Friday, June 29, 2012

Question of the Week 50

EVERYONE! This is the 50th Question of the Week! Yay! Thank you for all of your love and support. I am relieved (and surprised...) that many of you still take the time to answer random questions I pull out of my ass. And thank you to those readers who contribute questions. Chu~

So today's question is:

Which idol do you think would be most ideal as a lover?

No, I don't mean "who do you want to fuck senseless for days on end". I actually mean who do you think is someone you would find worth spending your life with in a romantic, committed, loving way (forever and ever). Someone who you would want to be the mother/father of your children. Someone you could love 5evr!

I know, I am suddenly a romantic.

Lol jk. I don't believe in love.

I honestly do not know much about idols and their personalities (fake or real), so I cannot really answer this myself. But I mean, I think I would like Eddie Shin from Aziatix. Or even Tablo from Epik High.

If anyone has suggestions for later "Question of the Weeks", please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nana is the hottest thing alive but I think she'd be a horrible lover tbh. Maybe Taeyeon? Hara is also a very funny person (I watched invincible youth)

    1. Reehji recently masturbated to Nana


      Not the exact photo but similar posing. You get the idea
      But why is Nana a horrible lover? :<

    2. Her personality seems that of a highschool cheerleader. Too aware that she's beautiful, which makes her a bit arrogant. Of course she has the right to be, but I prefer humbler girls (fucking sexist pig!!!)

    3. Nana is arrogant????? WHAT!!! SLANDER

    4. It was she who convinced pledis to kick bekah and kahi cuz she was jealous!!! She also only bows 30 degrees omg!

    5. To be honest, Nana sounds like nails on chalkboard.
      It's her looks, that's why I don't ignore her.

    6. I think her voice is cute :3

    7. Nana's voice is the most obscene, rancid piece of shit in existence, shaped into the form of a kitty-cat with a couple puffs of A&F Fierce. Can't fool me though.

    8. ^ LMAO OMG. This fully defines it! I've been seeking for words my whole life

  3. Nana face + Tia body + Jooyeon personality = perfect lover

  4. Gdruggin oppar
    he has a weeds, he will make me high high

  5. Hyomin! (why?)
    1. nice girl good personality
    2. B-E-A-yoootiful face that i can admire while getting head
    3. nice small waist that can be held with one hand when she bends over
    ( to maximise pleasure other hand may be used to hold beer, switch channels or eat sandwich )

  6. Even though Yunho is like my bias and shit, I have a feeling he is a prick with STD.Taeyang is too short so I'll choose cold-hearted Tvxq Changmin since we have a lot in common. I think I would most Henry Lau or Donghae as they seem like nice people.

  7. I want IU as my wife. She's the kind of girl you bring home to your mother. And i want Sulli as a mistress. She's young, wild and i think she would be easy to manipulate and control. I love my mistress but i don't want to lose my wife, IU. Should I ask her whether Sulli can move in with us? If she agrees, it would be awesome.

    Maybe i should get a recliner chair so i can sit back and watch both of them in action...

  8. Sica.

    .I won't even have to work since the amount she earns in one lifetime is equal to the amount I'd earn in 3948281 lifetimes (that is if reincarnation is real). I'll just be the house-husband. Cook, clean and take care of the kids.

    .She can guarantee to be a huge help if kids wanna be celebrities themselves. Be their role model.

    .Because I can't resist trolling women that are full of themselves (well, at least I think Sica is like that)

    1. I've always had the impression she's a bit insecure cause Yoona and Taeyeon are more popular

    2. Oh well, at least she's more popular than the other six.
      Also looks like the type that takes perfection a bit too far into the extreme.

  9. Onew cause he'd destroy my nuts with the flick of a finger

  10. It's hard to answer this question without coming off like a delusional fan girl.

    I would pick Bang Yong Guk. He's just the kind of guy I like; soft-spoken, introverted, creative, and just a little quirky. He's the type of guy that could be my lover, soldier, and best friend.

    >that voice he has makes for hours and hours of amazing phone sex.
    >I can put that big mouth of his to good use.
    >he has an IDENTICAL TWIN brother *wink* *wink*

    If he lets Himchan join in on some of our sexual escapades that's another added bonus. BangHim for life bitches.

    1. Sooner or later he will be mature. And pulseless. #justsaying

    2. Who Gukkie? He's already really mature; at least compared to a lot of other idols I've seen. He's also into charities and being a good Samaritan and all that other good stuff.

      If it wasn't for those ultra-girly looking hands he'd be perfect.

    3. Jepp Blackman. The Cheat approves. They don't call him BLACKMAN for nuttin', namsayin'? His mouth isn't the only thing that's big.

    4. Most people here have averted coming off as "delusional fangirls" by adding creepier-than-is-often-considered-sane descriptions. It works!

  11. LOL "5ever"

    I suppose... Dongwoo from Infinite. He seems like such a sweetheart :'D Plus, I think we'd get along well, and I think he's one of the idols least likely to be putting up a front. It'd be a pity if he's actually a total bitch :I

  12. for 5ever and stuff id pick sj's sungmin.

    even though i like yesung more and think hes hotter (lol @my taste in men?), i think hed just be way too conservative and oldfashioned in a relationship. i cant stand guys who like their women as homemakers. /vomit

  13. Myungsoo,cuz he's my ideal type.Well,at least from what I've seen from shows and interviews.He's just...yeah,he's just my ideal guy x3
    If Tablo was younger,I'd pick him too.Unfortunately,he'll be a pedo right now. *sigh*

    1. Myungsoo seems really... Sophisticated (boring) to me. Like, he never talks when he doesn't need to.

    2. Exactly,that's what I like the most about him lol...I guess for some people he does seem boring,but I can't see a single flaw in the guy. *shruggs*

  14. there is only one lover that I can be with 4lyfe!!

