Wednesday, August 1, 2012

South Park Explains Kpop Fans

Kpop fans are doing mental gymnastics to turn stuff out of context into "bullying."




    2. You know Nathan, your delusion knows no bounds. When have I ever said T-ara didn't bully Hwayoung? Unlike you, I don't buy anything that ever comes from the Korean media, especially entertainment media. The Korean reporters who write the entertainment articles get their information from forums. From fucking forums. They take anything, whether it's true or not, and report it because they have zero journalistic credibility.

      I'm sorry you're too fucking retarded to see how hysterical I think the whole situation is. A bunch of fucknut fans like you take shit out of context and try to mold it to fit what you want while denying anything that contradicts what you believe. Having seen many Kpop scandals in the past and seeing how the Korean media always portrays it, all of these so called fan reports scream bogus to any sane person who has been following Kpop for years.

      Yet you, who's so delusioned by your hatred for T-ara, act like a delusional anti fan, which this blog hates on just like regular delusional fans, and wrote the second worst article in this blog's history after the Suzy is not a bitch article. You took a bunch of unrelated incidents and try to construe them to how you wanted the whole thing to happen. Read the Asian Junkie article about confirmation bias because it accurately explains you and 98% of the Kpop fans right now.

      I've called bullshit on both sides of the story because unlike you, I don't blindly believe what a bunch of Koreans from an anti-cafe say. Remember the last major witch hunt in Korea? It involved Tablo, and regardless of the proof Tablo and Stanford showed to Tablo's antis, they didn't want to believe him because of their extreme jealously of anyone who does better than them in life. I'm expected to believe these same fans when it comes to T-ara. These fans are grasping at straws and taking shit out of context so that they can try and prove something that didn't happen the way they wanted it to happen.

      Lastly, I haven't stanned T-ara in two years. I've been a fan of Soyeon, but I have not stanned the group since Breaking Heart came out. Kara has been my favorite girl group since then. This has nothing to do with me liking T-ara, but 100% about fans doing mental gymnastics.

    3. @ Anti Kpop-Fangirl: I have waited for you to say that. recently article about t-ara is so weird and out of AKF spirit(?)

    4. @Anti Kpop-Fangirl - Epic win. I approve.

    5. Dont fight over this group, oppas =.=! U making me sad T.T

    6. @ Anti Kpop-Fangirl: Here here. Well done. I concur.

    7. lol, I was just joking, obviously (hence the all caps). I even said my article was mostly in jest. I believe you were even there and I talked about how I did it for the lulz and drama, what with the SNSD fangirl article you wrote earlier. You think I didn't know that my article would get hate? Come on, I thrive off this shit son.

      You should see what I've been writing on the AKP forums. I am very much aware that this has become a witchhunt of epic proportions, where the antis are clamoring for T-error's destruction without actual regard for the truth. And I've posted batshit insane conspiracy theories that employs the mental gymnastics you're talking about here. Don't you think I know what I'm doing?

      Aside from that, the previous article was obviously just aimed at making fun of T-error more than anything.

      I've made no illusions regarding my distaste of this group, but you know me baby, I don't care THAT much about group drama. Why would I even go on this site if I really cared that much, half the articles bash SNSD, but it's all in good fun. Yeah, I defend and attack groups but it's only to get a rise out of people.

      Since you've put THA SERIOUS CAP on, I never said you said T-error wasn't bullying Hwayoung. I think you are definitely misconstruing everything I've written and said in regards to this drama.

      If you can't tell that typing in all caps something ridiculous is trolling, well...hang on a second. IT WORKED! See, this is the sort of thing I was going for, but I didn't expect you of all people to really think I was being serious. When have I ever been...serious?

      You know full well that I love that delicious Soshi more than I would ever hate T-error. And yet I'm still here, chatting to all of you, making jokes, ya know. It's because I don't care.

    8. The Cheat continued,

      I really have a hard time believing people took my "rant" article that seriously. Sure, call it unfunny, call it badly written, but to call it serious?

