Friday, May 11, 2012

Question of the Week 43

This picture of TOP from Big Bang has been circulating online community boards lately due to its striking similarity.

Fans and VIPs alike have been all over this, commenting:
"WOW!! Even ice cream wants to look like TOP-oppa! Obviously the world knows who's the best keke~!!!"
"Mmm *licks lips* I want to lick TOP, too!!1!"

Seriously. Do you 12 year old girls have nothing better to do than photoshop faces onto ice cream? The world does not revolve around Big Bang, little ones.

(this was not meant to be a humorous article. I just wanted to point out how silly fan are - going to great lengths to promote their oppas in the most obscure way)

So that leaves me with this question:
What other connections do fans make regarding their idols make you go "dafuq?" 

If anyone has suggestions for later Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. CL and attractiveness. Sorry folks, I don't see it.

    1. Oh, finally. Someone agreeing with me. I find her to be the least good looking in 2NE1, as well as very overrated.

    2. I see it When she's wearing those big glasses that hide her eyes.

  2. I wholeheartedly disagree with the above statement. ... But while we're on the topic of IDGI attractive idols, I'll throw Minho out there. Boy had a mullet. That ain't hot

  3. Even tho im not a big fan of snsd and sones

    The memes that sones did was great
    Like tiffany's seriously?
    Taengs FUUUUU!!!
    Hyoyeon's Awesome face meme
    SOOYOUNG'S my whole life is a lie MEME IS THE BEST

    Just search on 9gag..

  4. 1. Hyosung and bagel
    2. UEE and honey thighs

    Honey thighs..lol. I don't get it. Btw i don't fap to food. That's Sulli_fag's fetish :)

  5. Sohee and dumplings.Seriously,how the fuck can a person look like food? o_o

  6. Oh, and i always photoshop my brown penis onto Daesung

    1. U go gay for daesung?
      Why dont u just do it on minzy. She got nice ass
      Same lips like dae

  7. The light reflection (I guess that's what it is) on the ice-cream guy's head looks like he's got a bald spot there. Which is kinda hilarious.

    Regarding the question. The connection - idols (any kind of idol, really) and physical perfection. Wake up, kiddies, bitches are photoshopped as fuck on 95% of the pictures. Also, the connection - idols (again, any kind of idol) and vocal perfection. Wake up, kiddies, bitches are autotuned as fuck on 95% of the tracks.

    I have nothing against kids seeing their idol as beautiful or talented per se (some of them really are) but declaring them the epitome, example and embodiment of gorgeousness or singing/rapping skills is totally delusional.

    1. >some of them really are

      Well, you can't just say that and not post any proof. I'm interested.

    2. Well, it's all in the eye of the beholder, right. Generally, I by now tend to stay away from stating any names because generally, there will always be people who disagree and say - "wha~t? That bitch/that fag talented and/or beautiful? You gotta be fucking shitting me!" And I got tired of that kind of bullshit discussions LONG ago because personal view points are never going to change and I have no need to get upset about it.

      Also, seeing as this or that article on this blog clearly declares major antipaties about this or that group/singer I'm kinda not willing to take the risk of revealing my own preferences. Fact is, there are k-pop idols I personally think are quite talented and good-looking and I can understand the fangirls who have their own personal idol they think the same way about. I just can't stand it when fangirls get delusional and begin labelling their idols as THE most beautiful and THE exceptionally talented motherfucker ever, and go about trying to shove that fact down other people's throats atop of it.

    3. But I really was asking for your opinion. My opinion on your opinion is my business - unless your name is Anonymous, you have nothing to be afraid of.

      Anyway, I don't shit on talent. Talent in this line is few and far between; maybe you can open my eyes and ears and show me something I don't already know.

      My business is with masturbation. And business is good.

