Monday, July 30, 2012

T-error...'nuff said.

This is a rant, straight up.

This boy went HARD. These images were tweeted to 5-ara. I cackle maniacally.
I ran out of popcorn GIFs, because there isn't enough popcorn in the fucking world to feed people following this drama. This is blowing the fuck up baby. And I love it.

Stay stupid my friends.

Okay, Core Contents Media, Kim Kwang Soo and T-error are all fucking bitches of the highest caliber.

Look at what that fat piece of shit is saying. Oh, if Hwayoung stays quiet, it's good for all of us. Really? Yeah because you want to save as much of T-error's reputation as possible. Well guess what? It's done. You're done, the group's done, your fucking company is fucking done. Never have I seen anything in K-Pop as low and despicable as this. Sure, Nichkhun and Daesung may have ran over some fools. But whatever. You're condoning bullying AND lying out your fucking ass.

It was evident that Hwayoung was an outcast that was constantly being bullied by the other members. But instead of, you know, fixing the problem, you let these fucking dogs loose on Twitter where they bashed Hwayoung, THEN you let them get away with it! Real classy, son.

Now you're making some good shit up, like Hwayoung was pissing off staff? The staff had a problem with her and they went crying to YOU? News: STAFF ARE MEANT TO CATER TO THE IDOLS. That's the plan. So even IF Hwayoung was fucking with the staff, they're meant to suck it up and deal with it. T-error was making your ugly ass money, but suddenly "OH WE GOTS TO GET RID OF HER FOR THE SAKE OF TEAMWORK AND THE COMPANY!"


As if she was causing more problems than Jiyeon, Eunjung, Hyomin and Soyeon. I mean, YOU'RE JUST DOING HER CLOTHES, HAIR AND MAKEUP. It's not like she wanted an extra two pounds of makeup to look better than the rest of them. Nobody is believing this bull KKS, no-fucking-body.

So you decide to fire her ass from the company, instead of the other bitches. Okay, we knew you were fucking shady, but this is just LOW. AND you want her back if she apologizes and repents for her "mistakes"? What an awesome organization. I would love to work for you guys! Oh wait, I'm not a fucking retard.

This is how we're gonna do it.

If I'm ever in Korea, I'm gonna fucking stab KKS in the throat and beat him to death if I see his fat fucking face near me. You're a fucking pedo, a terrible businessman and an overall worthless human being. You shouldn't even be fucking fertilizer after I grind you into a fucking paste. You are utter trash, and I would gladly end your useless life if it wasn't for the fact that I would love to see you drive T-error further into the dirt.

CCM, you are the Enron of Korea...only worse. Yeah, great idea destroying your only source of revenue. Because Gang Kiz were such a fucking success, right? I would rather work for EA than you. It would be a happy day if North Korea fired a missile at your building and killed everyone inside. Fuck you.

T-error? What do I have to say. You know, I gave you guys a break, because it seemed like KKS overworked you and fucked you over at every opportunity. You were just seven girls trying to make a living. But this episode? Oh son, you done fucked up now. First, you PUBLICLY diss a member on Twitter. That is not on. Be fucking professional. You work for your money, stop acting like a bunch of clueless bitches. I guess that is a bit much to ask, considering you are. You're liars, fakes, bitches and trash. I've met people convicted of murder that I would trust more than you bitches. I hope your music career implodes and you have to sell yourself to perverted Japanese businessmen before dying at age 32 of a heroin overdose. Fuck. You.

Please, everyone that reads this blog, post all the hate for T-error below. I want to have the world's largest collection of hate, then I will get someone to translate it and send it to KKS himself. I cannot abide bullies, and I hate people who protect bullies even more. I would throw CCM, KKS and T-error into a dumpster, but that would be an insult to garbage.

In other news:
1. Some PDs posted that they would no longer cast T-ara (MBC and SBS).
2. Many people are allegedly asking for T-error members to be removed from the dramas they're currently or set to film.
3. Advertisements featuring T-error are apparently being taken down or suspended.
4. A company called Tony Moly has allegedly stated they will not renew their contract with T-error.
5. Stores selling T-error merchandise have allegedly taken down or hidden posters and souvenirs of them.
6. Beast's Yoseob has allegedly unfollowed Jiyeon on Twitter. Nasty!
7. CCM will apparently let Hwayoung back into T-error if she apologizes and accepts certain conditions.

