Thursday, October 25, 2012

Getting By With a Little Help from Stevie Wonder

Let me get this out of the way: I love the Wonder Girls. I constantly listen to "Irony," "So Hot" and the entire "Wonder World" album. Hell, I even watched that Wonder Girls movie they aired on TeenNick. Lol, nah, just playin' ... OK, yeah I did.

Mmmmm, cheesy

But my love for WG makes what happened this week so very painful.

The girls performed at this week's United Nations Concert for Peace (or something like that), which is a huge honor. On top of that, they got to share the stage with Stevie Wonder, another huge honor. All of this is great.

What's not so great is what happened once they got on the stage.

For a concert revolving around peace, it was shocking the amount of abuse to which my ears were subjected. The performance was painful, real painful. The girls were off tempo and often not together. A couple of times, it sounded like someone forgot the words. About 45 seconds into the song, "What the World Needs Now Is Love" btw, Stevie had to rescue Sunye, then kept having to prompt the girls throughout the rest of the performance.

Poor Stevie was a great sport, though, and pretty clever, too. You could practically hear the wheels turning in his head: "Ugh, how can I mask this verbal diarrhea? ... I got it! Audience participation."

There were a couple good things about the performance, though. Sohee wisely only chimed in during the easier parts. And who can hate Stevie? The man deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for trying to squelch this musical massacre.

Oh well, if this whole peace thing doesn't work out, the U.S. could always just employ the Wonder Girls to aid the nation's counterterrorism efforts; they could call it wonderboarding. A couple hours in a room with this performance, and he'll talk. 


  1. im not clicking that, something tells me there are unrecoverable second hand embarrassment, Stevie is a Legend, whoever put wonder girls on the same stage is going to hell, it is a sin

    1. Just click on the 50 second mark, it's all you need.

  2. oh god, that was just awful. I didn't even make it pass 2 minutes, it just sad.

  3. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mblajfPbUB1rurv44.gif

    Are they just fukin' butchered that song?

  4. Why would you pick anybody to sing with Stevie? If you HAD to pick a group, pick one that can actually sing, like TTS.

    1. i think you mean taeyeon. and only taeyeon. no one else. definitely no one else. especially not the other two.

    2. taeyeon would never get on stage with a black person

    3. Taeyeon isn't the only one in the group that can sing.


  5. They were inspired by 4minute's cover of Milkshake.

    1. Oh, God, that was painfull. Why did I look it up...

  6. oooohhhhhh no :(

    That was painful. Did they not have enough time to rehearse? Or to just let Yeeun take over, because she was pretty much the only positive part of this.

  7. mah nigga


    perfectly decent jam only ruined by the fact that they couldnt hold a tune to save their goddamn lives

  8. Believe it or not, most musicians can't throw together a huge impressive performance with (what was probably) very little rehearsal time. The people who are talented enough to just go on and wing it are really rare, and it doesn't take a lot to sour a performance. And working with a large group of live musicians is very different from working with a pre-recorded track. Some blame should probably go to JYP for not giving the girls enough time to be properly prepared and rehearsed, in between doing whatever other celebrity stuff their schedule is probably full of.
    Just throwing that out there in the WG's defense.

    1. And that's fair. It did seem like this whole thing was thrown together last minute.

  9. "stevie wonder + wonder girls + wonderful feeling and performance!!!Daebak:)"
    "Sunye's voice is awesome! But her mic is so screwed up..."
    "so who's flop now?in your face haters!!!"

    :) Where do these people buy their drugs?

    I do sort of agree with tonedead. The urgency of the performance most likely affected their performance. Not that it changes much.

    1. It would've made the difference between remembering and not remembering the lyrics, and knowing the melodies better, so it would've made a big difference I think.
      If you don't have a good grasp of the lyrics you can't focus on sounding good, unless you're confident in faking it its all going to go to hell. It still makes them and their company look unprofessional, but the WG's usually aren't that sloppy so this is probably a big fuck up by the people managing them.

    2. I said "not that it changes much", because WG aren't that good to begin with. It would've helped their performance sure, but it's nothing I wouldn't expect from WG.

  10. ROFL @ Stevie saving their ass when they got totally lost

  11. I agree. Sohee in particular would make an excellent weapon for interrogating terrorists.

    1. specially her expressionless face
      it would crack anyone

  12. It sounded like one of them was laughing while singing the song. And they weren't singing on the same pace.

  13. It wasn't THAT bad.
    It wasn't. o_o

  14. I really want to watch it but don't have the courage to do so

  15. Only highlight (apart from the glory that is Stevie Wonder) was that Yubin was smokin' hot.

  16. Gosh, Sohee is so fucking useless.


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