Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 20

This week's submission comes from Lukas:

Normal S<3ne arguing. Nothing out of the ordinary.

If anyone has choice comments that they want to share on "Stupid Things Fangirls Utter", please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. One of the many reasons why I always hesitate to brand myself as a SONE. #FandomStigma

    1. IKR? SNSD are one of the few bands I listen to but not cause they're "godesses" or they're "the most talented" but cause I actually like the crap SM/Avex drops on us through them. I have bad taste, I admit it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Okay? Who cares? There are a bunch of delusional fan boys and girls on YT (Btw, the comments on SNSD vocal ranking video are the worst xD).

    Anyways, I think SNSD is very talented, but i'm not going to say that they are the best. For one, not everyone in SNSD is talented (In case you are wondering that would be YoonA who's not talented, everyone else is legit.)And Second, I don't know much about other Kpop artist, so I can't really tell you who is the best, though I will say that Tae Yeon's voice is amazing, and her voice is very soothing

    1. well I guess Yuri as well, but at least she is pretty to me

    2. Sooyoung's a good dancer and she's good at being... tall?

    3. Yuri is a good dancer as well, and her voice is quite average.

    4. Yuri can dance but she made so many obvious mistakes

    5. Yoona maybe isn't as good as Yuri and she puts on a freaking weird face while dancing but at least she knows what she has to do. Yuri was fine at first, now she's no where near Hyoyeon. Seriously, what kind of main dancer that can't even remember her routine?

    6. IMO: Out of the useless foursome (Yoona, Yuri, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon) the most capable or all-rounder is probably Sooyoung. As far as vocals go (not that there's much for any of them to work with) she'd be the most capable with Yuri, Yoona then Hyo following. Dancing wise, of course Hyo is deemed the "Queen" with Sooyoung following and then it's usually a battle with Yuri and Yoona as they're both okay but often make mistakes.
      BUT I dunno it seems like fans take into account looks and popularity to be counted as "usefulness".

    7. ^ I agree with this but as for the dancing I think the position of who's the better dancer between Sooyoung, Yuri and Yoona varies from time to time. Sooyoung definitely makes the least mistakes of the three but I think she goes more for accuracy in the dance rather than "grooving" to it but at times she does get into it. Sooyoung's better at smooth moves and technique, Yuri's better at the sexy and Yoona gets into the powerful dances so I think it just varies for who's the better between the three. So yeah, I'd agree Sooyoung is the most all-rounder of the four but after the idol stage I'd like her to go into acting she's really good in that department.

  4. SNSD is talented yes, they are group in equilibrium. They have stable singers and stable dancers except for one uselessness *cough*yuri*cough* I am a SONE though lol, but Yuri is always lipsyncing and is just pure lazy.

    BEG is good in singing, but dancing not so much.
    SNSD is good at singing live too, their dancing also make up for it (Thanks for the dancers)

    I've never heard of See Ya.
    In SNSD there's 3 Mains now (Tiff, JEss and Seohyun improved a lot since Twinkle) 2 Lead Singers (Sunny, Tiffany did improved a lot actually since Twinkle but she still sucks at controlling her head voice though, I always see her trying hard to be the best singer in SNSD, sadly it's not really working. Her voice in Banji and Be Myself are the best.) 3 dancers (Sooyoung is perfect! She can dance and sing well live, she's really balanced. If SM put more work into her, I wouldn't be surprise if she does lead vocals next time. I think when she was trained for J-pop that helped her balancing her voice while dancing, Yoona is a good dancer though her singing is just normal, Hyoyeon dancing queen no need to elaborate) and we have Yuri (Always lipsync and lazy, her dancing is good though, she's there because she has a hot body and face that's all)

    If I hear people saying that Taeyeon ain't that great IN KPOP.. you're irrelevant. She's behind JeA and Hyorin. But above everyone else after her. Luna is closed behind her. She can belt perfectly and what not. Jessica has a wider range than Taeyeon, but if she puts hardwork instead of being a lazy ice princess she can definitely tie with Taeyeon though I see Seohyun taking Jessica's spot in the future.

    1. Please tell me that you are mistaken Yuri for YoonA. When has she lipsync? because usually when one lip synchs all of them do too. It's your opinion though.

    2. Although, I do agree with you on Tiffany's voice. Before Twinkle, I couldn't stand her voice either, and I thought her voice was overrated as well, but since TTS, her voice has tremendously improve and now I have way more respect for her than before.