    But Yenny is surely getting to that spot.
    Fuck that, I am a polygamist, Sojin and Yenny.

  15. Hmm, really difficult because I don't watch enough idol programs to really grasp anyone's personality - but I'll go with Kang JiYoung.

  16. Tiffany or Amber. Or both. Honestly, they both give off a really feminine feel (met both at smtown ny), fun loving, carefree, and they would be great with kids I bet.

    1. I don't know about Amber, but here's a sample of Tiffany's children skills. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQTMIwk2bBY&feature=related

    2. well, at least she tries and has good intentions ^_^'' and c'mon, she'd be hot as a mother ;D
      As for Amber, she's been seen with little kids in fancams etc. and does really well with them

  17. BoA. BoA's so rich that I'd never have to work a day in my life.

  18. Taeyeon, I COULD JUST EAT HER UP

    1. if i were a guy i'd buy her as a wife the second i got the cash to

    2. 2012 June 30th
      The blogger user Budy is a female. Who would have thought?

      Other Notes:
      Appears to admire Taeyeon of SNSD.
      Follows AKFG and other affiliates.
      Gurney Journey?

  19. either yura, or bora....hm...
    both seem stupid, but i somewhat prefer good looking+sophisticated girl

    so in the end, fuck it, let's hang out with Son Dambi or maybe chorong/na eun

  20. soyeon so lovable, lizzy for her a-ing jk

  21. Donghae and Henry Lau seem very nice...and rich. lol

    1. Well Henry Lau is the more attractive version of Daesung(except the body), though its just the eyes that are resemblance of him. He's like Minzy+Daesung's love child, meaning he is one very talented guy.

    2. Henry is such a nice guy, he likes to give his fans pics and autographs whenever he has the time. I got one with him and eunhyuk, and he was just awesome about it.

    3. Exactly!! Haha gotta love the little cutie.

  22. And not one mention of Eunjunf. This is not the AKPF I used to know.

    You can just tell that she'd try anything once, and she'd be just as comfortable with the raw, nasty stuff as well as simple lovemaking. Someone like Seo Inyoung or Sooyoung would be all 'me me me', but Eunjunf would get thrills from handing out pleasure too. The only problem is that I can imagine trying out a MFF threesome with her, then I'd end up getting left out as she enjoys the other girl too much to notice me. Then I'd just have to fap onto her leg or something.

    1. Seriously, there were only a few Anons who liked Eunjung, but those few just spammed the hell out of her.

  23. 1. Taeyeon
    2. Krystal
    3. Na Eun

    Taeyeon for obvious reasons.

    Krystal is a bit of a diva, so we would have a wild, whirlwind romance and marriage, pop out three kids, I'd become rich and powerful, Krystal would become the number one star in Korea after SNSD are killed in a false flag attack conducted by the South Korean government and they occupy the entire peninsula by using that as a pretext for war, our marriage would fall apart after I discover her in a threesome with Jessica and Yoona, we have a long divorce battle, I get custody of two kids and we split our assets because we're both equally wealthy, I swindle her 12% stake in SM Entertainment and eventually Sunny and I hatch a plan to take over the entire company, after which I use my genius idol management skills to set up the next SNSD full of the nastiest chicks in K-pop, I go on to have children with Na Eun, Lizzy and Victoria and eventually when I die a multibillionaire after heroically saving Krystal's life from a Japanese Yakuza hit squad our twelve children and her fight it out for the remainder of my assets.

    Na Eun, cuz she's just so nasty and nothing translates into good parenting like nastiness.

  24. Onew, even though I'm Key biased.
    Onew's cute, funny, considerate and he has the cutest eye-smile I've ever seen. I'd love to see those eyes glowing at me whenever I see him.
    Speaking as a non-delusional 12 year old here LOL.

    1. 12 year olds, pliz brace u self ^^This forum filled with 50 year old creepy "men" *is coughed*Scully_Faggot*coughing*

  25. Either Seungho from MBLAQ or Onew from Shinee
    i like clumsy dorky guys, they talk funny shit without realizing it and i love their voices
    They also look like a fucking sun when they smile
    I don't want children but i'd give them 12 if they asked

  26. It's so interesting how a horde of faggots are feeding their own delusions in this very article.

    1. Not really. Just speculation + answering the question.
      That's how QoTWs have always been...

    2. Read these faggots' discussion to see for yourself!! Very AKFG!

    3. "pimpmysneakersJune 29, 2012 5:50 AM

      It's hard to answer this question without coming off like a delusional fan girl."

      It's a trap. Fuckin' Shinbi.

  27. IU. She's already proven she has motherly tendencies (and while international fans/bitches/feminists slapped her silly for wanting to be a housewife, they forget that maternity is a natural fucking part of life), she's beautiful, and I love her voice. She says she can cook too!

  28. I actually think most idols are probably awkward as fuck when it comes to these things. *coughtaeyangandseohyuncough*
    But I'll go with Jonghyun, since he's the funniest fucker out there.


  29. Top. He looks like he'd try the hardest. And I'm Himchan biased so picking Top is saying a lot.

  30. D.o (from exo) because he can cook for me and he has one of the most tastiest lips,oh yea, although I would fuk him senseless for days as well.

    1. Looks like this article brought new commenters!!

    2. She's not new, she's my fraaaannn.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Kyuhyun oppar. His charm is so shiny.


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