Thursday, May 24, 2012

7-arastans=possibly worst than SONES?!! Prepare your anus for T-9r9 er 9-ara um T-ar9

Wasn't really going to post today because I've been posting a lot recently, but I figured I'd write something since I'll be gone for a few days.

I just got finished watching this T-ara video and being the T-ara fanboy I am I was very excited. Was happy to see my Hyomin, Eunf, Soyeon and the rest of the girls dancing for me and only me. <3 I do love how they dance for me. Always slowly and always thrusting their hips in ecstasy...yeah Hwa. I love you too baby. Please show me those toasty brown ones again sometime! MUAHHHH!!
OH MY GOD! 10/10 She is sooooooo fineeeeeeeeeeee! I would smell her butthole Also thanks YourDailyFap for this .gif.

Oh, so the point of this craptastic blog post was that I wanted to point out how bad the 7-arastans were. They are honestly worst than the forever9ers who are ever so butthurt about Taetitseo. (quick note: this song is a piece of shit....never have I heard such a shitty song from T-ara...I'm a fan but damn I need to at least have a mediocre song to get my fap on...mmmm hyomin. dat horse...dat mighty horse of a woman. NEIGHHHHH). She's so hot...durp.

But wait! Before this shit turns into another blog post about fapping let's get to the real point. I wanted to show you all what 7-arastans are commenting below this video. I lol'd hard. KKS is trolling everyone (including me...I'm fucking pissed) but these people are taking it wayyy tooooo seriously.


 Here are some comments I found regarding 9-ara/7-ara.

  • Hwaiting 7-ara!! Jiyeon will forever be our maknae!! ♥

  • no matter is 8 or 9... i only love the 7 :)

    Jiyeon will always be the maknae for me
    JIYEON <3333333333333333333333333

    I still cant believe that T-ara is gonna be gone soon...
    I'm crying, I'll miss 7-ara so much :(

    ♥T-ara! T7 is the best! ^^
    love this song and Jiyeon! (our forever maknae!) ♥♥♥
    no new members can replace the original T7! :D

    normally don't go around hating on others but i can't see those other two in t-ara :( they have been together this whole time and now new members joining after all this time! do you know how much they have achieved to be where they are now! and now rookies join how is that even fair on the other girls! InvisebleDork

    no children in T-ara, sexy t-ara not childish t-ara. 7 T-ARA FOR EVER.

    i don't get it why KKS wants to recruit a 14yo kids.. Is T-ara going to be Kindergarten's girlgroup?

    I wish they would stop wearing short pants...-_____- That's one of the reason I'm on the verge of leaving T-ara fandom right now... On another note, Jiyeon looks so gorgeous especially with her outfits and hairstyle at 1:29 *_* I NEED 1080P!!!!
    FUK U KKS!
    Bukkakked nostrils. That's a weird fetish.
      For more LULZ go to youtube and type in 7-ara. Tons of hilarious comments for you to enjoy! Peace out and see you sometime next week


  1. remember when we had a 6-ara banner
    good times

    1. It was 5 then 6 then 7,as a fan, I see nothing wrong. Especially the 8th member looks hot to me.

  2. remember when we had anons & all that got talked about was Hyomin & Eunjung
    good times

  3. Replies
    1. T-ara is one of the most popular groups on AKF.

    2. Hyomin and Eunf did all the job !

    3. actually I think that jiyeon and eunjung did all the work in getting t-ara popular... I love hyomin, but she was underrated until the last year

  4. As a 6-ara supporter and not-so-enthusiastic person about HwaDerp, I think Diadem has literally gone down the drains. Hell, there's even Ji Yeon STANS saying they're gonna accept the 2 new members in the name of 'supporting' T-ara. That's right, Ji Yeon's STANS. As if the current members (don't know about HwaDerp) would even welcome the new members -__-

    I'm probably among the few people there who thinks that by accepting 9-ara, it automatically makes KKS the winner.

    Who thinks that adding the new members is a way of pressuring So Yeon, Boram and Qri out of the group? If KKS's claims of the new members being vocally talented is correct, then it's goodbye to So Yeon.

    Fucking Pledis for introducing this graduation concept in Kpop. Now look at how CCM's following you, Pledis. FUCK YOU.

    1. I suspect that this has been KKS's petty scheme all along: booting older members such as Boram, Qri out of T-ara by adding two jailbaits. I think the T-ara girls are being treated not dissimilar by KKS to spent whores........

  5. Why do I have the feeling that they're trying to bring T-ara to the US with the 14 year old American girl?

    I actually have an excellent idea that Kim ought to hear out: Split T-ara into two groups of Eunjung+Soyeon+Hyomin+Jiyeon and Boram+Qri+Hwayoung+other 2. The former can be called T-ara Classic and the latter called Diet T-ara.

    And we can bring Diet T-ara to the States to set stage for the Hallyu invasion of the American music industry.

    1. Cyclops with Eunjung, So Yeon and Hyomin? She'll only ruin whatever songs they perform, like she always does.

    2. "Classic T-ara" & "Diet T-ara" AHAHAHAHAH LOOOL Genius!!!

  6. lol. Hyomin and her flat ass

  7. Not sure about diet T-ara. But the two new members, aged 17 and 14 respectively, should form a subunit called Pedo T-ara.

    1. And the rest is called hardcore T-ara

    2. If they sang in Spanish they could be Pedro T-ara

  8. I must say that I couldn't take off my eyes from Hyomin and my stiff caulk still remains stiff despite the fact that she can sometimes be a gallant steed

  9. I admit I'm upset about the new members but I've witnessed some people throw quite the crazy bitchfest. Points for dedication?

  10. I like this gif better btw. http://i.minus.com/i3wNulKEaKs60.gif

    'least you have a bit of an ass there.

    1. oh fuckk yesssssnom nomfap fapfapfapafapfpafpapfapfpafpafpa

    2. where did you find .gifs like this?!~?!~?!

  11. Seriously, can people who want qri booted grow a cock? She's so fucking hot, with a perfect bod


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