    3. I agree, after watching Sooyoung doing Adult Ceremony with Seohyun and Yuri I became a believer!

    4. Taeyeon doesn't have stamina though. And thats something Luna does have. Also Luna can belt out notes better. Also Taeyeon is behind a lot of singers in terms of ability, honestly. She's just the one most well advertised so people think she's one of the "great ones" when in reality, she's probably Tier 2.
      Though this is all personal opinion so whatever.

  5. Inb4 SO much butthurt.

    Please people, remember that it's just opinions, so let's not make silly articles, or longwinded discussions about peoples (incredible) ignorance in the comments on here, okay? No? Well, fuck you then.

    1. On second though, seeing how this played out, go nuts. People are seriously in need of som social shaming. Fuck me then.

    2. Try not to take it all so seriously. I mean: K-pop.

  6. The thing is, that Sones put down every other artist.
    It was never said that SNSD is bad.

    But in a muscicians eye, SNSD is nothing more than medicore.
    Taeyeon is not a real singer in my opinion.
    She was trained to be a singer, not born as one.

    And then there ral singers like Kim Yeonji, Hae Ri usw...
    Snsd aren't singers, they're robots, who follow orders from their company.

    1. So being trained to sing means you aren't a real singer? You have to be born with perfect pitch and tune?

    2. "So being trained to sing means you aren't a real singer?You have to be born with perfect pitch and tune"

      Taeyeon has the biology to be a singer, but she doesn't have the techniques to own up to her potential. She has lungs, and she has a loose larynx, which gives her a good clean voice, that's it. Make her sing something technically challenging, like Trouble by Animal Aplha, or When Worlds Collide by Powerman 5000, and she'll most likely disconcert.

    3. I agree, Taeyeon sounds good singing simple idol songs that rely on one or two "good" adlibs and a catchy hook for a chorus. Even her ballad songs are generic and all in her range, they never give her a ballad that's over-challenging. Sure she sounds good in them but they are never that complicated. Most idol singers would sound decent singing the style of ballad Taeyeon sings.

      She was trained to be a singer, which means she isn't a real singer. She imitates one well though, i'll give her that. Taeyeon only sounds good in comparison to other generic kpop idol singers, which isn't saying much.

      SNSd just ins't that talented. They are just talented enough to be surviving, but it's not hard to do in kpop; almost every group is "surviving" in one way or another. Even their dancing isn't that great. Not when half of the moves are twirling your arms around and such; and then half of them can barely do that. SNSD IMO aren't talented but they are entertainers. They have been trained to be such. With the help of skimpy costumes, suggestive lyrics and attractive faces(subjective, I know) and nice bodies (also subjective) they have decent enough personalities that people get wrapped up in the image of SNSD and ignore the talent or lack there-of. Just ask most sones why they defend/love SNSD and of course something about "Bond" "sisterhood" "dorky" will come up. That's what SNSD is selling, the "singing" is just the added variable. Same with SUJU, SNSD has just been more successful with it.

      I like SNSD and I think they can be entertaining when they put in effort, but most times they don't. Some kpop groups are worse and some are better. They are just extremely lucky that they managed to capture such a wide audience like any other popular kpop group is lucky. Talent isn't high in the kpop genre...luck has alot to do with it too.

    4. I meant:
      Some are born with musical talent (not technique) and some aren't.

      I really like her voice, but i just don't see her as a singer(musician), I see her more as a vocalist . (That is a difference^^)

    5. This does not make sense at all. I understand that it's your opinion, but when your statement has no justfication, it just makes you look like a hater.

      Imo, for anyone who think Tae isn't born to sing, then you must be dumb as fuck, because TaeYeonis one of the most beautiful singer I have ever heard in my life.

      Anyways, what do you mean that she is not born to sing, and that she was train to do it? Uh, most artist are trained to sing, otherwise they wouldn't be where they are today, and either way Tae Yeon was born to sing by destiny, in fact SNSD as a whole is a blessing. I hate to sound corny here, but nine talented girls with different personality that fit, and perform well together is a blessing to me.