    4. *laughs* Ja fine then, if you really want to know this badly. Personally, I found into K-Pop through my J-Rock obsession and I guess it's safe to say I discovered K-Pop mainly thanks to the fact that K-Pop idols are so keen on promoting their Korean songs in Japan (thankfully in Japanese, too. I don't understand a bit of Korean and the language itself never appealed to me, on contrary to Japanese. I do however, like the easy-going air most K-Pop songs have and they do sound... smoother in their native tongue, it's the main reason I listen to K-Pop altogether. Just for the music and the beat, it helps me relax, I guess all the more so because I don't have to pause every five minutes and think about the meaning of the lyrics).

      Either way, starting from that, the first K-Pop group I ever came across was (maybe not so surprisingly, seeing as they have been rather very successful outside Korea) TVXQ. It was years ago, before I ever even knew how the whole K-Pop industry works, and I only knew them from their Japanese songs anyhow. But with my interest in that band growing, there was of course no avoiding finding out where they're really from and listening in on their Korean songs as well. Never was a member of Cassiopea or even a heated participant in fan forums, I never liked that kind of busy bustle, yet I considered and still consider myself a fan.

      I think the group was good, I think they had some very catchy, brilliant songs. Admittedly I never ran the hots for the JYJ part of that equation, I didn't even like Changmin much, but I would any day say that Yunho stuck out of them five the most. That's your far and few fetch of talent right there as far as I'm concerned, at least to my eyes he is a pretty gifted performer. He has charisma, he can dance with a certain oomph to his movements and he knows how to capture the crowd's attention.

      I think the most vivid moment I still recall is TVXQ's performance of "Get me Some" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOWybirDeRk). I don't think it was any SPECIAL performance per se, but you could see the difference immediately. Especially with Jaejoong stumbling around like a half-drunken oaf compared to everybody else, Yunho was really good and it showed the contrast between having some talent and putting some effort into a performance and just relying on your (not even all that pretty) face and petty blonde hair to do the job for you.

      Right below you'd however still see the delirium following right on track:

      "unfortunately this is prerecorded... even so They are the best live singers i've seen in my entire life..... I'd like they sing it live cause i love this song....
      DBSK AKTF!!!"

      This is exactly what I mean. I would say - yes, to me personally, Yunho has a lot of talent and to me personally, he looks gorgeous (I don't even mind the little number he did on his teeth because that toothpaste-advertisement-like smile does compliment the overall appeal just nicely). Yeah I know most pictures do have quite a bit of photoshop on them, but he has the attitude and demeanour and a boyish charm I like. Let me put it that way, I would never turn him down if he'd invite me to slip under his covers. But I would never go as far as say - OMFG, THE BEST LIVE PERFORMER I EVER SEEEN! because sure, there probably are better. He does have a great voice though that never fails to get me hot and bothered (my opinion, again), I only need to think of Mirotic. Albeit I do admit he had his not-so-splendid parts with say, his Purple Line's chipmunk voice rap. Ever since TVXQ split up I came to appreciate Changmin more, too, to me the boy does have a talent when it comes to singing, and as many had already noted, high notes are definitely his forte.

    5. I would even venture as far as to say that with the splitting off of JYJ, TVXQ got that much better and I would consider them one of the few groups deserving of the success, praise and hype that they enjoyed as a five-member group, and now all the more as a duet. If anybody would ever ask me what I'd recommend them out of the K-Pop genre, TVXQ would be the first thing to come to mind.

      I can't really evaluate any other groups in depth because I started to listen to a broader variety of K-Pop only after having discovered this blog and watched some PV reviews. I can say I liked Chocolat's "One More Day", I can say I had 4minutes "Volume Up" on replay for days, I can say I loved the upbeat melody and smooth vocals of Shinhwa's "Venus" or the catchy vibe of Shinee's "Ring Ding Dong". It's all more a uniform opinion, I don't know the groups' members names and I would probably be barely able to distinguish most of them from one another. Never understood the big bang around Big Bang, listened in on them, didn't think they're worth much attention. I do enjoy Epik High though and I suppose that's another good example of the far and wide of talent, concerning rapping and meaningful lyrics those guys are indeed high up (though I'm not entirely sure you can place them into the definite K-Pop category).

