Friday, June 22, 2012

Question of the Week 49

This week's question comes from Scatter_88mili:
Which is the worst agency?

Thank you for your suggestion for this week.

If anyone has suggestions for later Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. -Insert obligatory CCM comment-
    Well, I suppose it's true.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. CCM?... Anyone even remember Open World Entertainment?

    1. Shit I was thinking about that. But what Open World Entertainment did was just...It's the CEO.

  4. When the trainees and idols participated themselves, everyone had to know. And had them recorded? That's sick shit. CCM does make bad business decisions from time to time, but they're not on this level of evil.

  5. Star Empire too. Poor management, and they are cruel to their trainees/artists.

  6. Replies
    1. Hangeng + TVXQ incident? :P

    2. I understand why Hangeng would sue of what he said was true about being mistreated, but JYJ were(rumor has it) money hungry. I mean, I gues we're all money hungry but at a certain degree, but Yoochun had like 10 ferrais wtf.

  7. CCM and Pledis are both stupid as fuck

    1. Makes me wonder if Pledis has something to do with Jooyeon developing nephritis :S nasty

    2. After School and the new boy group they're planning

  8. How am I the first person to suggest YG?

    1. You're the only one who doesn't like them

    2. Yeah lol.
      Yg seems to be "nicer" out of the big 3

    3. Yang Hyun Suk is the worst CEO. That fucker is so arrogant just because he was Seo Taiji's backup dancer. He acts as if his shit doesn't smell. He's uglier than the 2NE1 members and yet calls them ugly all the time. He kept a criminal (Daesung) out of prison. He is trying to destroy Epik High.

      Sounds like the worst CEO to me.

    4. In other words, he's the anti-Christ in the world of hip hop.


    6. Yeah. What kind of ceo let their artist have a little freedom in music genre
      And spoils they artist!
      Worst ceo for sure!
      Even want to drawn in epik high oppars in his "family orgies"
      I dun even understand what tablobwas thinking

    7. What are you blind and possibly sexist? Don't mistake moral vs ethnics in business and marketing. YG uses moral which doesn't exist in industry.
      One thing YG is in favor of his male artists to have that freedom but keeps a tight lease on his female artists. To who he shows the LEAST amount of respect to. Which is highly unprofesstional on his part as a CEO. He allows big bang to have the artistic freedom. 2ne1 can not write 8 fucking bars of cohesive thought without calling line to that biget in training teddy park. To which his music express women as being emotional basketcases who can't not doing anything with or out a dick in their mouth. They are obvious opposite that do little to enlighten the korean women perspective.
      On top of that one week vacation isn't much dear they barely pass sm. Plus lest not forget how unorganize this company this with promotions. Yet to only delived same generic crap electronic styles.
      Oh and that how "everybodys a family" is pure manipulation. Family has no sense in the business world. Look at it this way. If yg is regarded as a father figure. Judging by korean culture you don't disobey or question him. But if he is your boss then you'll express second thoughts. It amazes how koreans can be pursuaded by poor ethical choice of words.
      A fact about life: if someone has to convince you they are kind. Most likely they are not. Also leadership is an action not a position. Suk is no leader nor a kinder soul. See him for what he really is an arrogant CEO. You'll know this comapny no different then the rest. Just more osentatious then the rest.

      Other then that that CCM CEO is the furture suk.

  9. It's a tie between ccm and sm to me

  10. All...but the devil goes to disney! LOL

  11. CCM probably more so recently than overall.

  12. Ccm openworld sm
    .. But definately ccm

  13. Open World Entertainment, CCM and to a lower degree, SM.
    And pretty much all those smaller and shittier agencies that are nugus as well.

  14. OWE hands down... come on, their CEO systematically abused and raped his female trainees and artists in his building's 5th floor fuckpad for years. And coerced his male singers to join in. CCM comes in 2nd after that I suppose.

  15. gawd their all horrible in their own way. But.. why is everyone voting for CCM? is it becuz of the t-ara thing? really!


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