Sunday, June 17, 2012

A tribute to STAND (Strong Til All Nine Disappear)

The bitter, international anti-fans who thrived on recycled circlejerks and stagnant hate conspiracies.
What ever happened to them?

A short while ago, a couple anti-SNSD macros posted to Chatango rustled many jimmies, and led to a huge lulz-orgy. If there is anything more hysterical than a delusional fangirl, it's a delusional anti-fan. Eager to be entertained and possibly to boost my self-esteem, I casually looked up the STAND forum. It was gone.

Well, that was unnecessarily dramatic. It was still there, but registration was closed, and the latest comment was from over 6 months ago. I was disappointed, but also immensely proud, as a single, manly tear ran down my cheek (on hindsight, it might have been due to the Beatles ballad that was playing). There was no doubt that they had STOOD, unwavering, unashamed.

...Yes, they faltered before all nine disappeared, in fact, before any had. Yes, the very concept of convening at a forum to hate someone (note: that isn't some sort of threat to society (I realized arguments could be made in this case, shhh)) was pathetic. Yes, they were kinda stupid. However, they stood (not my best pun) for what they believed in, and braved one of the craziest fucking fandoms in all of Kpop. Also, now that they're "dead", we're allowed to conveniently forget all their shitty qualities (it's sort of what we do with dead people / things that we no longer have, you see). So, without further ado.


*Cue slideshow music*

Literally fucking hilarious. Colorful too.
"Kao Kao"
Zaku-tier quality.



    ohh...wait a minute...

  2. Why do STANDs think Seobaby isnt innocent? The bish is awkward as hell and screams virgin. And i think my oppars and unnirs have sex all the time and fans always say they dont have enough time. Seriously, do the idols not have even five minutes of free time to even fuck their secret boyfriends and girlfriends?. And even if they dont have a relationship, and fans claim them to be pure, well guess what! They arent. Even before i was a freshman in high school, half the students in my year were bumping nasties.

    1. Given that they spend so much of their Hanguk won for PS, I think much of them have made themselves easy to jizz at for less than 5 minutes, amirite, Tiffany :)

  3. Why do STANDs think Seobaby isnt innocent? The bish is awkward as hell and screams virgin. And i think my oppars and unnirs have sex all the time and fans always say they dont have enough time. Seriously, do the idols not have even five minutes of free time to even fuck their secret boyfriends and girlfriends?. And even if they dont have a relationship, and fans claim them to be pure, well guess what! They arent. Even before i was a freshman in high school, half the students in my year were bumping nasties.

  4. They were just jealous. Now they realize the power of Soshi. BITCHES.

    1. Yes.
      You are right.
      They were just jealous.

    2. NO ONE, i say NO ONE, could ever tremble the greatness of our 9 girls. POWER OF NINE FOREVER PREVAILS

  5. TROLOLOL fucking ELFs and Cassies. Epic failure on their part.
    Not a fan of SNSD but fuck, Horsica all the way!!!!! NEY!!!!!!

  6. Thr power of sone in akf is strong
    Global generation

  7. 6/5 stars to David for writing with font size as big as his peen. OOP :P

  8. too late to join now i guess

  9. Snerk. Their reasons for hating SNSD basically boiled down to "BITCH STOOD NEXT TO MY OPPAR/APPEARED IN A CONCERT AND MY BIAS DIDN'T! BAWWWWWWW!" Look, I'm a Sone and I don't give a damn if you don't like SNSD. Hey, I don't particularly like SHINee, Super Junior,DBSK,SS501 or really, any other male groups other than DNT and Norazo. I do draw the line when they're called "whores/sluts/plastic/bitches/fake/talentless/etc", and when butthurt fangirls pull Black Oceans. I don't care what the fuck kind of beef you have with Sones - do NOT punish SNSD for it.

    Also - I honestly believe that all members of SNSD are talented. Sure, some might be considered "more talented" than others, but it's annoying when people go "Why the fuck is Sooyoung/Yuri/Yoona/Hyoyeon/Sunny in the group?" Are you SM's CEO? No? Then shut the fuck up and sit your mutha fuckin' ass DOWN.

    1. I know there are many people (especially here) that dislike or resent SNSD simply because of their overexposure/massive popularity. That is wrong. Others may have more justified reasons for disliking SNSD and I will respect that. Personally, I'm neutral towards them, although I find both their fans and anti-fans to be generally unpleasant.

      Regarding your second paragraph, I have to disagree. Following your logic, Hyewon should never have even been allowed to audition.

    2. Bravo to this post.

      Most people that hate SNSD are butthurt ELFs, Cassies, Shawols and pretty much anyone who's a big fangirl of those boy groups who make themselves look like idiots when trying to be badass and 'rap' (even more so than Fany at occasion).

      Though I know Blackjacks also form a number of their ranks too.

    3. Lets be real here. How did blackjacks hate sones again.
      Bcuz them bitches disturb they peace at 2ne1 article

      I really resent hipocrits

      Say no to hipocrits. Amd vote for sulli fag as the best author

  10. It took me almost fifteen minutes to figure out which one was missing from that pic.

  11. i don't like snsd but i never hurt anyone because i don't love him this people is sick


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