      I mean, there was a macro, videos of people burning T-error shit, pictures of T-error merchandise being cut up, it was ridiculous! Even if SNSD starting eating babies I wouldn't do that. But then again, babies are pretty tasty. Okay, even if SNSD came over to my house and banned me from the fandom I wouldn't do that. I was illustrating a point.

      Finally, I'm used to people not taking what I say seriously. It's okay, because then it's easier to lie and get away with it. What can I say, I'm The Cheat.

      This is one of the few times that people are taking me seriously, and it's laughable. Everyone above is getting self righteous over an internet drama involving a K-Pop group? Give me a fucking break!

      I'm not asking people to respect my journalistic integrity. I just want some cheap laughs at the expense of dumb ass fans, other K-Pop listeners and idols. Is The Cheat gonna have to choke a bitch?

    9. Come on dude, don't get mad. I'm sorry.

      I promise that if I'm ever in Korea, I won't have sex with Soyeon. Deal?

    10. we have our own internet drama based off a real life drama...so meta

      no more popcorn :(

    11. No drama. Just Ten Years of Misunderstandings.

    12. Natty, there's a very fine line between satirizing your subject material and actually BEING your subject material. You may have gone into your rant thinking it was all a simple mockery of fangirls, but whatever your intentions, it came out far on the extreme side of fangirling.

      The first half of your rant may have been excused as a strongly worded view on KKS and his hamhanded handling of the situation, but when you start detailing how much you hate KKS himself, CCM, and the rest of T-ara? That's crossing the line. ESPECIALLY when you ask for people to spew the same hate-filled bullshit you've turned your rant into in the comments.

      "He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster." You should have kept this in mind before you started your article.

    13. please allow us to embed gifs in comments

    14. CombatBaby,

      Please take your firing more gracefully.

      You act as though you were let go solely because of your T-ara article. Although it was a heavily weighing factor, we are not the type of people to simply write others off for one mistake. Our decision was made from a series of reasons.

      As previously mentioned, there is a difference between being satirical and just vindictive. We know you are a humourous man and well-written, but your latest articles regarding this T-ara debacle was too passionate. And dare I say, indicative of a real, unreasonable anti-fan.

      You have also shown, on multiple occasions, delusion beyond acceptance. Of course, all of us authors and readers here have our biases. But I think we can fairly agree that we know when to stop being foolish. You truly are the worst type of Sone, and sorry to say, but this site is built on making fun of your kind.

      Finally, your lack of humility is distasteful. It is only a joke until you truly believe it. Your cocky attitude and inflated ego is unbecoming of you. Your work is greatly appreciated. But you do not need to remind us of that every conversation.

      We treated you as a friend before (and still certainly after) your contributions here. But while you were writing for us, you have to understand that we must treat you as an author. Had any single one of us made the same mistakes, we would have to terminate them as well (as everyone has seen from our past records). New authors must also follow the probation rules, something you failed to do as well.

      I hope this has cleared up any misunderstandings. Thank you.

    15. No more the cheat? :0!

      The cheat oppar dint mean it! He sorry

    16. Wow. You guys sound as hypocritical as fuck to me right now. First I thought it's just your casual drama, but you're actually really kicking Nathan out FOR THIS? *lol* Wow. Just wow.

      "but your latest articles regarding this T-ara debacle was too passionate. And dare I say, indicative of a real, unreasonable anti-fan." Gee, get off your high horse. HALF of the articles ALL you guys write (spare for perhaps Zaku) sound like unreasonable anti-fan babbling to me. AKF straight up bashed gay people in one of his articles, disguising it as 'trolling on the fangirls' and nobody said a thing about it being out of line. And ALL of you have hated on groups and idols, and not rarely in a rather delusional manner as well.

      And let's face it, there are writers here who have WAY less understanding of what 'satirical' means than Nathan does, and who don't see the line of 'STOP BEING FOOLISH' even when they run their head straight into it. Repeatedly.

      "You have also shown, on multiple occasions, delusion beyond acceptance." Again. That you all have. Also on multiply occasions.

