Saturday, November 10, 2012


It's rare that we shit on fanboys here, but there are fanboys out there that are as crazy fucking fangirls.

When you're the nation's little sister, there's just that many more crazed fans out there following your every move. IU released a selca that contained herself and Eunyuk (not a typo) and that lead to hysteria amongst Kpop fans. It enraged 15 year old girls into sending IU death threats. Not to be overshadowed, a fanboy has uploaded a video of himself deleting files and folders that contained pictures and videos of IU.

First off, why does he think he was betrayed by IU? The main culprit is the marketing by LOEN. LOEN has marketed IU to be "pure" in the virginal sense. This is a strategy commonly used to market young idols, unless they have big tits, in which case you would market their tits. The problem with marketing idols like this is that some fans get too attached to IU's marketed image. They take their fanboyness to the next level where they believe they are entitled to have IU.

Now that they feel entitled to have IU to themselves, they have to figure out a way to make that a reality. They can't physically make IU their "property", so they obsess over her, saving every image, video, song that they can find. This allows them to believe that they have a connection with IU since they keep a watch over her as much as they possibly can.

The obsession with an idol escalates to the point where they view people getting involved with IU as a threat. If IU starts dating someone, then that feels like "cheating", "betrayal", etc. to the fan. In retaliation, fans either send death threats to the "interferer" or resort to deleting evidence of the "relationship" the fan thought they had.

However, it is a positive thing for IU.

This betrayed fan is acting as if he's getting rained on by a torrential downpour of bloody diarrhea with corn bits.


Author's Note: This will be my last article for a week or so. I'll be in Cleveland next week, and if I don't die (Cleveland is the most dangerous city in the Buckeye State), I'll be back to writing regularly by next weekend.


  1. The real question is, if IU filled her ass with melted chocolate...would Sullifag eat it?

  2. Most of her male fans are probably kicking themselves because they could have smashed. Her standards are obviously extremely low.

  3. >person on kpopchan makes a joke video
    >people get mad
    I love you, netizens

  4. I thought this was a joke/troll video.

    Welp. If it IS real, then he can move on and perhaps worship something equally worthwhile, like quantum mechanics...or guns.

    If it's not? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    1. i've been worshiping QM every tuesday and thursday :( It's not worthwhile? :o

    2. It'd be like worshiping the sun from another solar system.

      Are we going to have one of our me-detecting-sarcasm-when-you-are-not-even-being-ironic talks?

    3. i was being sarcastic.
      And i'm guessing you've never taken any dedicated QM course...based on your analogy. Wouldn't be too surprised if you think it's not worthwhile...but indeed, it is subtle and is shown in everyday's life. Ie. Modern electronics have transistors, thank to QM and semiconductor doping. Also lasers too, are being used everywhere with multiple purposes :)

    4. The analogy I was making was that there's difference between appreciation and worship. People don't get break-up fits, when their light switch stop working.

    5. fair enough, but many do put faith and life in QM (I will probably be one of them). It is one of the most proven/completed theory out there along with GR,and EM. So worshiping it isn't as uncommon as you think it is. If suddenly, it is proven wrong....then some people would have a long raging to go :)

      Light switch will still work, just like how we got to the moon with the rocket's equation from Newton's classical mechanics. Although SR/GR was right, many people reacted in a negative way when Einstein challenged the most decorated guy in our field.

      My point is, to some people like us, it is definitely worthwhile to worship the quantum revolution, and swear by it. It may not be as appealing to people like you, but definitely much better than worshiping any plastic, fake individual.

    6. "People need a creed. They will fabricate truth, if they cannot find it in themselves".

      I do believe though that in the case of quantum theory being hypothetically proven, a light switch wouldn't be able to work without quantum tunneling, as far as I understand of it.

      Day 2441 on the Internet: Had an interesting, and rational, conversation with another person.

    7. A light switch works by contacting two conductive plates together, however over time a layer of oxidized material builds up on these plates, this oxidized material is non conductive and should according to classical physics stop the flow of electrons between the plates, yet when you flick the switch the light still works.

