Monday, June 25, 2012

A debut you should actually give a chance: Crayon Pop

Remember early Kara days? Of course you don't. You're all bunch of new kids who learned about kpop when you saw the Gee MV a year late, so I'll tell you about how things were with Kara. They were from a smaller agency and their MVs were pretty low budget and they gave an amateur vibe... but somehow they were incredibly charming. They didn't suck like other groups sucked, but somehow the way they sucked was fun and made you want more. They also had some totally sweet jams with a different flavor from the other stuff you'd hear.

Well there is a new group that is reminding me of those times with Kara. They are called Crayon Pop and they haven't debuted yet but they released a cheap, fun MV with a totally kickass song. We have seen some incredibly talented debuts this year with SPICA and Ailee, but in the end they were kind of boring after the initial surprise of hearing someone legit singing in kpop. However, I think these girls have the magic touch that makes me like kpop. If they can bring that to the stage, they are my pick for rookie group of the year.

Unfortunately the sound isn't properly balanced in this video. Turn the left side down to 70% and it should be good. Alternatively, the behind the scenes video for this on their channel has the correct balance. I think they are cute enough but the more important thing is that it doesn't feel like they're acting such as with groups like Dal Shabet. Yeah, they are doing aegyo shit, but it doesn't feel all business. The choreo is simplistic but fun and makes you want to try it and they're cute doing it. I don't care if they're #1 or not but I hope they can at least survive at a reasonable popularity like Girl's Day has managed.


  1. Yeah yeah felt the same. I already have a thing for the chick who's in the middle during the choruses (Gon Mi).

    Also, the rap was amazing, almost Minho level!

  2. I haven't heard a rap that proficient since Roly-Poly!

    Mildly catchy. We'll see. But from the outside, it would appear that these chicks have neither the looks nor the talent to make that much of an impact. Kara debuted when there was a dearth of popular girl groups so they're grandfathered into the Girl Group Tier List, plus they're like the second best looking girl group.

    I think these girls will end up in the Dumpster of Ignominious Debuts, but I don't mind being proven wrong.

    1. "I haven't heard a rap that proficient since Roly-Poly!"

      ahaha good one!

  3. wow i actually liked it :o
    i'm loving the fact that their aegyo doesn't look forced as fuck
    the girl with the ribbon in the last dance is really cute

  4. Oh boy, the rap was terrible. The rapper was adorable, though xD

    Eh... I agree with CombatBaby. They're kind of forgettable for me.

  5. Cute, I like that it was simple. Tried googling them and can't even find which company they are under. Anyone?

    1. Chrome Entertainment: http://blog.naver.com/chrome_ent

    2. fathered by the unknown GOOGLE CHROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. aish~ nat using sasaengskillz oppar?

      크롬 크롬엔터테인먼트

    4. oop already found by the real 아저씨 kekekkekekekeke

  6. They'll end up in the no1kara category, I can feel it.

  7. Bob's on a roll! More than two articles in a month in forever!

    I'll check out the song/MV later, but a lot of people on Hallyu8 were talking about, so I'm assuming it's at least decent.

  8. All videos were low budget before 2007, they all looked liked videos for a christian rock song. Dancing in a parking lot looked better than a box. Good tiemz.

    1. There was S.E.S - Love, and CSJH - Dancer in the Rain but those are the only two off the top of my head that looked like they had a litle more money put into them.

      I wish idols could actually go outside and dance nowadays. I really liked "Atlantis Princess"'s video.

  9. I like it. It's a fun song and the girls are not faking their kawaii bullshit like t-ara, secret, park bom etc etc.

    The rap! Oh boy! Wish Hwayoung could've made a special guest appearance.

  10. My interpretation of the rap from BING BING:

    Cum to my cutie boy/You look so beddy goo
    Vacuum me cutie boy/You looks so beddy wow.
    eenie meenie miny moe/ lay mum dem on the floor
    ejay gwon nigga da lah coke

  11. Cute but it doesn't annoys me. The Girl's day should be ashamed. They try so hard to be cute.

  12. Not sure if dis article trolin tho.


  13. "They were from a smaller agency"

    DSP? The fuck? They were bigger than YG back then.

    And Kara might've been more pleasing to you back then, but they were also unpopular. Luckily for them it was 2007 - they didn't have to compete with new groups debuting every 14 seconds. They changed their line-up, became more poppy and became popular. Which is the whole point.

    It really fucks me off that so many K-pop fans don't understand the 'pop' part and think it's a meritocracy. It's not, it's a democracy, get over it.

    (I've never been the same since VNT disbanded...)

    1. Compare them to the big acts before them and their competitors and yes, they were at a disadvantage. Don't try to play down their hard work and slow climb to popularity by name dropping another agency that exploded in popularity.

      And what the fuck are you on about? It's obvious that coming from a bigger label gives you a better chance. You think Miss A's instantaneous mega success wasn't because they were from JYP? I mean, I love them, but let's be real.

      However, quality can still get you success without much help from money and hype. Secret and Sistar started out at the bottom but are both pretty popular now, especially Sistar. That is what I hope for these girls and that's all I'm saying.