      "Finally, your lack of humility is distasteful." Errrr... Look down your own nose first? The lack of sulli_fag's decency is distasteful, too. What's the difference? Nathan's arrogant in his articles, sulli_fag's plain disgusting and/or disturbing. Honestly, some of that guy's articles are WAY out of line and deserve an ass-kick for the bullshit that's neither funny nor appropriate, even for AKF standards that apparently do exist. Just 'cause distasteful bullcrap is fun to you, doesn't mean it's fun to everyone. Lack of humility is much the same, just cause you hate it doesn't mean everyone does. Besides, ever heard of the phrase: "Modesty is the highest form of arrogance"?

      What I'm saying is that you just can't go accepting and encouraging extremity on one end and the turn right around and judge it on the other. But yeah. This blog's biased as fuck, so what am I even expecting.

      And finally: "He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster." In regards to this blog? Greatest pile of hypocritical bullshit I have ever heard. Sorry, Zaku. This blog has become a trolling monster LONG ago, you even admitted it yourselves. It goes against fangirl delusionism maybe 25% of the time, which is fun. It has about 5% of decent articles that are actually interesting to read. The other 70%? - Everything you're firing Nathan for.

      All in all, I think this to be absurd and a complete sham. I mean, if you wanna kick Nathan out it's your thing and all, god bless, but you should have stayed away from trying to justify it. 'cause for me personally, most of your reasoning sounds ludicrous and just as stuck up as try to make Nathan sound like.

    17. Oh and one more thing: "Please take your firing more gracefully."

      Uhm... The guy repented, did apologize and actually showed some insight. Didn't see anything arrogant or ungraceful about it there, in fact that showed more integrity than you can expect from half the authors here. You make it sound like he's made a big deal and drama outta it where in fact, the only ones I can see making a big deal and drama outta this so far are you other authors.

    18. That's because you don't chat or Skype with us, so you haven't seen how he reacted to us.

    19. Lawyered~

      But i must disagree wth u on sullifag
      He is funny.
      U got no taste in humour lostsefarin thisk3

    20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    21. @ AKF: Then you should've dealt with it on Skype, too, imo, instead of going public with one side of the story because honestly, that side doesn't put you in a good light here, it just makes you sound like bitches. It sounds like you're bashing him for being honest and are ticked off that he doesn't like T-ara and hates on them the way you hate on other groups or idols regularly on this blog yourself. That pretty much makes YOU a delusional fangirl that is willing to kick a perfectly fine author off his blog just 'cause he dared making fun of your bias for a change.

      That aside it still doesn't take away the fact that most of the other stated reasonings for firing him are hypocritical and come off pretty ludicrous in view of what this blog's about. If you fire him just 'cause his personality doesn't suit you, be straight and say so. But going on about how his articles are no longer suited for this site? Get out *laughs* If sulli_fag's obscene gibberish that simply takes delusion into another direction is suited for this blog, pretty much ANYTHING else is.

      @Dong Young Bear: Hey, you're entitled to your opinion and I to mine, pal. My sense of humour is perfectly intact, just that personally, I don't find much of sulli_fag's stuff funny at all but rather disgusting and despicable.
      I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree here.

      As it was I was simply saying that (again in my opinion), albeit not the best, CombatBaby is still a better author than sulli_fag so basing his firing on his writing being 'unappropriate' or 'too extreme' for this blog sounded like quite the nonsense to me.

    22. ...진실없는 사실들

    23. Still better than reehji's article i cant read delusional made up "spy" article
      I better read a fanfic

      But with sullifag "unappropriate" and" too extreme "
      article there are still some humour in it. ppl here dont mind it cuz they find it funny. cuz he speak the truth
      He still fap to tiara even if they are rude bitches
      Cuz tiara is a fapworthy group

    24. You know that you're sounding just like the anti fans doing mental gymnastics, right? You know very little of the story, and are doing these mental gymnastics to cater the story to how you wish it happened.

      I have always called out authors on my own blog. Why? Because it's my blog and it's the most efficient way to address the problem. I have done it before and if I need to do it in the future, I will.

