Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sohee's body impresses netizens?

I read a ridiculous article on Koreaboo earlier.

Sohee's allegedly great body

That's more like it

Here's the rest of the pictures.


  1. Oh wow that lee eun hye... how come I didn't find out about her earlier. brb fapping

    1. I didn't know about her until the other day lol. Cute Korean posts a lot of Korean models that were never on Really Cute Asians.

    2. Chuck you have to have seen me spammin pics of her in chat b4.

  2. dat ogre's body, look at those curves, my..my... and that perfect s-line those pictures must be photoshopped! theres no way sohee has such a rockin body!

  3. Sohee really does have a nice ass though (nullified by face, but still).

  4. Cute and sexy are two different things.
    Sohee is cute lady #2 is fucking sexy.
    Bot can have right bodies for what they appeal for.

    Cute= no breast,no thighs,no hips to show off a seductive S line

    Sexy= got breast,nice thighs and some curves to show off a hella seductive S line

    Damn I'm not a man but I know good looking woman when I see one. Also tell the difference between a "cute" girl and a fucking "dime"

    There should be more girls that are sexy in korea not pedo cute

    1. "damn im not a man"

      thats right....
      ur a women
      in the end beauty is in the eye of the beerholder (yeap 9gag)

  5. What happened to Lee Eun Hye's toes!?

    Stockings to cover those (maybe) 2 inches up? How silly.

    1. I wasn't going to comment on her toes, since I thought I was the only one who was looking at them. But hey hey hey it turns out I'm not alone O:

    2. I notice anomalies. And cute shoes.

      Or, we are just weird together. =3

  6. I love me some curvaceous women.

    Sohee has an alright body, by her face over shadows it. She is pretty much like Hyorin or G.na

  7. lol

    Sohee has a good body in that it's very straight (mostly because of her legs though). But it's nowhere near "amazing". This Lee Eun Hye is hot though, however....no ass.

  8. Oh yeah, nice new background btw. I thought it was Victoria at first because of her eyes.

  9. Some people say Yoona has a great body too. AHAHAHA

  10. To say Sohee's body is 'impressive' is sane compared to that atrocity of a face she has :)

  11. am i the only one who likes sohees face wtf

    1. No, you´re not the only one. imma soheepster.

  12. As a fellow sneaker rocking chica I applaud her personal fashion sense. It's just the right mix of cute, trendy and sexy.

    She's still a talentless whore with about as much personality as a bucket of dirty water though.


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