Saturday, March 24, 2012

I'm denying how great Big Bang is

Actually, I captured your comment to put on the blog so that everyone could laugh at you.

It doesn't matter if I can make better songs or not. We're discussing how Big Bang is mediocre. if you think they're the best in the world, try listening to other artists for a change. There is a whole world of music outside of idol groups.

And why would I burn myself over Big Bang? I'd consider it only if I saw Daesung driving a car at me. I'd at least help Daesung vary his victims. First one was a drunk motorist, the second being an innocent bystander who lit himself on fire.


  1. I hate people who retort "try and make a better song"

    What a cop out.

  2. Honey, please, your grammar and spelling needs a little work. "you're just a sick people" I think you mean "sick person", see you can't use you're if you are going to adress more than one person, you would have to either say "you're all". And also, "can u", see, you need to have yo following the "u" to portray the intended effect.

    Oh, and also, in Japan, there is a special term for people like you, the translation kind of means "rotten cunt". Now, while you lust over Big Bangs korean manhood, no man will ever want you. You will consistently compare any man to Big Bang, and you will never be able to satisfy yourself. And also, no man wants to be with a girl who thinks and talks about her bias all the time. So you're pussy will remain untouched until you have finally realised that being in the "delusional fanatics" category of Kpop fan, makes you turn into something that is uncanny to a human, and that you need to be like us, the "mellow fans" who just do not give a fuck.
    But hurry and become one of us, or you might become an elitist, who is pretty much the kpop version of a hikikomori, a person who sits on their computer all day and becomes a shut in. Do you want to sit in a room of Big Bang and never see your friends, if any, again? No, so save yourself, and do not die alone or, in your case, with a laminated poster of Big Bang in their Haru Haru promotions.

    1. address*
      uggh, bitching about these people kind of makes you one of them D:

    2. That kind of sounds like Welcome to the NHK lol.

    3. heh, i thought the same thing myself :0

    4. "..So YOU'RE pussy will remain untouched...."

      ..... I think you meant "your" as in "your grammar is also pretty bad"

    5. ... I have shamed this blog, and in doing so, have shamed my family.
      I shall now commit suicide, in case any more of my grammatical errors come to light, and ultimately cause anymore disharmony to such a formal blog such as Anti Kpop-Fangirl.
      You didn't need to put quotations around "your grammar is also pretty bad" because you added in words that weren't originally mine, so there is no point as it is not a true quote, and it obviously isn't paraphrased because you didn't list the source :/
      (i'm 16, come at me bro, i don't understand the meaning of being self fallibility)

    6. Anyway picking at grammar is irrelevant because it's obvious that, since this is a site that is most likely to be frequented by 'international fans', a lot won't speak english fluently, and make mistakes.
      That doesn't change the content of the comment though.

    7. Wow..I bet you spent a couple of hours searching for my grammar mistakes..and you kept talking about "no man will ever want you"..are you serious? I can't even believe you're talking about this! whatever whatever.I didn't even bother to read the rest of your comment.

      So..apparently this is an "Anti-Big Bang" blog..great! I actually came to this blog because I like to read haters comments..IT'S FUN!

      "I captured your comment to put on the blog so that everyone could laugh at you. "
      lol at this..it means that my comment really made you angry that you wrote an article about me! kekeke success!!
      so you only accept the opinion that agrees with you?..psycho!

      "There is a whole world of music outside of idol groups. " like who? snsd? gee gee gee baby baby!! oh great music! it's my life..I listen to the music I want and I love the people I want!! I LOVE BIG BANG AND I THINK THEY'RE THE BEST.that's my opinion okay? I don't have to agree with you, besides, being a crazy fan is better than being a psycho who spends his\her entire day writing articles about the kpop band he\she hate. Go outside and meet your friends dude it's alot better than hating other people :) if you hate kpop why you spend your day searching for their news?

    8. No, this blog is meant to make fun of people like you, Fantastic lady, who spends her day being a stan for one idol group and coming up with ridiculous defenses so nobody can make fun of their "Precious" group. Maybe you're the one that needs a life.
      FYI, SNSD is an idol group. Listening to non-idol music might actually be good for you.

    9. ^ you must have never understood what this blog is about

    10. Eww~ Fantasic Lady, I'm a girl and I'm going WTF right now....
      Gurl calm your vagina down and realize people have different opinions about shit. The way you're so obsessively defending them make me think you're the one with no life. After all if you do have friends and a life, you wouldn't be so obsess with BB and actually take shit personal when someone say bad stuffs about them.

