Monday, February 25, 2013

f(x) Gets a New Member!

SM Entertainment decided to join the trend of adding new members to an already established group. This move shocked fans as it was completely unexpected. An official announcement has yet to be released, with only pictures of the new 6-membered group appearing after they attended a sponsored event.

 f(x), who hasn't done shit since summer of 2012, felt that to boost popularity, they would try adding a new member for "fans to love and accept".

Oh wait...

I stand corrected.

That is SHINee's Key. Whoops. My mistake.

Glad I wasn't the only one.

Well. I guess the world doesn't need two males in f(x) anyways. If another boy was added, Amber would be out of a job in f(x). 

See, this is why companies should not let androgynous members of groups take photos with other idol groups. It confuses everyone into thinking they have a new member who just appears slightly masculine/feminine.

I am looking at you, Ren of NU'EST. Oh Ren. Sweet, beautiful Ren. You don't belong in Hello Venus. Even if you are as pretty as them.  

Do any of you readers know of any photos of other photobombers that look like they belong? Post them in the comment section below.


Announcement: Hello FISHies. I know I have not posted a Stupid Things Fangirls Utter or Question of the Week or Song of the Day ~ Stuck in my Head in a while. I am sorry. I have many pictures/questions lined up (of my own and that were submitted), but just have not had the time to sift through and piece them together in the order they were sent in for posting (hence the reason why many of you have not received emails from me assuring you I have seen them - and when they will be made into articles). I will be pretty busy for the next two weeks with exams, labs, and volunteer work. But by mid-March I should get my shit together and have those weekly posts back up again. Thank you for your submissions, patience, and support. Love you all. <3


  1. Can you pls just make a post dedicated to Luna's man legs. LAWD OH LAWD PLS. Great photoshop skills btw ;p

  2. I don't know how that could be confusing... Key is wearing almost normal clothes, everyone knows f(x) just gets the miss matched scraps from girls generation and super junior. Amber more so from SuJu. :P

    1. I don't see how Key's clothes there (or for most of the time) are almost normal. SM apparently wants to market the dude as a two-dimensional gendered person. But I guess if that was supposedly unintentional due to Korea's incredulous aversion to homosexuality, they should stop giving him "sparkling, fabulous" outfits.

    2. When is Key ever "normal"...?

    3. Plus, when has Suzy never been a fat whore?

    4. Was she born as one ?
      Dunno, you be the judge, you got the birth polaroids in your bedside table.

  3. I was completely convinced that Krysal & Band got a new member. Good one.

    1. Mwahaha my plan has come to fruition then. >=D Thanks.

  4. Sistar19 have a new member too. http://i.kpopsugar.com/2013/02/19/kwanghee-hyorin-and-bora-take-a-charismatic-group-photo.jpg

    1. Totally blends in amirite

    2. Pffft, not even close to enough tits and ass.

    3. I thought he looked like an ass and was making a tit of himself, so that kinda counts.

    4. Also he looks close to enough tits and ass to me. I wish I was that close.

  5. I blurted the biggest "WHAT" since IGAB's release

  6. it seems they had added a new female . not a male
    shh unnie.
    stop making me worried about amber oppa place!

  7. You´re right, Shinbi-san! Ren unnie is totally GORG!!!1 <3 Hwaiting saranghaeyo!

  8. Even if Key were added Amber would still be the manliest.

  9. Looks like Key had the make-up Gun set to "Whore".

  10. Awkward Shinbi pls!
    I lurve key he is so ghei and ever since the news of him and Sunny dating i cunt help butt support them :)

  11. You don't need volunteer work, just put "writer/editor of antikpopfangirl blog" on your resume.

    1. No one in my real life can ever know about this online persona. Especially not my professional life.


    2. Whatever you say, Princess Shinbabwe.

  12. It's sad how you can barely find any legit masculine boyband members that doesn't make westerners question their gender. I was gonna say 2pm was the most legit one, but they are useless as fuck, so no.

    Also how fucked up their concept always is, from these bizzare outfits, to all wannabe thuggin and shit.

    1. Is Shindong masculine enough for you?

      On a second thought, probably not. After all, he is no more than a cross dressing fat slob....

  13. Other may refer them Crystal and her band. But for me they're Amber and his bitches.
    Gahd. i wish that Amber got a new bitch. im already sick of Fatso bitch, Always-on-pms bitch, Chinese freak bitch, and Is that really a girl bitch.

    1. Crystal and her band? I think Sulli is the more popular one out of the two maknaes. Crystal, being the bastard child of Yoona and Jessica, just bears a bit too much resemblance to them for her own good. Why do we need a bootleg Yoona+Jessica when we've already got both in SNSD?

  14. Based on this photo, I would say that if F(x) (including its new member Key) is ranked in term of masculinity in descending order, we will stumble upon Key's name much quicker starting from bottom up than the other way around. And this ranking will certainly exclude Manber because his gender has already been determined beyond reasonable doubt.

  15. looool I really though that key was a new member that he was a girl a little bit manly that's all the worst is when I show the picture at my sister she just ask me if amber was a man


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