    6. Okay, so I read OrangeDoodle's response, and he has sort of clarified on what you were trying to say, therefore I have a better understanding, and I now somewhat agree with you, even though I don't agree with OD saying that their "Skimpy"clothing distracts their fans from seeing there quantity, oppose to their quality. I strongly disagree with that, because they have definitely prove their talent, and determination in their debut days.
      I have only been a fan of SNSD for a year and some months now, and since their debut songs and MV's weren't my first video of SNSD, I have to say watching "Girls go to school", and watching old videos of them performing ITTNW,I was quite impressed of how hard they were working back then, and how much passion they had also, compared to what the are now.
      One time I force my aunt one day to watch a couple video of SNSD, and she says that they dress in pretty appropriate clothing. I agree with her, despite how they dressed in the Genie days, and, again, what they are now. Though,with that said, I do agree with you about their personality has a lot to do with their fame, oppose to their talent. I admit that, that is really one of the main reasons why I like SNSD, and possibly other people's reasons too.

      As for Tae Yeon, I do agree now that OD has pointed that out, I do think that Tae Yeon doesn't have a wide range oppose to Jessica. For instance, Jessica can sing well, and she can also dance well, in fact she was going to be in the dance line of SNSD, but I don't know what happened ^_^', but anyways, Tae Yeon is a good singer, but I wouldn't say that she's not one of the best dancer, but I do think that her dancing skills are good as far as being generic, but as you has stated,she has been trained to do so.
      Also, I do agree that she can perform well that is given to her, in fact to me all of her OST's sound the same.

    7. Hmmm... Yes, i couldn't explain it right^^
      Orange Doodle said , what I tried to say^^

      I really sounded like a hater :D

    8. Actually i was a hardcore SONE for 2-3 Years.
      They got me into K-Pop.
      You're right I shouldn't hate them since they brought me into K_pop^^

    9. Don't worry. I misunderstood as well.

  7. i really don't see the point in comparing kpop idols to korean musicians/singers. there's a difference, go learn it.

    1. Same here.
      But the thing are some of the annyoing Sones.
      They say everyone expcept their beloved Bias is bad.

  8. I consider myself to be a SONE more than a k-pop fan, and even I admit that SNSD isn't that great. Only four or five of them can sing and only four or five of them can dance. I would say that Taeyeon is a phenomenal singer, Jessica is pretty dang good too. Tiffany, Sunny and Seohyun can all sing at an above average level, especially for k-pop. Among the voices that I have heard in k-pop, which isn't that many, I would probably rank Taeyeon at the top.

  9. haeri>>>>>>>>>>>>>taeng

    snsd only wins these 'talent' things because the greatest number of people fap to them.

  10. Well seeing the standards of idols now, they are pretty good. Well at least they know they can't rap so they didn't do it (except The Boys ugh).

    UNLIKE some male band *cough*suju*cough*

    1. :D

      Tifanny's rap is still the worst one.

    2. IF anyone in SNSD is gonna a rap I vote for Sooyoung, this girls raps crack me up.

    3. LOLOLOLOLOL Sammmmmeee! Did you see her rap with Yuri and Yoona on the HahaMong Show and then battles with HaHa? She's friggin' funny. XD

      If you haven't seen it:
      Yuri, Sooyoung and Yoona rap @ 4:08
      Sooyoung's battle with Haha @ 6:35

    4. Lol yeah. I was referring to that video when I said Sooyoungs raps crack me up, she's pretty witty.

  11. Does anyone like idols because they're talented? I doubt it. We like idols because they entertain us and for various reasons, most of them shallow.

    Taeyeon has a good voice for an idol but no more than that. Someone like Lee Haeri can go on singing into middle age if she wants to, her technique keeps on getting better and she carries so much emotion in her voice.

    I'm not going to delude myself that any of my idol biases are as talented as her. People who do that are crazy stans whose judgment is completely clouded.

  12. I am sick of this GG,they are everywhere literally and they are not even THAT talent just be lucky and thanx SM...

  13. I think yulsic are fug bishes,
    Yoona has a huuuge nose,lol
    Sunny looks like ur typical azn chick
    Taeyeon looks like a twelve yearold viatemese girl
    Seohyun is ok
    Sooyoung is a pinoy
    Hyoyeon. Enuff said :(

    These bishes are still my fave gurl group(minus yulsic)

    1. I thought I was the only one who doesn't like YulSic.

      For me I love SooSica.