The Cheat out.


  1. Words of hate?
    Hwa-thing is an attention whore.Honestly,I bet every group has this member that they don't like,but I don't see anyone else complaining,except that useless twin.Poor thing,they don't like her.So,you force 7 people together and you expect them to like each other? No.They just work together.They don't do friendship,it doesn't bring money.But looks like Hwa-thing wants to "be loved".LOL.

    1. Uh, yeah, nobody else is saying anything except for EVERY FUCKING ONE.

      I don't care that she's an attention whore. She's meant to be a celebrity. Being an attention whore is advantageous.

      The fact is, she was clearly an outcast and she got fucked over because of it. Plus, T-error were just unprofessional as fuck.

      So fuck them.

    2. We are pro-hwayoung here aren't we? Correct me if I am wrong. But FUCK YOU hwayoung doesn't deserve this bullshit FUCK YOU

    3. Are u dumb ? Like srsly, since when that useless twin complains about this mess ? This shit was all started by those 5 bitches and when they talk down to you, u reply and that is complaining ? And working together means respecting, not bullying. They are all fcking grown ass bitches and still doing this kind of childish shit ?

    4. Yes,they were unprofessional bitches.I'm not saying they're not at fault,I'm saying she's not completely innocent. *sigh* When have T-ara respected each other? They fucking HATE each other! Maybe it's just not her thing being in a group full of attention seeking chicks,but still...all this "Forever alone" thing...I hate it.You get your money,then keep silent.I bet they were gonna make her the new leader,and that's what caused the whole Twitter thing.
      On the other hand,who knows,maybe the company just wants to get rid of her and now they're using T-Ara...though I doubt they'd be THAT stupid. *shruggs*

    5. I'm sorry, are we just going to act like "Hwa-thing" isn't shitty and unoriginal as an insult?

  2. Why didn’t he do it inside his house? It will look more dramatic

    1. Lol does he even have a house? Last time I heard, he lived in the attic of CCM's building (probably keeps a shitload of child porn stashed as well).

    2. I'm referring to the youtube video

    3. Oh my bad. Now that I think about it....if his house was an apartment, it would definitely make things dramatic.

  3. Worst article by you. Why don't you calm down before you write. It's like reading a crazy fan girl's journal.

    1. First sentence. Tell me, what did it say?

      Yeah I thought so. If you don't like it, fuck off.

      I don't have to be calm. I don't write my articles while I'm calm, I write them when there's exciting news. Trust me, there will be other articles on this site about the controversy. This is my opinion.

      Believe me, if I could inject humor into this, I would. But none of it has been humorous, unless you take pleasure in seeing T-error implode, which I do. If you don't, then there's probably not much for you here. KKS' statements were comical, but they were comical in a pathetic sense.

      Don't worry, I'm The Cheat. You'll get over it.

    2. I'm sorry i got mad. I ran out of popcorn.

  4. What's the big deal? KKShas to contradict himself and make some excuses, it's called BUSINESS. Do you expect him to go out and say "our company sucks, t-ara bullied Hwayoung and their cute image is all a lie to get money from you".

    He HAS to kick Hwayoung instead of the others cause otherwise it's just Hwayoung (+maybe Qri) and not T-ara. Sometimes it's not greed, but responsibility. You own a fucking company that investors have INVESTED in and that holds people employed, where you've been trusted as the ceo to maximize profit. THAT is where the greed comes from. Some of them are greedy too, but the same goes for every fucking ceo in every fucking company in the entire fucking world.

    You're expecting KKS to throw his company into the ground intentionally? Yeah, he has handled this situation badly, but you can't blame a man for trying.

    1. No. This is a simple sit and wait management decision. Announcement: Oh Dani is gonna join the group. But we're putting things on hold while we investigate this SECURITY BREACH.

      Wait till it boils over, in the mean time, you counsel these bitches and sort things out.

      Afterwards, nobody remembers, you have a concert and release a new album, it's all good.


      If you're KKS, you absolutely contradict everything said before and shoot your company in the foot. So Hwayoung WAS a lazy bitch? So the tweets WEREN'T the result of hackers, they were true! Let's kick her out. Oh wait, I lied. The public won't care, right? Oh wait again, they do.

