while. I'm tired of Japanese shows where all the fucking girls have teeth of a fucking shark. I also hope another 9.0 earthquake hits Japan and wipes out the rest of you tentacle-porn-loving fuckfaces."


  1. I'm glad you quoted that last sentence lol, without the quotes it would be a different story and I would've called you out on hypocrisy but you didn't. At least you didn't become another Jenny Hyun.

    Also people threaten to kill people all the time I doubt they would even have the gall to commit homicide. Just like how Korean fangirls react to their oppars with girlfriends same shit. Most of the Right Wing Japanese nationalists are also old people that care about the Takeshima/Dokdo, the young generation don't give a shit.

  2. maybe they're sasaeng fans and they just want to ill her so that she will remember them :c

  3. how about we just nuke the island from the bottom and sink it.

    Since koreans already have people there, its theirs. The old japanese folks just cant get over that they lost all of asia during WWII and are senile that they think holding onto some nut ass island is going to make them hold on to the Japan that once was. The old generation and a very few of the younger generation radicals think of that shitty island, while the rest of japan probably just want to forget about it....like they did with WWII by not mentioning it AT ALL in some curriculum in school.

  4. I yell "GAIJINDA" to all japanese people in the streets i see in melbourne, because i want them to know how they made me felt when they said the exact same thing to me in Japan.
    Not all Japanese people are bad, but most are.

    1. I must have met the wrong people in Japan then.... and wtg ,generalising most japanese ppl... smh smh...

    2. Generalising is all the rage nowadays.
      All viet people eat dog.
      All Chinese people cheat you out of your money.
      All South east Asians are dirty.
      All Koreans have 3 inch dicks.
      All Japanese cover their history up with "it was the past"

  5. I lol'd at your quote about teeth. Petrol is more expensive in Aust :(. it's averaging around ~$1.42 AUD a litre = ~$5.25 AUD a gallon. Adjust for currency shit and it's ~$5.50USD a gallon.

    1. Me and You nymston, suffering from Forever Australian Syndrome.

    2. Everytime the petrol is at it's highest and I need to refuel, I usually only buy $10 worth; it'll last me, hopefully, 3 days.

  6. Oh gas prices... makes me want to cry...

    People are ridiculous, these are the people who are going to be living at home until they are 40 because they won't know how to survive in the real world. They really need to find something better to do then give death threats to celebrities, you know plant a tree or something.

  7. It's just a minority of crazy japanese who are saying this.

  8. I live here in america too and the prices are just messed up good think I dont drive yet :)

  9. why do you have hipster sm in the background


  10. "I also hope another 9.0 earthquake hits Japan and wipes out the rest of you tentacle-porn-loving fuckfaces."

    Lol, there are already Koreans doing that :/ And anyways right-wingers exist in both countries, the only difference is that they are not going onto Korean TV...lord knows MBLAQ got flak just for doing a ninja dance...imagine the hate if this was reversed o_O

  11. These right wing always bitch about everything from Korea. They miss the times when Japan was an imperialist country and everyone was under its feet. That's the only reason why these right wings are doing it.
    There's hate on both side. On 3/11 anniversaries, some Korean bitches ranted about how Japanese should died in the earthquake and it topped the Twitter ranking.
    Majority of Japanese don't give a shit about Dokko beside these net people so who give a fuck.

    Someone plz nuke Dokko so we don't have to hear dumb arguments from both side over fucking rocks in the middle of the ocean.

  12. You know nuking a bunch of rocks will only make them...slightly more irradiated rocks.

  13. "I wish you fuckers would visit a dentist once in a while. I'm tired of Japanese shows where all the fucking girls have teeth of a fucking shark. I also hope another 9.0 earthquake hits Japan and wipes out the rest of you tentacle-porn-loving fuckfaces."

    Stupid fucking bitch. If you're being rude, I'll be rude too. It's not like your fucking shit teeth is perfect either, and effing shit with the tsunami comment, God saw this and I won't say anything if the Tsunami hit Korea. LOL.

    1. Looooooooooooooooool. There's a reason why the shit was in quotes.

  14. These reactionaries are definitely not "right wing", please stop using that term to label anything seemingly nationalistic.

    To understand these feelings and upheaval in Japan, you have to understand the situation, which you obviously dont.

    KPOP is not popular in Japan. at all. Are taste is not so bad, please do not think we are craving over KPOOP.
    Japanese media has been bought out by Korean Government and their subsidiaries pushing their "nation branding" initiative, which entails spreading korean "culture" at whatever costs. Over 4 billion dollars a year is dedicated just to the promotion of KPOP, all youtube views are supported by independent companies paid to click on kpop videos all day. Record sales in Japan are made possible by bulk buying, thats why the album is there for like a day and then disappears into dust. "Korean culture" is being shoved down their throats because of this nation branding shit.

    kpoop sucks, no one cares, we dont wanna see it, thats all, and the media puts it on blast man, it really has nothing to do with the island, korea just wants japans money, while they make teach anti-japanese in their schools and then come and then desperately learn japanese and try to make money in japan?! haha go home


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