      I am however the type that is drawn to Asian looks (not only Korean, I have more than a handful of Japanese idols I'd never push outta my bed should they ever wind up there) therefore I'm easily pleased with an Asian person's bodily aesthetics as long as they don't look too horribly disfigured and know to take good care of their outer appearance. Here, my definition of beauty in K-Pop might vastly defer from the next best fangirl. Many idols look good to me, not the exceptionally god(dess)-kind of good but enough to be considered beautiful. That doesn't only apply to men like Yunho, for example I do find 2NE1's Minzy quite appealing as well and I think she does have a talent in presenting the image the group pursues quite nicely.

      This would be my little... I don't know if you can call it proof that talent and good looks do exist in K-Pop, more of like subjective POV on the whole of it. It's just a small part of my opinion on K-Pop in order to back up my 'some of them really are' statement and since you seemed genuinely interested, I've shared it with you and maybe it really was interesting for you to read - if so, I'm glad about it. Either way, I should probably conclude this before it becomes an even longer essay than it already is since it took me two replies to post the whole of it =3

    6. I'm not into male groups, so I'll have to take your (very lengthy) word for it.

      I think beauty is subjective. I'm also drawn to the Asian definition of attractiveness; maybe it's my dick that's racist, but I can't get off on African or Indian women. (I'm working on it.) Being pretty is one thing; KTH and the whatshername with the text coming out of her crotch are goddesses, but I can't raise a fap to them. It might just be me, but it seems that only idols possess that X-factor combination of girl-next-door with a verboten allure - you want to bang them really badly, but you know you're going to get arrested for doing it.

      Maybe it's because these veteran actresses make no secret of their prowess. They literally wear it on their sleeves; you know they will deliver the time of the day in your bed and more besides if you managed to somehow nail the one in a million chance of doing so. It's the promise of the haram - the forbidden fruit - that really makes it sell - far more than any delusions of talent or whatever. I can't fap to talent. I'm sure they're good at what they do, but it's delusional to think that talent alone moves albums. (Unless that talent involves looking like jailbait, which most of them possess in spades.)

      Not all idols pass muster, though. Minzy is decently good looking, but I have not been able to successfully masturbate to her so far. It's a crude benchmark, to be sure, but IMHO it's the only one that really matters. I firmly believe that the "pop" in "K-pop" stopped referring to "popular music" after the Wonder Girls happened.

      Man, that was an equally long response. The dehydration must be rather severe. Never drink beer and masturbate. Anyway - good to hear from a believer. The industry's future (and this blog) depends on good people like you; always keep the faith!

    7. Hm. I never really judged idols by their fappability but I guess somewhere it must be easier for a dude in that aspect, anyhow. You see a girl you usually also always see the rack she's sporting no matter if it'd been artificially pumped up or not, we girls can't as easily see what's in our idol's pants and if he'd really be able to satisfy our needs. It helps if he has nice abs and a pretty face and a good voice to start off with but ultimately we can only hope that his best piece is longer than our middle finger.

      In my teenage years I used to find fruity, flamboyant beings like Shinee attractive, being more adult today I'm usually more drawn to more grown up men (I personally draw the line at thirty-something, tho) that actually LOOK like men and give off the rapacious and/or playful aura of a sexy predator who knows how to handle a woman. So my focus rather lies with more established male groups, and I admit I do love to fangirl - sometimes it's like a mental orgasm.

      Male K-Pop fans seem to often enough function the other way around, the younger the female idol the more appealing/fappable they find her.