      So the staff don't like Hwa. I can understand. But you kick out the talent? You can always get new staff. You can't necessarily find a new idol. Now I'm not saying Hwa is like a great idol who's a rap genius, but they invested time and money into training her. Now they cut her loose and made up some bullshit about the staff not liking her. PLUS, he complains that his staff are underpaid. Well, uh, why don't you just pay them more so they can put up with Hwayoung? Jesus.

      I can definitely blame a man for trying. I'm sorry, even if he made the best of a bad situation (he didn't, by the way), he still deserves to be fired. Like you say, it's a business. You don't TRY. You do what you have to do to minimize the damage. He did not. He should pay. But he won't, because this company is trash.

      If he tried to MAXIMIZE profits, their concert wouldn't be getting fucked right now. PDs wouldn't be talking about how they won't cast T-error. Bad call son.

    2. Hwayoung? Trained? She was never a trainee in CCM, son. She got in from winning some beauty contest and that her twin sis lobbied that baboon to put her in T-ara.

      At least get that correct.

    3. Obviously she was trained, I mean, she has a rap teacher, and she had to learn choreography. That shit costs time, effort and money.

      Also, don't call me son. You are not worthy. After all, I am The Cheat.

    4. Whoa, whoa, whoa, so I can't use the word 'son'? Well, alright then lol.

      She may had been trained but she sure as hell wasn't well-trained, regardless of how much effort, time and money was put into it.

  5. CCM IS stupid, why else couldnt they have done a better press con? found better excuses... why else would they have added members when they know that the group was unstable already?... KKS is holding on as tight as he can onto their lady-balls, so that they will forever be under CCM. but for this incident he couldnt dump the 5 members who were bullying hwayoung so he risked 1 member and cut her out instead

  6. Am I the only one who thinks that this article doesn't really meet AKF's rules (trolling fans, comically mocking idols etc.)? Far out, this makes my hatred for CCM look miniscule at best lol. This looks like something I'd find in the AKP forums lol. Never thought I'd come across a [RANT] article.

    Take a chill pill, man.

    But seriously, wtf is CJ Group even doing? Aren't they pissed off that their minion KKS is making things look like a blasted clusterfuck of a disaster that will leave a black stain on Kpop and lose a shiploads of money with it?

    1. I don't know, you and the rest of these clowns seem pretty mad, so I'm doing something right.

      Am I not mocking idols? Prease, it is time to stop stanning these dirty dogs and move onto a group that has some moral integrity. Like Super Junior.

    2. I ain't mad, man. Actually, I'm enthrilled to see that shithead of a company come multiple steps closer to its possible demise.

      And yes, you're not mocking them - comically. At least in this particular article.

  7. Despite T-ara's bitchiness I don't understand how anyone could actually be happy that the world's best source of fap material is dissapearing.

    I even heard a rumor on tumblr that Qri's gonna leave T-ara. If that happens I'll become so depressed.

    1. QRI?!
      But she's my fave! *cries* She makes me think everyone in T-ara is pretty. -_-

    2. Lol KKS wouldn't wanna let his favorite member leave. Probably has a shitload of pics of Qri in his computer and faps to them if he's not in a mood for little girls.

    3. Nah he hasn't stolen my computer yet.

      @Mikki what does that mean? That Qri is so ugly it makes the other members pretty in comparison? :O

    4. No,it means she's so pretty,I stare at her and forget about the other members. o_o

    5. @lumpor - I'm pretty sure you raided CCM's building and stole it yourself :) Ah, that probably explains why he decided to move to little girls.

  8. I actually liked Hwadog, useless as she was.. but all of this drama, really fucking made my day, tasty. Guess we'll never get to see her other nipple :(.

    1. Don't be too sure. Too old & has too much baggage to join another controversy.

      She'll probably hop on a ferry to Japan and do some AV.

    2. lol another controversy. I couldn't help but lmao

    3. Or both nipples at the same instance

  9. now I'm just waiting for Hyoyeon to come out about how she got bullied in SNSD. They don't have Twitter or shit...which will probably make it even more epic

    Also, please support A Pink. We are working hard

    1. She oughta do it in a live broadcast :D

    2. Why does everyone forgot about the yoona vs hyoyeon thing?

    3. i will support you rongrong :))

  10. What the fuck is this? Nathan, you know I don't allow shit like this. I fired other authors for writing shit like this. This is not your diary for you to write like a fangirl.