      That's quantum tunneling :) But forgive me to not clarify what i meant by a switch. It can also mean a connection. So in a sense, if you disconnect the circuit, it stops the electric flow. If you connect it back by making them touch, the current will flow again (example: a breadboard). However, we could've just build a more complex, unflattering (in term of look) when it comes to light switch, without even needing to use a transistor/op-amp (although the later is a lot better)

      by simply....well, disconnecting the wires and reconnecting them on a breadboard:P

      I'm not too sure about that statement of yours, but I will make no comment on it...
      Glad you find the talk interesting and rational. I would love to tell people how QM isn't as...out of this world and horrible/hard as it sounds. Although it's no easy walk either, it is definitely a common reoccurring theme for many people.

  5. I never understood why people saved pictures of idols. I never understood why I do it either.

  6. IU fanboys will say she is slut now but will undoubtedly fap to her sextape tho

  7. it's cause Eunhyuk is so crummy man..literally anyone from SUJU other than Kangin, Shindong, and Leeteuk obviously would have been just fine

    if fanboys saw her with Siwon they'd consider it daebak

  8. I'm still waiting for what sort of laughable batshit behaviour ELFs will do in response to this scandal.

  9. The ELFs have supposedly already sent IU death threats. As expected.

  10. hot in cleveland..i love that sitcom..btw why its a dangerous place?

    1. Lots of black people on welfare = crime-ridden city.

    2. I live in a suburb of Cleveland, not actually in it. WE HARDCORE BEETCHNOZZLES NIGGA COME AT ME.

  11. Iu is... so... unattractive... odd... nose... laugh... lines... flat face... square... face... i... was... afraid... to... say... anything... for... fear... of... of being... bashed... and... her... three... octaves... is... so... fake... three... octaves... my... ass

    Eunhyuk.. is... even... worse... he... sounds... like... a... japanese... when... he... "sings"... or... "raps"...

    1. you sayin eunhyuk opparchan is a dirty jap? FUCK YOU, MANTITS

    2. She looks like her hands are sticky and that she smells like milk like a pre-schooler.

    3. Well idk im jap

      She never shaves prolly and has sex with her clothes on

      Eunhyuk is just stinking but i still like Sj but they are not famous anymore.

      Meh, i give up on kpop...

  12. Fanboys are......delusional. O_O

  13. Even if it is a joke video, you know there are fans out there like this doing the same exact thing.

  14. I've always admired your "editing" skills :D

  15. I've never stopped to hink how much plastic surgery IU has had, and now that I think about it, I bet she's had a shitload done.

    1. It doesn't look like she had any. Look at her pictures without making and photoshop. She looks like a normal Korean.

    2. she obviously got double eyelid surgery like everyone in korea.

    3. 1. 20% of Koreans are born with double eyelids
      2. Many Koreans and several idols still have monolids
      3. IU has always had double eyelids and big eyes
      4. you're a dumbass

    4. I have double eyelids without surgery.

    5. There are Koreans (and Chinese and Japs) who naturally have double eyelids. Face it, moron

    6. I think a much higher proportion of Chinese and Japanese have natural folded eyelids than Korean.............

  16. Well he plays World of Warcraft and League of Legends. I don't think anything of value has been lost by IU.

  17. this post remind me of this one dude where he post in his tumblr bout how he felt betrayed bcause his fevorite jap pornstar made a special video where she n her (lucky)fan does a sex scene together..its pretty fun read really, if not a little bit pathetic n sad bcause the dude cried over it..

    anyways, IU could do better though..of all the SuJu members (excluding shindong) she had to choose him..meh, who m i to judge..let the fan war begins.. ( = u=)

  18. "They can't physically make IU their "property", so they obsess over her, saving every image, video, song that they can find. This allows them to believe that they have a connection with IU since they keep a watch over her as much as they possibly can."

    Reminds me of someone playing the innocent card but got butthurt at me pointing out that fact

  19. that IU shit pic is pretty awesome!

  20. I must admit I did feel a bit disappointed that she is dating someone, but then again this helped remind me that celebrities are people too and they have their lives just like everyone of us do. If she likes him, who are we to say anything about it? It's her choice and if she really likes him, all I can do is cheer them on and hope that their relationship works out in the end


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