Monday, February 11, 2013

Fangirl mad that oppa doesn't like fat chicks

Guys don't like fat chicks. Get over it. If we wanted to fuck heifers, we'd go to a farm and fuck a cow. At least then we wouldn't have to spend $100/week on fucking Twinkies and HoHos and the like.

inb4 "AKF caused another fatty to starve herself"


  1. If you're insecure about your weight, you should probably do something about it. People complain about every little thing. I forgot idol's weren't allowed to have opinions! my bad! Inpenis is still cool yo! I'd tap that!~

  2. "If we wanted to fuck heifers, we'd go to a farm and fuck a cow."
    Quoted for the truth.

    On a semi-related note, I remember reading a post on girls not dating guys skinnier than them (makes them feel fat or something). The solution, of course, wasn't to loose weight, but to date someone bigger.

    1. I personally don't date skinnier guys bc I imagine breaking them during sex so I go for the muscular types :)

  3. Only fat people ever get offended by stuff like that.

  4. Why the hate for Twinkies, man? Is it an American thing?

  5. Another proof for my theory that those jealous netizen bitches are fat.

  6. You dumb stupid assholes, like no one wants a fat bish unless you black or pinoy. ha jk. And dat myungsoo is very sexy.

  7. he must be a virgin to not know that fat chick are fun to fuck hardcore

  8. even fat men want to fuck non-fat girls, so why bother complaining?

  9. If only they invented giant-sized paper bag

  10. well see for people who are forced to see their weight as being central to their success, this is a mild reaction to a heifer.
    plus, leadergyu is fucking rude. it's what you have to love about him.

  11. Trust me, if my best friend at school reads AKF, she'll be starving herself.

  12. I saw that video before. My only thought though was that the staff member he was referring to didn't look fat at all

  13. That makes me want to punch the little fucktwat. PS LEARN HOW TO OPEN YOUR EYES.

  14. I would usually bitch about my weight here, but I've think I've done enough of that lately. AKF doesn't need to hear about my problems

  15. Girls don't find fat guys attractive either. Its not like its a one way street. Guys seem to be more vocal about it, you don't have to find fat girls attractive but you don't gotta be an ass about it either. Anyways, I've seen this clip, the girl Sunggyu's referring to isn't even fat, its pretty clear in the video that he was joking.

    1. ^ I'm sure no one would want to date Shitdong, especially considering his ex-fiance ditched his fat ass.

    2. i've liked a fat guy before. too bad he was an asshole.

    3. he was an asshole . because girls loves badboys. if he was a goody tooshoes .you wouldve left him earlier

    4. But girls love men with money, despite appearances and such. Why else would a hot 20 year old girl be sucking on a 65 year old man's wrinkly balls?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. who doesnt loves money . i would bang and date hyoyeon, daesung, minzy, anytime. cuz their are rich

  16. K-POP fangirls have no idea. All koreans don't like fat people. what we consider fat in the US is 5x time more what they consider fat in korea. If you think you are just a bit chubby from American perception, then you are probably a fat ass from korean perspective.

    Sorry fan girls.

  17. Guys don't like fat chicks. Get over it. If we wanted to fuck heifers, we'd go to a farm and fuck a cow. At least then we wouldn't have to spend $100/week on fucking Twinkies and HoHos and the like.

    I find what he/she said was very ignorant. Go fucking die while doing deep-throat for all I care.


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