Sunday, October 28, 2012

ELFuckers being soppy and stupid all over again over Leeteuk's enlistment

Ok, so I'm guessing anyone following Kpop news has heard that Shitteuk is set to do his mandatory service in the ROK Army by the end of this month. And ELFs have given very, very sorry-ass soppy, stupid and delusional (and funny) comments at the latest AKP article that wrote the happy news. (what can I say, they're among the most batshit of all). I should have gotten popcorn and soda for entertainment.
Swear to god, of all boy group fandoms out there, ELFs are amongst the most stupid alongside VIPs and Hottests, to name a few. I'm ashamed of their existence but hell, that's why this blog exists.
Or he comes back as a big fat slob like Kangin who stuffed up on too many burgers and pizza to cope with the depression of being unable to get over the fact that his fellow soldiers don't like drunk bastards that hit-and-run the road or bashing people at the local bar and then failing to turn up at the police station when requested to do so.

And he'll probably do a fresh round of surgery on that disgusting nose of his as a result of a heavy punch from either someone in the same unit as him or from the drill sergeants...or with a soccer ball smashing into it in the midst of a soccer game (yes, the ROK military actually has soccer teams for basically every company-sized unit or so).

In any case, I doubt he'll ever actually serve as an active soldier and even if he does, he'll probably be too busy getting hazed for at least six months. Besides, people forget within two years (minus the crazy as shit ones of course).

I think I just lost my appetite for chocolate though. Fuck.

Uh huh, you mean being a selfish asshat who's more concerned with his own popularity because he's clearly said this a lot of times while also personally encouraging ELFs to actually go to war against other fandoms (I'll bet that they'll also go to war against North Korea if he tells them to in any case conflict breaks out again - the South could use a few volunteers for cannon fodder)

I couldn't help but laugh at this shit.

He makes a big deal out of it because he knows he's probably going to become more irrelevant than Osama Bin Laden becoming fish food somewhere out at sea. And please, works harder than any other?

Last time I checked, T-ara work ten times harder than he ever did, coupling up to having the biggest rate of hospital visits. Admit it ELFs. He's an attention whore. I don't recall any other male celeb in Korea making a big fuss over their service to this scale, unless you count MC Mong's dumbass attempt of trying to dodge it a while back.

And he IS just like every other Korean man who needs to go to the military otherwise he wouldn't even be a citizen of Korea or serve time in jail - plus it's not like he's medically unfit or some shit. Just because he's a fucking idol with a legion of crazy fanatics worshipping him like he's some deity doesn't mean he should be given a lesser burden.

Why else do you think he's only enlisting now at the age of 29?

Lol. Stronger? More mature? Yea. I didn't know bulk-buying and fanatically defending inappropriate comments and skits in radio talk shows and in TV while also starting fanwars with other fandoms can be considered 'mature'. Not to mention I'm still puzzled why some of these specimens still consider the talentless Kibum as a member despite that he's been MIA for years and is probably in the SM dungeon as Lee Soo Man's personal sex slave or some shit.

And by stronger, probably making the fanaticism stronger and turning more of these batshit fangirls into zealots (no, I'm not talking about the badass zealots in Starcraft but this is what one of them had to ask regarding the subject)

And how are you going to 'protect' and 'take care' of your 'boys'? Last I recall, ELFs had proven capable of even trying to kill their own pretentious oppas - namely mindlessly stampeding towards Siwon (who probably deserved it anyway because he can't act or sing for shit) at some airport like a whole swarm of zombies on steroids...Dawn of the Dead anyone?

Hope you have fun, Siwon!!! Them ELFs are always hungry for some cock to suck (or munch) on!!
Yea, I'm suuuure he'd care about every employee in SM. All I see is just a 29 year old racist, selfish and untalented douchebag who seems to have a difficult time thinking before speaking, just like Shitdong.

Even Neil deGrasse Tyson was hit by the severe amount of delusionalism present, up to the point he had his own derp moment.

If y'all ELFs are gonna come hording here, feel free to do so :P


  1. super junior has the fucking hottest manager ever hurr durr

    1. wow why are people on this site so hateful in particular to Super Junior.

    2. Shindong. Heechul, leeteuk, Kangin, but the site trolls every group. Well the new authors suck, but eh, at least Sulli_fag and Reehji are here lol

    3. well yeah the site trolls on every group but most of that is in jest; whenever there's a new article about super junior it gets like one of those pathetic anti-fan blogs where people come and vent all their frustrations about their emotionally distant father or whatever on the members.

    4. @U-Know Who Has Man Tits

      zaku is still here too!