    2. Tiffany has a even bigger nose :o
      Yoona's face is ok but nothing special
      Sunny was pretty with long hair
      Taeyeon seems like a nice and easygoing girl
      Seohyun needs to fucking blink, her eyes scare the crap out of me
      Sooyoung's getting more beautiful with time
      Hyoyeon needs to stay blond

    3. I think most ppl consider Taeyeon, Tiffany and Yoona to be the best looking in SNSD right?

      I remember most ppl thought Yuri, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Sunny were fug and they had no fans.

      jessica and Seohyun have always been in the middle.

      once they got more popular, suddenly people started liking Yuri, Sooyoung and Sunny and thinking they are pretty.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. When I first got into SNSD (didn't care about them during GEE stage.....I hate that cutesy stuff but started getting interested in them in the RDR era) I was really surprised that the Yoona, Yuri and Seohyun were considered the most attractive. I mean they were pretty but they definitely looked the plainest of all the members to me (apart from Hyo but she has hideous styling back then) and it took me the longest time for me to tell them apart for some reason.
      Then again Korea's standards of the most "beautiful" are the ones I find to be pretty but plain e.g UEE, Sohee, Yoona, Hara but recently I'm liking Seohyun more.

    6. Tiffany was the hardest one to keep track of when I started watching their videos. I thought she was supposed to be "the bitchy one" at first because she had short hair lol.

      I know people here think she's fug but I think Jessica's really attractive, maybe because she's still somewhat americanized and kind of seems embarrassed by all the cutesy aegyo stuff at times so she's a little more relateable haha.

    7. It's jut a matter of opinion. To me I think, Tae Yeon, Tiffany, and Yoona are very plain looking. Give me something to look at! Don't get me wrong, but the three that I just stated are very stunning women, but they are not drop dead gorgeous like everyone make them out to be, imo. I like people like, Sunny, and Hyo Yeon. People with actual features.
      As far as Jessica and Soo Young, and the rest I don't understand how anyone can think that are ugly, though it's just people's opinions.

    8. yuri and fany are awesome for me :3

  14. LOL Fangirls keep arguing with her when she/he is clearly right and not actually bashing SNSD. SNSD is nice but they're overrated.

    1. Nobody is labeling them as the BEST k-pop group of all time, even though they probably could be because, hey, it's fucking k-pop. However, they are the most important k-pop group of all time, so they can't really be too overrated.

    2. not as overrated as 2ne1 I would say, I kinda can see why snsd get famous, but not 2ne1

    3. @Real, I thought I was the only one who thought that.

  15. Oh, you guys are finally getting along with each other. Sones are weird.

  16. Music is subjective. If someone wants to think SNSD is the greatest group to ever exist just let them. There's really no point in arguing in kpop.

  17. I have yet to meet a SONE that can match the complete disillusion, sheer ridiculousness and utter stupidity of a Dara stan trying to argue her purpose in 2NE1.

    Dara can still outsing 6/9 of SNSD though.

    1. Ur fucking dumb... Dara is just terrible and she has a banana chin with a large ass nose. Dafuq

      She can only outsing Yoong

    2. I'd say she can out sing 4/9. 2NE1 is fucking awful doe.

    3. U-Know Who Has Man Tits sounds pressed as fuck. He/She/It must be one of those completely disillusioned, ridiculous and utterly stupid people I was describing.

    4. Every time someone says that Dara can sing an AOA member loses her wings.

  18. Wait, wait.... did these Sones just try to defend their favorite singers because they genuinely believe they have talent *gasp* how dare they 'argue' about who is most talented.
    Fangirls are so dumb! Ugh, they get upset when someone doesn't recognize the talent they perceive in an artist and then try to argue about it online!
    It's way cooler to actually waste our time and read the comments when we hate this kind of thing, and not only that, but we can copy and paste it and make a whole blog about it!! Yeah, that's waaaaay less stupid than arguing. We'll judge other people's opinions!
    - I call this a taste of your own medicine except minus the profanities because I actually can talk without swearing repetitively like I have a speech problem

  19. Reason #1 why I hesitate to brand myself as an SNSD fan.

  20. I just love how the "Stupid Things Fangirls Utter" comments section just turns into the "Stupid Things Fangirls Utter about Stupider Things Fangirls Utter"... Delightful.

  21. How old is this picture? Gee hasn't had 82 million views for at least a month.

  22. All SNSD member are pretty, pretty enough to be uglier than Jewelry Joo Yeon and Wonder Girl Hyelim

  23. tbh the comments dont seem to bad to me compared to the sones from 2 years ago.
    or compared to 2ne1 fans. they are delusional as fuck.


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