      Also you just make yourself look more ridiculousness with that comment. You can't reply to the blogger calling you out for being an dumb fangirl without sounding like a dumb fangirl?

    11. Yeah, listen to unknown, calm your tits love.
      Also, writing kekeke doesn't help your argument at ALL. He wasn't trying to disagree with you, he was just trying to enlighten you.
      And this isn't anti big bang, what is wrong with you?
      I enjoy some of their songs, like fantastic baby and tonight. I think the point that he was trying to make is that your bias is clouding your judgement.
      My bias is KARA, but i do not think they shit gold bricks, they shit shit, because it makes for better japanese porn.

  3. Well, saying Bigbang's music is crap is not exactly either.

    1. Which is as delusional as saying "bigbang is the best world wider ever"

    2. Saying an IDOL group's music is mediocre is delusional? Good God.

    3. I think I can safely say that Bigbang is not your usual Idol group anymore.
      I wouldn't go as far as calling them artists, but they're more than idols.

    4. Looks like you're the delusional one here.

    5. Is everyone not bashing Bigbang delusional for you?
      If that's the case I don't mind being called delusional.

    6. Not once in the article did I see AKF call Big Bang crap. I'd like to know where you are looking please... He said Big Bang was mediocre, but that was in comparison to previous artists who did more than just please the hallyu.

      This is a legit article for what this blog is supposed to represent. Not some of the trolling ones you often.

    7. No. You're delusional for thinking that they're more than just idols. LOL

    8. Their music is full of craps ! Problem ?

  4. Am I the only one who would sex up Fantastic Lady?

  5. I completely agree with Fantastic lady, because your opinion is different to hers, it is ABSOLUTE BLASPHEMY AND YOU'RE A HATER, YOU'VE ALWAYS HATED BIG BANG. FUCKING HATER WEBSITE.

    Tednee, pinoy, nigger, Suzy is a fat whore, Horsica, Eunjunf, 637, etc. in every article.


  6. Fangirls these days need to calm there freakin tits...SMH

  7. What's the point of Google accounts if people are gonna keep saying pinoy, nigga, suzy, horsica anyway. This blog has been encouraging all those "suzy is a whore" comments, and now it's been spreading to other sites and some people actually believe people think Suzy is a whore. Maybe you guys should write about the delusional jealous fangirls that actually think suzy is a whore for actually being able to be friends with their oppars.

    and on-topic: I liked BB's Tonight from last year but this comeback I was disappointed with most of their singles. Fangirls were endlessly praising and imitating Fantastic Baby so I thought it'd be awesome. Then I heard it and thought wtf is this. Boom shakalaka reminds me of Bam ratatata but isn't as catchy. But yeah, Daesung and Taeyang probably saved what little of the song could be saved. Tabi's still hot so all's good.

    1. I don't see where she is fat. Nor do i see where she is a whore.
      She may be bigger than the rest of the girls in Miss A, but she isn't fat.

    2. Sulli and Icoris were just kidding. I really don't care if people think she's a whore, but I don't want a shitload of spam on my blog.

    3. Implying I don't actual believe it? Implying she doesn't have hug ass LOVE HANDLES!? :)

  8. Wow... get a life (or maybe Big Bang is your life?:D). Stans are really ridiculous these days :D.

  9. You know people are getting emotional when they ask you to do something better than their oppars; if oppar is so amazing, why compare him to a hobo idiot like akf?

    /I like how the poster of that comment keeps coming back for more.

  10. lol try and make a better song? Please, there are many catalogs of better songs out already past and present. Just because you have brought into the BB hype doesn't mean that BB is the end-all, be-all of music.

  11. I dunno how 'making better songs' validates an opinion. I think SNSD are crappy dancers; do I need to dance better than them to make a point? No. So like, until we all can master everything we have to automatically love it & can't criticize it? That's like... stupid. It defeats the purpose of having an opinion (whether good or bad)... And ugh do I hate when people call you an anti/hater just because you don't like something. Peoples lives (at least for most people) don't revolve around Big Bang

  12. I like Big Bang, I think they're pretty cool guys. They run over people and smoke weed and doesn't afraid of anything (except black people, but who isn't).

  13. When you really think about it, big bang really is a mediocre group. Only one member can sing, only two members can dance, and none of them can rap or write good songs.