    1. Yup I DEFINITELY saw this one coming. I knew there was something off about this article compared to this month's stuff lol.

    2. Damn, now we need more popcorn gifs

    3. He could have written this without sounding like a whiny fangirl who hates T-ara, but he chose not to.

    4. "If I'm ever in Korea, I'm gonna fucking stab KKS in the throat and beat him to death if I see his fat fucking face near me. You're a fucking pedo, a terrible businessman and an overall worthless human being. You shouldn't even be fucking fertilizer after I grind you into a fucking paste. You are utter trash, and I would gladly end your useless life if it wasn't for the fact that I would love to see you drive T-error further into the dirt."

      Never realized AKFG faggots would get as emotional as this that's why I stayed here! BUT OH WELL! NOTHING BEATS THE CHEAT!

    5. Yup...lack of comedy, lack of trolling, lack of funny pics....man, I was expecting something like the 5dolls scandal article.

      I should probably show this to corpse girl after work lol.

    6. It's not being biased. I'm just disappointed at the poor writing and for no one listening to me. I've fired other authors for the same shit and Nathan knows this since he's been a reader here for over a year. I don't tolerate fangirl posts on AKF. He could have written this in a funny way since there's a lot of material to work with, but he just comes off like his little sister in that SNSD is Plastic video.

    7. Gonna have to agree with Chuck here. AKF is not the place for rants, well-intentioned or not. Leave that shit to Allkpop, Tumblr, and KPop-secrets.

      If you wanted to write a T-ara article, you should have scaled back the rage at the very least. We don't need trolling, funny captions, or humor in every single article but fangirlish rage does not make a good substitute for any of the above.

    8. I still fapped to this article. Is that bad?

    9. Can't believe I'm writing shit here through my Iphone here in the middle of moving shit from lane to lane at the supermarket lol. But yea, what Jjaku said. I despise KKS and CCM with a blue fire but man....this article is just over the top even for me.

      @sulli - LOL

    10. is it bad that i comment most of the stuff without reading it first :I? oh well....

    11. @akf : But u rant about how eaturkimchi dissed shinhwa
      Bcuz they said shinhwa pronouce venus. penus
      And how shinhwa fans dint crash the site like shinee fans did.

      Wasnt that article a "rant and fangirly" post?

    12. You know I wrote it this way for a reason right? I wanted to see how much vitriol I could fit into a single article ala a crazy fangirl. And I did include funny pictures, like the KKS one and all the burning/tearing CDs plus the latest news.

      Come on now, the rage was the point.

    13. Reave The Cheat arone! He's sorry, he won't go hard from now on.

    14. Not ur best work the cheat.
      But wtv

      Lemme lighten the mood with some hotteat oppars dint mean
      But u can use it on defending combat baby too :)

      Oppar dint mean
      Kks scam oppaars mon3y!
      Oppar not perfect
      He is human too
      He knows he did something wrong
      And he has appologize (he hasnt at that time)
      He doesnt need you guys to state what he did was wrong(ahem...zico anyone)

    15. @Dong Young Bear That was an article blasting Eat Your Kimchi's stupid logic of gauging popularity.

    16. well yeah shinhwa beats all those flops
      there are in my top 3 fave male idol group
      alongside bb ,dbsk

      but u are a fan of them are you not akf?

      "Shinhwa comes from the era where groups weren't filled with useless members"

      altho ur post on that was more comical
      it is still "fangirly and rant' type of post excepts its better than

      "If I'm ever in Korea, I'm gonna fucking stab KKS in the throat and beat him to death if I see his fat fucking face near me."

      i dont get CB
      he doesnt like t-ara so why hate kks?
      ussually the ones that like the companys artist hates the ceo
      like cassiees with LSM . (hes not the ceo anymore i think. thankgod!)
      or vips/bj with Yg . u might think im trolling . but im not
      its serious
      some vips and bj are just ungrateful lolx
      sure Yang hyun suk isnt the best ceo
      but atleast he kept daesung and gdrugin even after those scandals
      bj are just mad 2ne1 album coming out instead of single per single
      i bet that plan fail bcuz of .. physical sales flop
      and yg is about the money not music . get it to ur heads ! haahha

    17. It doesn't matter if I'm a fan or not, EYK were being obnoxious newfags and were gauging Shinhwa's popularity from other newfags.