      How was he being honest? He even admitted himself that he wasn't being honest. Go read the other thread. He said he was trying to write the post in a certain way, but it came off as a raging fangirl post. I've fired other authors for it, and I can't let cronyism allow Nathan to be an author. He broke one of my rules and that was writing a fangirl post on here.

      I troll groups and idols. Delusional rage and trolling are two different things.

      The reasons aren't hypocritical. It's following procedure. I fired mynameisnotsuzy, liley, friglet, and Aurelie for the same shit.

      No one takes sulli_fag's articles seriously. There's a portion of AKF that likes his posts. He was voted the second most popular on AKF after me. I don't cater to one reader on this blog. I pick authors whose material I would like to read. I don't pick authors who would have the most mainstream appeal. This is a blog for a small fraction of Kpop fans, not allkpop or Soompi appealing to the masses. That's why I picked sulli_fag to be an author. Even if he was the least popular author, I'd still keep him on. He provides humor that other readers like. There are authors here who don't his read articles and I'm sure he's fine with that because he knows his articles only appeal to a select few.

    25. @Fat Chorong: I didn't say they were facts and I didn't say they were true, I simply said how all of it had sounded like to me. Aside that, typing copy-pasted shit in Korean on an english-speaking blog doesn't make you cool.

      @Dong Young Bear: No argument there. The spy articles are not my cup of tea, either - so are sulli_fag's articles, and that's why I don't read them. But I did read CombatBaby's articles and they were pretty decent and humorous most of the time. Sure, he may've went over the top with his latest ones - I still fond them amusing, tbh. And EVERY author on this blog goes over the top with their articles on a regular basis, so.

    26. I probably should address this too.

      1. We didn't go public with one side of the story because Natty posted reasons why he felt his article was justified. That WAS his side of the story. It was dealt with privately, we just felt like we needed to address some of the points he was bringing up for clarity's sake..

      2. We could give a two by fuck about each other's opinion on our personal bias groups. For example, I personally like Big Bang but you don't see me quitting or throwing tantrums each time this blog shits on them. Natty's hatred of all things T-ara had nothing to do with the decision to let him go, that would be a stupid reason to fire someone. If all the authors agreed with each other 100% and shared the same opinions, you may as well just fuse us all together and read articles by a shared pen name. We have multiple authors for a reason: For diversity of opinions, the reason why people come to this blog in the first place.

      3. We let Natty go because again, his article was on the batshit insane side of fangirling. Like I said earlier, if his rant had simply been a strongly worded interpretation and commentary on the clusterfuck KKS turned the T-ara "scandal" into, we would have had no problem with its publication. Demanding our readers post hateful comments about KKS, CCM, and T-ara is behavior typical of the crazy fangirls we mock.

    27. But I wasn't addressing you...I only quoted from my fave rap artist

      that really hurt

    28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    29. @Fat Chorong: Sorry about that, then. It was posted under my comment without any other addresse so I assumed you were talking to me.

      @AKF: Like said, everybody's entitled to their opinions. Sure, it's your blog and you can do whatever you want with it, and true, I don't know the entire story. However, if you give the masses only pieces of it you gotta expect that they're gonna fill the missing parts in themselves. Everybody does them mental gymnastics on a daily basis, and they don't always have to be on a delusional level.

      I didn’t mean him being honest in his articles, but him being honest about the intentions of his post(s). You just said it yourself, too, he did admit that he was trying to be funny and write a post in a certain way - it just came out wrong, he regretted it and he apologized for it. How does that make him a delusional anti-fan? Those don't do that kind of stuff and they don't have that kind of insight, either.

      So no one takes sulli_fag's articles seriously, but you took CombatBaby's (though he repeatedly stated that he was not being serious at all)? Like, come on, he even said himself that it was a joke and a jest and he was just out for some cheap laughs. You didn't get his humour the way I don't get sulli_fags, and it wasn't like CombatBaby was unpopular with the readers, either. But yeah, 's your blog, you can do whatever you want with it and it's authors, so one goes and the other stays. Too bad.