  2. These aren't the worse on that article though

  3. Leeteuk is a racist, selfish, sexist, lying pig.

    Remember when ELF went after Kim Yuna because Leeteuk lied about her turning down his cyworld invitation? He knew perfectly well that hordes of insane fangirls would harass her. He was probably jealous that a 17 year old girl had more talent and potential than he would ever have.

    I agree with gracelulumango on one point: his tears are not fake. He's crying because he knows his career is coming to an end. SuJu members who can sing like KRY + Sungmin can always get jobs in musicals, guys like Siwon will get acting and modelling jobs, Leeteuk has nothing. The only thing he can do is MC and there are dozens of better MCs out there who don't have any controversies attached to their names.

    1. Kim Yuna is overrated, she knows that. Still better than Teuk. Agree with u about kry but they will flop. Unfortunately

  4. I still hate fandom name ELF>seriously who find this motherfucker name...leeteuk is the best leader EVER!!!! beat members,telling sexist comments,being racist and acting like a honest guy yeah he is the best...he is so fucking fake I cant even watch him over 10 sec.

    And yes his carier is over actually but when he come to millitary service he is going to be on every fuckin variety shows because he is a untalented mathafucka and no other way he gain his popularity again...

  5. This guy is making such a big deal out of it like he's Zeus or something. Btw, I'm celebrating. Two years without Leeteuk gives me a plethora of pure happiness.

    1. You think he won't find some way to still be in the news??

    2. I know, but not as much as before. Maybe for the first few months and then after that, it'll be dead silent like what happened with Heechul.

    3. Heechul still does a lot of shit because he's too injured to do real military work though; he hosts a radio show now the same way he used to with Youngstreet, only its a military one so the general kpop sites don't find it very newsworthy; Chul's fans still get a lot of updates from him (also because the radio thing is only a day job so he does whatever the fuck he wants during the evening; idk why other people made such a big deal out of his military service, its basically just Heechul being Heechul but without the dramas-variety shows-SJ bit)

    4. It seems like it won't be too much of a plethora of pure happiness...

  6. Why do EverLastingFucktards still care about Shitteuk and the rest of the Super Senior ahjussis? They've manufactured a new group of pussies for them to fap and wet their panties over. They're called EXO. They are a group of asian Ken dolls with fully detachable body parts (including penises) that come in both a Korean and Chinese version.


    S(uck) M(ine) better take some more SNSD money and give EXO 12868946915416566 billion teasers and use the ABSOLUTE BEST TVXQ rejected song for EXO's next comeback because their plan is not working.

    1. And judging from ur BAP avatar, you think Bap is good? Lol. Exo is average at best as long as only the main singers are singing.
      Bap would be good if their songs werent so tacky and that Bang Yong Sellout would stop rapping. He keeps ruining the damn songs. But Idgaf.
      They both suck either way along with their stupid fans.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I happen to think BAP suck a little less than EXO. Your analysis of their fans is accurate especially with the recent MAMA rookie award voting wars. I made 19 accounts and voted for Busker Busker just so both Babyz and Exotics can end up ugly crying when it's all over.

    4. Baekhyun and Lay are people to look out for in the next five-ten years, the rest of EXO is completely irrelevant.

  7. Shitteuk and Sheechul will probably get caught sucking each other off and SM will fork over the money to cover up the scandal and have them both be given an honorable discharge. Your ahjussis will be home soon ELFs.

  8. Can somebody inform me as to why Koreans refer to their skin as chocolate in color when they're usually whiter than most white people?

    1. Have you ever actually seen Asian people? White people are called "white" because they have the fairest skin from all the other people on earth, despite the rare cases of an Asian person to be palest that a white. And that's because there are also the South Europeans, who have skin similar to North Asians, but not so yellowish, or because white people tend to like tanning a lot. Asians can only be "white" thanks to photoshop.

    2. And i think chocolate refers to the shape of their abs not the skin color.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. They all look white with a tint of yellow to me. None of them look chocolate in color to me.

    5. Yeah, they are not brown, this color is in Malaysians, Filipinos etc

    6. Chocolate abs, honey thighs, egg-shaped, bagel girls . . . I'm confused about the comparisons of idols to food especially since eating is frowned upon by their companies.

  9. To be honest I never questioned it, I always thought of it like.. maybe they taste good or some shit? Like the term honey abs? Idk Koreans are a bit weird.

  10. He won't be missed by anyone who isn't an ELF. Count me in as someone who doesn't care, besides the fact that his crazed fans are, or will become, active voters.

  11. He will be missed by the ELFs who haven't yet switched over to EXO

  12. And y u no mention that ELFs are making his final days of freedom a misery?

  13. Give ELF a few months then they will forget about ewteuk.

  14. I hope he gets shot by some random bullet on the battlefield or some hobo chunk up a grenade on their base for him to die. So fucking useless of a human being.


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