    2. The fuck? "Democracy" implies that we get to choose the groups we want to be popular by some kind of voting process. Only a delusional fangirl would think they've got any input into the KPop machine. And before you even mention it, sales don't count for shit either.

      Just take a look at Super Junior vs. SNSD. SuJu sold 502,830 copies of Mr. Simple as of April 2012, the most they've ever sold in their whole careers. SNSD sold 410,542 copies by April 2012. Even though they released it after SuJu, SM clearly lavishes more attention and money on them, effectively neutralizing any advantage SuJu might have had by an earlier release. ELFs wouldn't be bitching so much about SNSD if straight album sales = popularity.

      TL;DR: KPop =/= Democracy, OP is bullshitting

    3. DAFUQ!! We all need love for Soshi and all it takes is LUCK like what the great Cheat says. Guess having a nice bj mouth and an adept hand also falls under luck!!!

      Also, wae does my tablet have a jizz stain? Trying to avoid that nasty spot!! DAFAK

    4. Democracy only equals voting in the very specific governmental sense. The fullest sense, the sense I'm using, is attaining your position from popularity, in contrast to meritocracy, attaining it from ability.

      This Crayon Pop might be the most talented bunch of girls to debut, they might be mad rappers, sublime singers and incredible dancers, but without good marketing, great networking by management, a great song and above all luck, that will count for fuck all.

      It would still result in fans going "Crayon Pop are so much better than SNSD/Kara/whoever, they should be no. 1" and that is what my tirade is about.

      Girl's Day are dog shit & you could pick five retards from the local care centre, stick them in tiny skirts and you'd hardly tell the difference. They'll still always be more popular than this group, though, because merit doesn't enter in to it in K-pop, which is democratic, not meritocratic.

      Oh, and Mr Simple proves that point. What an utter abortion of a song.

    5. I guess you guise are viewing the situation from two different perspectives. The dimension of the market, the audience and spectators will always be democratic. Everyone has the choice whom to follow, to buy, to support, thus the rather apparent "undeserving" hierarchy of existing idol groups if you would base worthiness upon talents and artistic components. Meanwhile, the idols themselves will always be confined within the box that is a meritocratic system. You always can't get that screentime and promotion without the magic of a giving a head. Blow harder and you cash harder.

    6. Blowing harder ain't gonna mean you'll always cash harder :)
      Pretty sure SuJu blew quite hard like no tomorrow (LSM included) just to reach that amount of sales :D

  14. Everyone needs to stop pretending Kpop is "deep." Pop means popular. Therefore, Korean Popular Music means it should be mainstream and not get too far into edgy or deep or hipster shit. All in all pop music is just to have fun with. It will never change the world..get over yourselves.

    1. Maintsream in itself is ambivalent. If the current trend is dominated by the current intellectual cesspool that current ideals imply, then pop in itself wouldn't go anywhere as a historical perenniality of stupidity that keeps stifling the broad plane of human development.

    2. I could anal-yze SNSD all day...

    3. It annoys when the fans try to analyze it like with BigBang. Like Mr. Simple was supposed to be deep(lol) but I thought Monster, It's You, Why I like you, Sunflower, andante, y were good. I could analyze Mirotic and think that it's the way they lost their virginity with the scarves and being pushed to the wall, or analyze The Boys by thinking Jessica I into bestiality(Taec-oppar, Fishyhae) or Yoona and Donghae covering one eyes and think that Yoonhae is real and they are into illuminati.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.


      - @MandaSwaggie

  15. They have the magic touch that makes my crayon pop.

  16. Sound isn't balanced? Notsureifsrs. It was balanced on mine.

    The group/video/song is meh.

    1. Listen to it on headphones and you should hear it.

      If you still can't, watch the Japanese version since the sound is correct on it: http://youtu.be/eVaJPB5XbwY

      It's really obvious.

  17. Oh good lawd, the fast-talking/narrating was.......ugh;;
    I think I just rendered myself temporarily deaf.

  18. Song Sucks.
    Video Sucks.
    Group Sucks.
    Post Sucks.
    AKFG Background Sucks.

  19. I don't care how fake Jiyul's "aegyo" may look, I still want to fuck her hard, in the pooper.

  20. Bing! Bing! Bing! Bing! Bing!.. Dammit, 아저씨! I can't it out out of my head

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. The only nice thing I have to say about that is that the video was nice.

    Dancing was crap, song is crap and none of them are hot. -Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry

  23. CRAYON POP? Wtf kinda name is that? I had to stop in the middle of the song. It's so damn annoying. Sorry, not gonna give a shit about them. I'm gonna stay FAR away from them. Grown ass women actin like five year olds. Not my thing.

  24. That rap is the sorriest thing I've ever heard...and Crayon POP as a group name? And I thought Dalshabet was stupid.

  25. I really really really really can't believe you like kara. And crayon pop(i mean wtf does that even mean)

  26. I really really really really can't believe you like kara. And crayon pop(i mean wtf does that even mean)

  27. why I never read your blog before?
    I can't stop laughing, you are all amazing, saying so many true stuff! ♥
    I love Crayon Pop since their pre-debut, Chrome Ent seems to be a good new company and so Crayon Pop as rookies (since they already debute now with Saturday Night) & your post is just AMAZING :D! I hope they can be a good kpop group and not a trashie one (;


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