Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2PM looks shit and wannabe as usual.


They look like they ripped their costumes from some superhero comic book or tried to make themselves look like the dark version of the Power Rangers or some shit, hell, maybe even Iron Man. And I thought their wannabe intimidation of ghetto hip-hop was a big fucking mess with that atrocity known as Hands Up.

They all look a lot shorter and stubbier too.

I wonder if they simply had their heads photoshopped on top of those midget looking bodies because damn, that is really ugly. Though of course, Hottests, seem to think otherwise. And there's no such thing as rationality or logic in the heads of a 2PM fangirl.

After seeing that shit where one of them sent that shitass rapper wannabe cunt Taecyeon a love letter written with her own period blood and pubes, followed by the whole fucking swarm going "BUT OPPAR DIDN'T MEAN IT!!!" when Drunkhun almost killed a man while driving under the influence of alchohol but got away with it due to that T-ara scandal, I think it's safe to say that them Hottests are nearly up there with VIPs and ELFs when it comes to delusionalism  - or even on par perhaps.

I don't see them wearing any military-like uniforms, carry weapons or even pouches carrying ammunition. Nor are they wearing any form of protection like helmets or body armor.

Pretty sure even video game character soldiers or general badasses that kick butt all the time like Master Chief, Isaac Clarke, Gordan Freeman and Solid Snake wouldn't be too happy to see themselves compared with six idols that aren't really talented at anything but try to hide it by ripping their shirts on stage in front of thousands of horny and delusional fangirls.

Normally I tend to ignore shit like this but damn. Them fangirls must've been on high while writing that shit. No wonder fans can go nuts in the airport.
Voices 'out of this world' yes, so out of this world that people label Taecyeon and Chansung as the worst idol rappers ever (though I could put Tiffany on the same level, at least she doesn't rap as much) while the only thing Drunkhun's good at is well, being drunk and trying to run people over - must've been inspired by Daesung.
If they weren't from this planet, even better for everyone else because they'd probably be experimented on somewhere in Area 51 or heck, even the frozen and isolated parts of Siberia if the Russkies catch them first while we all go on with our daily lives.


  1. lol delusional fangirl.

    they seriously look like a shit. deal with that.

    desung need to hit them hard.

  2. Drunkhun is a Daesung wannabe.
    And who is that chick next to Junsu?

  3. they look like they're trying to copy mblaq's shittiest look,

    and mblaq has some pretty shitty outfits.

  4. It looks pretty shopped. Not just the background, but them as well. Their heads seems floaty.


  5. I fucking bate Taec's hair tbh. Everyone else looks fin but that Niggah! He has to cut that please

    1. Sammeeeee. I seriously HATE his long hair!!!! Love his body but his long hair makes me want to punch him in the face for some reason.

  6. Everyone looks seriously horrible. I have to go to the optometrist tomorrow.

  7. Ugh, I wonder if girls are not into 'normal' guys anymore, seriously, this is beyond shit, they dont even look like themselves, with all that bowl haircut and emo attire.

    By the way, is the leftmost guy the only one who can sing? ( forgot his name )

  8. Lol you mad, cunt?
    And at least they have Junho and Junsu(jun k dafuq) as the talented ones
    Just like t ara has Soyeon and Eunjunf

    Lolx they just remind me of eachother so much.

  9. too much shiteness in this photoshop...

  10. I have never in my whole entire life, found a single member of 2PM attractive.
    At all.


  11. Jay/Junsu/Junhomophobe are/were the only three in this flop group with any fucking talent. Double J need to form a sub-unit and drop all the dead weight.

    JYP is fucking DONE. Suzy might look like a buoy but her fat ass is not enough to keep all these irrelevant motherfuckers afloat. I predict that same time next year there will be a big two in Korea. JB and Jr. come to noona and let me fuck the shit out of . . . erm . . . take care of you.

    An extra big suck my big toe goes to you Nichkhunt.

  12. "They all look a lot shorter and stubbier too."

    Cool, I've never seen a bunch of chodes dress up and dance before. Well there was that one time but I don't want to get into it. Rotary can tell you more.


  13. Why do the biggest douchebags in kpop turn out to be the best looking.

    It's the same shit with Siwon.

  14. What time is it? TIME TO PACK UP AND LEAVE

    1. lol Best one I've heard. They should really use that. :)

  15. They do look like midgets. What's up with that?

  16. taecyeon is sexy with long hair. point. blank.

  17. Yet despite all the bastard fanboys on this shit bullshittery.....my vag still likes so I like what it see and IT DON'T LIE......unless I am drunk

  18. lol, its funny cos both isaac clarke n gordon freeman not even soldiers, they're engineer n scientist respectively, n solid(old) snake already retired in mgs4..a couple of nerds n a war vet. still manage to look more badass than any of these guys, or any boy group in that matter..though i do kinda agreed that their heads kinda look photoshopped into some else's body

    1. Well, Isaac Clarke and Gordon Freeman killed plenty of monsters on their own so they're pretty much capable as soldiers themselves anyway. And Snake will forever remain a legendary badass in the world of gaming, even if his story's ended.

    2. truer word never been spoken brah..respect ( T ^T)

  19. What happened to the good ole pop days where everyone was cute, and autotune wasn't popular in the music industry?

    1. America started using autotune and so the rest of the world followed suit. When the US stops using autotune I'm sure Korea will follow. Kpop is just a mash of american pop and R&B. Whatever is popular in the US is popular in Korea.

    2. I was actually talking about pop around the world in general, but yes I agree with everything you said.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Oh God. 2PM is just getting worse and worse. At least there are some songs I like when they were still new back then.


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