Thursday, July 12, 2012

[NYSLT] Handsome People -- Woowei Woowei

I'm going to try out a new feature for Anti KPop Fangirl in order to diversify our range of articles a bit. I call it NYSLT or Nugus You Should Listen To.

This column is dedicated for those non-mainstream (for one reason or another) acts and artists that often slip under the radar in today's idol-centric music market. This will just be something quick, easy, and to the point that should bring your attention to new music that we find great, so don't expect any lengthy MV reviews like you're used to seeing from me or any of the other authors.

I'm still working out the specifics of this whole thing, like whether we should just use this tag whenever we run across something good, make it a weekly thing, or even expand it to a full review kind of article, but for now just feast your ears on some great music. We'll hash that shit out based on discussion between us and/or reader feedback.

This particular edition is dedicated to the Handsome People. Recently dropping a new full length album, these guys really showcase what KRock has to offer. And no, neither LED Apple nor FT Island count as KRock.

The song is a nice rock song that won't feel out of place at a party or get-together. With some damn solid vocals and a light upbeat melody that reminds me of a Korean Maroon 5 circa Letters to Jane (which is not a bad thing at all), this song definitely is worth the listen. It doesn't hurt that the MV has plenty of cute girls partying it up, a nice bonus to you readers out there in search of fap material.

The rest of the album is a solid release well worth the time it takes to pirate, cause I know you guys can't be fucked to buy anything these days.

Let us know what you think about the song and the new article type in the comments.


  1. "And no, neither LED Apple nor FT Island count as KRock"

    ^ This.
    Someone give zaku a medal here.

  2. Hate the "Ooh Woowei Woowei Woo" part. Overall, a good song. About the MV, some of these girls probably use the same plastic surgeon.

  3. I remember when I used to fanboy about Handsome People on here

    1. We only had ten readers back then though lol.

    2. I still like them, have to thank you for making me addicted to them ~_~

  4. Is that Tei?? I never knew he was in a rock band ._.

  5. Meh. Boring.

    Also, I don't know why, but I sense some plagiarism. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how I feel.

  6. 0:28
    I thought it was Seohyun

    and just before that, I could have sworn I saw someone from CN Blue
    but with more talent.

  7. Oh my. I haven't heard from Handsome People in a while. I was starting to miss them.

    1. but they had like 3000 releases after shall we dance

      painfully average band at best imo

  8. Although that song was retarded, I like the idea for the new segment though. :)

  9. You said korean maroon 5 lost me after that. So sick of that piece of crap of a band. I'll stick to my metal

  10. loving this idea
    also, "And no, neither LED Apple nor FT Island count as KRock."
    You forgot CNBlue :o

  11. I wouldn't really call Handsome People k-rock. I think they're way too poppy for that. Unless we're using the word "k-rock" to describe any Korean artists who play actually instruments.

    1. Pretty much, play an instrument with a group, its k-rock

  12. Pretty decent. I'll listen to the album, maybe.

  13. Personally speaking, it wasn't very engaging. The one thing that stood out to me was the guitar in the beginning because it reminded me of the guitar in No Doubt's Hella Good.

  14. I've loved these guys since they released their first single Shall We Dance.


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