      @Zaku: Then I suppose this firing turned out into more of a mess than it actually is. To me, it's still not really justified. However, it's obvious the decision's already been made and there's no use trying to discuss it any longer, 'specially since I doubt my opinion or the opinion of anybody else who doesn't approve of it is gonna count for much. Fair enough, too, since the ones to put up with each other the most are you guys yourselves.

      Thus I guess all that's really left to do now is bid CombatBaby farewell.

    30. Okay, thank you children, that will be all. Like I said, it's cool, I don't care that I was kicked that much. Although I am confused when Shin-B said I wasn't taking it gracefully, I haven't really said all that much on Skype/IRC so I'm not sure what they're getting at.

      Besides that, all the authors and regulars are still cool, unless they're secretly hiding something. I'm not about to get upset over an internet blog about K-Pop, and neither should anyone else.

    31. He was such a great author too!
      Huhuhu maybe he should start his own blog
      Just my 2cent

    32. @ CombatBaby: See, that's exactly what I'm saying. You just never did strike me as a person who's delusional or an anti-fan in any way, also not with your latest articles, so I couldn't and still can't really reproduce the reasons for your getting kicked out. Sure, you have an attitude on you, but so does every other author on this blog.

      It just seems like everybody's picking on the fact you bashed T-ara, supposedly in a very serious and malicious way that is apparently not acceptable on this blog while you clearly stated and explained your intentions in a way that didn't make you seem delusional or hateful at all. How the hell could anyone take those articles really seriously is beyond me, anyway.

      And then there's the say of 'several mistakes' you made while I can only see half-a-one (you were a bit too passionate in an article, well, big deal) and 'probation rules' you've violated and so and and so forth and it all just sounds very fishy. But yeah, I don't know you personally so I can't possibly judge if you're really that arrogant delusional anti-fan bitch that the words of your co-authors make you sound like. I can only judge from what I see and so far you've been reacting calmly and rationally enough to make me doubt all the accusations that's been made towards you.

      I'm not upset and I wasn't really out to start a major debate, I was just curious because there seemed to be contradiction everywhere. But I'm glad you're taking it coolly and all, it really is just a fangirl-trolling blog so it's no big deal who goes and comes and why. Still it's always interesting to get a glimpse of what's going on backstage and this stuff's almost as good as that entire T-error deal, just on a smaller scale.

      All in all, dis all been very entertaining.

      Well then, Nathan, thank you for your contributions to AKF, your articles have usually been fun to read and may you stay The Cheat for many more years of trolling on delusional k-pop fans to come.

    33. Stay The Cheat? I have ALWAYS been The Cheat.

      The other things were me not including Hyoyeon in my "Eight Idols That Make You Avoid Korea" article apparently.

      Don't worry, you'll continue to see my Cheating ways yet!

    34. Are you done talking to yourself already

    35. @ Fat Chorong: Shaddup, fat beatch, nobody asked for your shitty two cents.

    36. I missed this whole rant until today...

      LostSerahomo: "Nathan's arrogant in his articles, sulli_fag's plain disgusting and/or disturbing. Honestly, some of that guy's articles are WAY out of line and deserve an ass-kick for the bullshit that's neither funny nor appropriate, even for AKF standards that apparently do exist..."

      "If sulli_fag's obscene gibberish that simply takes delusion into another direction is suited for this blog, pretty much ANYTHING else is."

      I can TASTE YOUR CROCODILE TEARS!!!!! So delicious!!!!!!

      "No one takes sulli_fag's articles seriously. There's a portion of AKF that likes his posts. He was voted the second most popular on AKF after me. I don't cater to one reader on this blog. I pick authors whose material I would like to read. I don't pick authors who would have the most mainstream appeal. This is a blog for a small fraction of Kpop fans, not allkpop or Soompi appealing to the masses. That's why I picked sulli_fag to be an author. Even if he was the least popular author, I'd still keep him on. He provides humor that other readers like. There are authors here who don't his read articles and I'm sure he's fine with that because he knows his articles only appeal to a select few."