      Have you seen the idol groups from then and now? WG and SNSD were among the first groups filled with useless members. I was stating that because while I got into Kpop in 2008, I mainly listened to the older groups when I first got into Kpop. There weren't a shitton of useless members like there are now in many groups.

    18. Ive seen seo taiji.
      Kiiggas dope
      Altho the hairstyle and fashion of past groups were wack

      The music is definately better
      Now its rare to find groups that could even produce mediocre music

      Bap are good
      Block are a good too. But after 2pm destroyed them. Its hard seeing them around now

      That site eyk
      Is for 12 year olds
      Bcuz kpop fans are 12 years old
      Its for the views
      Dumb,yes. disrespectful towards shinhwwa, yes.
      It Brings the kiddies to watch them. Duh..

      But suju debuted in 2006.
      Arent they full of fillers?

  11. Lol at Yoseob unfollowing Cyclops. We can now confirm that the only reason he followed Cyclops in the first place was to get into her pants/squirt into her eye.

    1. babe, what the fuck. get back on steam so we can continue our steamy cam session ;)

    2. Nope. Gonna cam with some other peeps :).

    3. I wonder how many paper bags he had prepared just in case he ever got to bang her.

    4. not like he was handsome in the first place.....

    5. Their children would be one eyed monkeys with beautiful voices.

  12. Thought you hated T-ara. Why are you suddenly so passionate about disliking KKS and about HwADURP?


    LOL he/she is burning their CDs. Who the hell buys CDs these days. Also, it's obvious that they don't give a shit about their CDs being burned up, they already uploaded it to their Itunes and shit. They can still listen to the albums. Next vid should be the deletion of the albums and then maybe fapping onto a pic of the RYU SISTERS.

    1. From what i can see though, it's just the albums before the addition of Hwadog. He probably listens to the songs that features hwadog. So he should at least delete;
      from Temptastic album: I don't know. From Black Eyes album; both Cry Cry ballads + I'm so bad + O My God

    2. I burned their MP3s to my computer...so edgy amirite.

    3. that's why ur my fav rongrong

    4. @fat

      yeah I will burn my computer with all my hyomin/eunjung/dani images

      fuck this shit. gonna BURN MY MOTHERFUCKING HOUSE DOWN

    5. nuuuuuuuuuuuu, why hyomin :[ she's awecum. Gimme ur best hyomin pics sulli, i still can make some use out of it

  14. The amount of anti-fans they've gained in 24 hours is outrageous, but I can't say that it wasn't well-deserved. Oh well, they had a pretty good run.

  15. Hi,

    I usually read allkpop but I came here because you're funny and also a few entries back you mentioned that this might be a coverup for something bigger, just like how the Seo Taiji marriage thing was.

    When I first heard about the T-ara business, I was suspicious because it seemed so sudden, and more importantly, it seemed so stupid. I just cannot comprehend why that Kim Kwang Soo guy would make such obviously stupid moves. As much as people like to bash other people, especially those in charge, CEOs don't become CEOs if they are stupid. Even if they obtained their positions through inheritance, they are not idiots. And all the stuff that Kim Kwang Soo has been doing is so supremely idiotic. Why does he keep adding fuel to the fire? It makes no sense. So I did a little research and I remembered that the Korean government was doing some shitty ass move to try and sell the government share of Incheon Airport to some private business in Australia.

    Normally, if they did something like this, the public would be in an uproad. So what better timing than to get all the messiness over with than during a huge scandal? July 30th was supposed to be the date that the government was going to make a huge decision regarding Incheon Airport. Oh so coincidentally CCM warns that it will make some news breaking announcement on July 30th. T-ara bullying and the Olympics? That's all anybody talks about in Korea right now.

    This is why I hate KPOP. Because the entire Korean nation can be controlled with it. It is the biggest and most effective government puppet. The minute it dances, everybody drops what they are doing to watch. This T-ara business is so fucking silly. You think bullying only happens in T-ara? Don't be naive. Group members tread over each other all the time. This whole scandal is orchestrated by the government to take our attention away from the REAL problems.