  14. She will eat her words once Daebak debuts.

  15. I hate it when people write "please fix your grammar" to fight back. Its the Internet, no one cares how they type. They use acronyms and such. Those 'grammar' people are probably just old people trying to make the world to be like poets and authors again. -_-

  16. Man, I pissed my pants reading these comments. Big Bang is okay. Just okay.

  17. Lol get ur facts rite

    Bigbang music ia mediocre?
    Then tell me why they sells million on digital

    Fanbase = physical album

    Digital = public

    Lets face it tho
    Bigbang doent have big fandom
    They make good music. .compared to idols..ofcos the
    They r the best seller

    U said u r korean?
    U more of a jpop fangirl tho.

    Lol u seriously fail tho
    Bigbang sells over 300million
    Check big bang updates

    Dont u think if bb have a huge fanbase and only successfull becuz of that huge fanbase
    Dont u think bb would have a high physical ranking?

    U might think bb music ia mediocre. but apparently the korean ppl still buy theyre songs nomatter what at age

  18. that's so typical Very Idiot People's comment
    I laugh everytime I read something like "bigbang is the best", "their music is the best", "g-dragon is a genious", "bigbang sold millions of digital songs", "they have sense of fashion" pretty ridiculous, I don't mind if they sell millions, that doesn't make them good, they're just a money maker machine, I think bigbang's music is mediocre, they dress like clowns, g-dragon's songs are lame, he can't even compose and produce just one decent song without any help and people call him "genious", c'mmon please stop fangirls/boys you're only showing you actually know nothing about music, but I really pitty you because after some years you will be like, "how did I ever like bigbang?" I could swear it... LOL

    1. Lol at you hating onm bb. They still sale the most
      In digital.
      So u can hate all u want
      The fact that theycsoldcso well on digital 10540000 is quite a feat
      300000000 is streaming ang videos

      And no would savthat. Coz afterc all of the success.

      U who say bb suck.got his rite. But u are just a small amount off ppl. Apparently over 10540000 ppl still buy their album. They rank no.1 in digital brah.
      Be butthurt all u want. Bb still gonns succesful

    2. LOL you can kiss bigbang's asses all you want, their music is still mediocre, I never said they did not sell a shit, I said I laugh when you come with a selling report, o say "they're the best", and the most stupid comment I've ever read "g-dragon is a genious" LMFAO.
      What makes you think I hate them? they don't even deserve my hate LOL, I only wrote my opinion, as many wrote theirs, why do every negative comment towards them have to come from a hater? -__________-
      I don't mind if they succeed or not, I don't mind if they have the whole world as fans, I don't give a fuck if they win the grammy, the oscar, or any other award, that won't make them good, OK?, Bieber, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Gaga and many others have shown us there's no need to make good music to sell millions, I don't mind to be the only one who thinks their music is cheesy as hell, but I do have the right to write what I think, OK? and the fact is that I really laugh everytime I read bigbang's fans praising them, it's ridiculous, why? just read them LOL

    3. Tbh i laugh when i read them too :)
      But if they comparing them to idols. Then i have to agree..but on genius lvl gd havent reach that level yet tho

    4. You are seriously the most idiotic bunch of people I've ever seen in my life. Bigbang was, is, and will remain the KINGS OF KPOP forever! Your bullshit don't matter even an ounce. Hope you guys do something actually useful with your mouths other than spout shit. It makes me laugh seeing how stupid you guys are lol.

  19. `well then try to make better than their songs...can you?`
    Lol yeah cause obviously my occupation involves me singing and composing songs.

  20. Dude, that sentence with Daesung was not fair. It was a really low blow. The eff?!? This blog is bullshit. All I get from this is that you have no life and so all you do is go hate on immensely successful and amazing groups like Bigbang in a bid to get attention. Well, then, lemme tell you this, my dear crappy blogger. Bigbang was, is, and will forever remain the KINGS OF KPOP. Because unlike you, they actually have an amazing live and status which they have achieved by their talent and years of strenuous practice. So, you, sitting behind your computer screen and writing random shit about them isn't going to affect them in ANYWAY. So you can take your BS talk and stuff 'em up where the sun don't shine. Next time, maybe if you want to write (I would suggest that you won't, because clearly , your writing skills are alone to kill by sheer boredom), try using that thing people call 'brain' and maybe, just maybe, your stipid blog might even get less hate because of how senseless it is. Thanks and have a nice day. Peace out.


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