      Every article I right is SERIOUS..don't be delusional. I seriously fap to my computer screen and want to see you pee in soyeon's butt and love eel rape. It would be sooo yummy and kimochi and kawaii.

  2. Wait did South Park did episode for kpoo??!!!!!1!

  3. this is hwayoung FIGHTING




    ... But I love you, South Park <3

    1. Sucks to be you, it's available in Australia. That's because American lovey dovey us long time :)

    2. BUT but but we are neighbours! Why no love for us!?

    3. We're all neighbours cuz we were all once colonized under that country known as Great Britain!


    5. @ Zaku: At least you can watch it when you eventually move back to America. ;__; Damn. Guess I better start driving to the border.


    7. Not available in good ol´ Germany. Dafuq??? WHY, AMERICA, WHY? WHAT DID WE DO WRONG???

  5. Wow... I must say, the author-drama here is somehow more entertaining and delightful than the whole batshit crazy T-ara deal. It's also strangely touching. Who knew you guys could actually act like adults from time to time (except Zaku, 'cause he always has that adult-ish vibe about him and his articles... Zaku-oppar, HWAITING!).

    But yeah, you guys. Don't fight, it makes my little fangirl heart bleed. Just kiss (or give each other a manly bromance hug) and make up. Otherwise I'm gonna have to write a nasty fanfiction about you making up and we wouldn't want that, now would we.

    Other than that... Sad T-ara's close to over. They were just beginning to grow on me after their last Japanese album, too. Since I don't understand Korean a friggin bit, having some of their songs in Japanese actually made me appreciate them and I had TTL and Kojinmaru on repeat for days. Still can't tell the members apart for the life of me, but they were a decent group.

    1. Ever since David started living on the streets, Chuckus hasn't been able to get his weekly blowjob. I feel for the man.

    2. May i have episode 1. Thank very much good sir

    3. "except Zaku, 'cause he always has that adult-ish vibe about him and his articles"

      Zaku-oppa is mine.

    4. First she ruins T-ara, now it's AKPF in-fighting

      Hwayoung has a lot to answer for.

    5. Lol put yrself in T-ara shoes: what if yu worked hard for 2 years and was almost with the top tier groups like snsd and twennywan, and then some untalented chick shows up riding on your fame? You'd prolly be pissed. But those girls shouldn't have done that twitter.
      And no one care about Hwayoung beforehand

    6. Dafuq I only care about Soyeon, Eunjung, and Qri,even though there is barely any news on Qri. And I just bought like two albums.

  6. ....t-ara drama ...*back away*...had enough kpop bs in the period of 2009-2011 to last me a lifetime....this site offers me an alternative view on all things kpop and their fangirls (like me).....unlike heavily biased and sugar coated akp and the gazillion kpop related blogs parading as 'news sites'.....so to see the authors engaged in war of words...kinda saddens...a little bit...so like what LostSeraphine says....kiss and make up...isn't fapping to your favourite fap materials a much better past times???

    @LostSeraphine...can I have first dips?

  7. People are still fans of SNSD? Or really any kpop group? Weird.

    I only stan CEO's now, and KKS is daebak! Anyone who would fire that fucking twin is awesome!

    1. KKS is daebak, but Open world CEO is even more Daebak. I want to be like him!!!

  8. can we talk about something other than t-ara

    was entertaining for maybe a day or two but now im really t-araered of it

    1. That's why Bob wrote an article about the best fucking five earlier.

  9. Should be writing articles about how Tiffany is a bad slut cuz Siwon got his fingers wet after having a 1on1 birthday meal with her.
    She wants to be Sunny so bad with the slut appeal but she's too timid to go all the way and she even tried a short hair wig like wtf.

  10. Just asking, where is davidfresh? Haven't seen him for so long. Was he kicked out too?

  11. Just asking, where is davidfresh? Haven't seen him for so long. Was he kicked out too?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. damn. bitches be trippin' over a kpop blog

  14. I missed out on a bit of drama, didn't I? >.>; Man, you leave the blog for 4 days . . .


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