    I wish you could write about this! May be you don't believe me and think I'm a paranoid little girl, but honestly, why waste so much time shit like this when there are much bigger issues going on?

    1. waste time? or spend your free time on a hobby? There are many benefits that one can gained from writing publicly alone.....

    2. "This is why I hate KPOP. Because the entire Korean nation can be controlled with it. It is the biggest and most effective government puppet. The minute it dances, everybody drops what they are doing to watch."

      Last time I checked, most of the Koreans I personally know who are fresh from Kimchiland across all age groups (ahjussi types to school girls) do not give a single fuck as much as I do even to the most 'relevant' groups out there.

      I do agree this issue is not worth our time--FROM MY PERSPECTIVE. There are a lot of K-Poop fans out there and among them are T-ara fans. Surely, this is something to talk about for those folks. But then, I can't discount the possibility that the RoK gov't colludes with the idol industry to divert public attention from political issues

  16. Replies
    1. also i enjoyed reading the rage

    2. and damn it looks like she cut those posters with a samurai sword

  17. I bet she was lesbian, she confessed to someone and... well, this mess... but I think the fans will forget of this in a few months and their careers will be ok :/

  18. Nigga is you retarded?
    I wouldn't destroy those cds but sell them. Remeber hwayoung half price or two for the price of one. What the fuck?
    Damn that is one hell of post.
    My kidneys are starting to hurt from all this. And I don't have medical insurance. Give this latina a break.

  19. Watch this all be set-up and Hwayoung never actually left the group, so the whole 'you-can-come-back-if-you-apologize' is gonna happen.
    I'm running out of popcorn.

  20. It's so bullshit how KKS said he's willing to put Hwayoung back in T-ara (who'd want to rejoin when you're being treated like shit? IF that's true of course). It seems to me that he just wants to keep Hwayoung quiet by giving her a second chance to be in the group if she's willing to play along with his lies.


  21. There's only one way to settle this. BATTLE RAP TIME.

    Hwayoung vs T-error.

  22. Update:

    8. KKS has made veiled threats towards Hwa and Hyo publicly, implying that Hyo (who's still with CCM AFAIK) will get hurt if Hwa doesn't shut her mouth.
    9. He now blames Hwa for Hyomin forgetting her lyrics because Hwa refused to perform, says that Hwa once berated Boram and is the cause of Jiyeon's bad behavior.
    10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Xt-FvLXS4Q @3:41. Another nail in their coffin.
    11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpftFfLVxEo @0:40. Apparently Jiyeon deliberately spills water on Hwayoung and even Haeri spits over her leg. Infinite are like "those bitches".
    12. A fan cafe called T-Jinyo (we demand the truth from T-error) has over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND MEMBERS, which is un-fucking-precedented.

    Can KKS unfuck this situation? Find out more on The Cheat Files!

    1. 13. Jiyeon and Soyeon allegedly berated Hwayoung during dance practice, then Jiyeon slapped Hwayoung for having "a look" on her face.
      14. Netizens have dug up dirt on Hyomin. She allegedly used to be a bully who had to transfer schools AND a delinquent who hosted drunken sex parties (which sounds pretty hot, but you know how people are gonna take this). Combined with Jiyeon's slapsgiving, Soyeon's reputation as a bully and Eunjung forcing food down Hwayoung's mouth, CCM couldn't have recruited a classier bunch of girls for their group. It's literally the perfect storm...of beaches.

  23. omg . i hate tiara now because of the cheat

  24. lmao... not at the article. but lmao

  25. This scandal is now permanently filed under "No Fucks Given" in my brain.

    Hopefully next week that videotape of GDruggin fucking his dog will surface and people will have something else to talk about.

    1. Gimme the link!
      I hope he have the same horse fetish as me
      So then jisica can me reelz!

  26. CombatBaby, marry me.

    I always felt sad for T-Ara overall but mostly Boram and Qri but now everyone but Hwayoung and Qri can go fuck themselves.They just dug their own grave. I wonder what song they are gonna play at their funeral.

  27. This is blind rage. Not a hint of satire. Go spew your shit on 6theory.


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