      As far as music is concerned, K-Pop has never really been anything but relaxation tunes to me. The only time I would have really believed K-Pop to be a popular music genre was when TVXQ had been around since they really did get the hype up in and outside of Korea, what's with being the rising gods of the east and everything - and for a period of time they really were. But that's just the thing about K-Pop idols, all of them are ephemeral while K-Pop itself is rather perpetual - the genre's representatives will have ever-changing faces, coming and going in groups from 2 to 20, yet the genre itself will always have the ever same concepts, lyrics and melodies altered to a minimal amount. And that's quite likely quite alright, that way you will always keep the (predominantly) good music in an ever-young wrap up of perfectly trained and drilled boys and girls you can swoon over or fap to.

      At the end of the day it's just an industry producing another consumer good you pay for and then hopefully enjoy; which is why delusional fangirls are rather pitiable creatures, placing all those romantic and crazily hearty notions into the genre and their idols. 'cause I'd say 95% of same idols are in that business for the money and not because they see it as the ultimate fulfilment of their selves or want the (usually predominantly silly texts) they lilt to change the world or convey philosophical messages about the meaning of life and universe.

  8. Ga-In and eyeliner. Like no other K-idol uses eyeliner. Bitch, pl0x.

  9. About every male idol and chocolate abs, shit ain't cute.

  10. Hyuna being "the next Lee Hyori". Dafuq?

    1. Amen. When people say that I'm like "Dafug?". Have you see Hyori and have you seen HyunA, she ain't got nothin' on Hyori, much less any talent.

  11. Kpop and talent. It's hilarious.
    As if anyone of us would be into Kpop for "talent" or "the music".

    1. Apparent they are some ppl like that.

      Look at daesung
      Did u really think ppl like him for his face?

  12. Big Bang and "true artist" dafuq!

  13. Kpop and originality.... really?

    1. This. I love you.
      Seriously whenever I see pop music from an asian country that is not Korea, all the koreaboos go rant about how they're copying kpop and that kpop is original. Honestly, those people should suck a dick.

  14. SNSD making it into the American music business.Dafuq?

    1. Oh god, the day this happens is the day I go insane.

    2. I thot ur a sone @buckiminister..
      Well taetiseo are the best in billboardnow for a korean artist
      Taetiseo are true artist

  15. Wow, you really hate VIPs and BigBang..almost 90% of the blog is about them.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Actually, I think I am the only Big Bang fan amongst the authors to be honest.

    3. Pretty sure zaku and sulli are at least minor fans.
      Zaku always talking about "top oppar" lawl.

    4. I'm fan of Big Bang yeah, mostly for TOP oppar.

  16. The words "Hyuna", "talent" and "rapping".

  17. Soyeon and Hyuna.. Hyuna is talentless shit that no one can fap to while Soyeon is top quality fap material with a voice.

  18. Im fed up with kpop fans with american music
    Just like vips and they oppars with non kpop artist collab..

    Kpop fans hate on justin bieber make me go dafuq
    Personally i like bigbang
    But when some kpop fans bash bieber and say they unnies and oppars are too good for world star artist
    Its just makes me go dafuq.

    Hating bieber is the same as hating kpop

    Other than that....

    Snsd with they oh-so-NATURAL GODDESS BEAUTY

    THEY are pretty... I even fap to taeng and sunny and sica couple of time

    The only hope for natural beauty are the yg new girl
    With a contract and all

    1. "The only hope for natural beauty are the yg new girl"

      Natural beauty? With YG's track record?

    2. Yg new girl group got some no plastic surgery contract

  19. ShiNEE/ Korean Beatles
    Yoona/ "GODDESS!!!11!"

    shit is annoying

  20. yoona and yuri/prettiest in snsd , please they are not pretty

  21. That whole Onew and "the du-bulge" thing. I guess dumbass Shawols didn't get the memo that no one in SHINee has a penis. Onew has a huge p@#$^^y there's a big difference.

    It's so obvious that these girls are little retarded untouched virgins who have never seen a dick in their life if they think any of these idols are packing anything in their trousers besides lip gloss and guyliner.

  22. Snsd fans legitimately believing that those 9 whores can make it in the U.S. Lol, we'll laugh those chipmunk -voiced twigs right out the country XD


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