Friday, July 27, 2012

Nunchaku's car accident

Hey. I don't really have much to talk about right now, but what's up with this half-a-homo running over people?

So apparently there are a bunch of eye witnesses that saw what happened before and after the accident. One witness stated, “When the collision happened, Nunchaku immediately stepped out and, with tears in his eyes, got down on his knees. It appeared as if he were praying.”

However, I heard this was a lie and bullshit sites like Soomi and Allkpop never get this shit right. Here is the real quote: “When the collision happened, Nunchaku immediately stepped out and, with tears in his eyes, got down on his knees and started sucking the man's penis. It appeared as if he were praying but then, I noticed he was just removing jizz from this mouth."

Soompi also reports one witness said: “It appeared as if the motorcyclist was about to get up, but then once he saw Nunchaku’s face he laid right back down.”

However, this is a bullshit and changed quote again. This is what I have gotten from my sources. “It appeared as if the motorcyclist was about to get up, but then once he saw Nunchaku’s face he laid right back down and began fapping furiously...Nunchaku joined in, they finished and embraced.”

 So don't' believe everything you read kiddies. Shit gets changed all the time to cover up what really happens.


(Also I will be a little busy during August so post may be a bit sparse...I figured I'd mention that so you don't say, "WHERE THE HELLZ IS HE?!"


  1. Send him off to the army.

    The Syrian army.

    1. The loyalist Syrian Army or the Free Syrian Army?

  2. Do any other guys find him annoying or is it just me? haha

  3. He should shave off his eyebrows if he can't apologize or pay the fucking hospital bill.

  4. Than again some asians....some asian shouldn't be issue a drivers license. Nor drink anything higher than listerine for alcohol volume level.

    1. Lol asians... Oh man ur racist...for a latina

    2. Ha! I get drunk after one shot but other Asians can hold their alcohol well...But it's not like I be driving!

    3. My friends don't ever let me drive whether I'm drunk or not anyways >_< You probably guess why.

  5. Trust sulli_fag to insert fap somewhere in an issue like this lol
    But if you'll be busy in August, who will write fap articles and insert Tia's fancams? :o

    1. hahaha. Oh I will always post moar Tia fancams LOL

  6. i need more sulli fag GOODNESS!

  7. i am always wondering: why the hell is nichkhun-kun 2pms visual? is Jay whY Pee blind or something? dude looks like a pile of shit and it smells horribly. peace.

    1. What about Wonder Girls visual...
      But eh, I'd hit it.

    2. Horseking Taecyeon and Snakeface Chansung are better looking and U-Know dat, amirite? that Tranny Prince looks like a middle aged woman. he kind of reminds me of Chanmi. nah, not my cup of tea.

    3. Nickunts forehead may be big, but Chanana and TaecOppa? I prefer Junho! And unfortunately Wooyoung has no chin. Not only r 2pm the most talented band out there and are also the most ugliest faces.

    4. His forhead what about those eyebrows
      What the hell is going on there?
      It looks like two shit smears plus the big forhead

    5. As a person with a big forehead.
      I respectfully show you ppl my middle finger
      If i was a gurl it would look good. Lyke jessica junfff

    6. But I thought Korans liked big forehead...? Jessica Junf ur fayce!1!! Krystal unf Manjunf nf unf unf Nichkhunf Seohyunf Fanyunf(ITNW-The Boys wtf is up with her face nowadays eww!

    7. You mean this shit

      Dara is the most goofy looking female idol to me. She's got a large nose and ears. Have you ever stared at her without going cross eyed and notice. Bitch is ugly and I don't see the attraction.

    8. Soooo you call sohee cute and dara ugly n bitchy..

    9. DarA got nosejob though. Yeah her chin is like a banana. She shood stawp do those idiot faces she think are cute.


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