Friday, February 8, 2013

Good Picture, Bad Picture

God damn, are Yoonhye's eyes fucking creepy or what? It's like she's Hamasaki Ayumi on steroids or some shit. Whenever I look at this picture of Yoonhye, I feel like she's trying to put a curse on me with her eyes. "You..will..enjoy..Woori's..shitty..rapping..and..you..will..think..it's..jjangbak!"

Get away from me you heathen bitch! Woori may be hot, but the state of my ears after listening to Woori rap is worse than an African village.

That's right, God damn it. If a bad picture has scarred me, then there's only one way to solve it.

God dayuuuuuuuum. Song Hye Kyo reminds everyone why she's jjangbak and how AKF most likely wouldn't exist without her (I got into Korean dramas just because of her.)

Author's Note: I'm still busy, which is rare for February, and I have no idea why everything is due in February than April, but hey, that's life. I'll pull a Shinbot and schedule a some articles to be posted throughout the rest of the month, but I should be back to normal posting in March.


  1. song hye kyo looks like Hyoyeon~~

    1. I actually thought she reminds me of Narsha

    2. Of course. SM was trying to turn an orc into human and tried basing Hyoyeon's human appearance off of Song Hye Kyo. Who wouldn't, SHK is super hot. However, while Korean plastic surgeons are good, they have their limits, which is why Hyoyeon looks like a mess.

  2. Is this in response to somebody saying in the comments a few days ago that Yoonhye is not the Hyoyeon of Rainbow (I said she is) ?
    Yes, she looks pretty bizarre and her eyes are fucking scary.

    1. Turns out it was SuJunk !

    2. I wouldn't have an idea. I've read the articles posted since I last posted, but none of the comments. I wrote it because a couple of days ago, on the same day, there comes out two polar opposite pictures: Yoonhye's picture which scares me and SHK's picture which is jjangbak.

      The thing is, Yoonhye is pretty, but there are so many pictures of her with her creepy bug eyes that it freaks everyone out. For example, she creeps a lot of people out in A, but she looks nice in To Me and Sweet Dream. Hyoyeon is just a plain mess.

    3. @AKFG; and her making the duckface all the fucking time certainly isn't helping either.
      Bish should just go double-pirate.

    4. Wow so fast of you to assume, No. Is that how much contempt you have for people who do not agree with aesthetic values you uphold?

      And, I have no idea what you're talking about. I never rejected anything you people said about Yoonhye. Sheesh

    5. I just noticed the coincidence and asked about it. Nothing wrong with that, nor did I imply anything.

  3. Oh look it's the non-idol Hyoyeon AKA acting Hyoyeon AKA Hyoyeon impostor

    1. inb4 omfg what a fucking wannabe! hyo is x10 better than this fake bish. sasaeng hyohunnie legionnaires attak

  4. Song Hye Gyo is beautiful, my goodness me.

    You might disagree with me, but I find Hyoyeon quite pretty back in her Gee and Genie days and she wasn't so much of an insult to Song Hye Gyo. Everything was good until she decided to go blonde. No words for her now.

    1. She is getting better now, she looked worst in Genie.

    2. Hyoyeon always looked out of place.

    3. Hyoyeon looked rad in Genie, bitches

    4. I thought she looked a lot worse in Oh! That fugly hairstyle is enough to give nightmares.

    5. Not with her hair tied up in ponytail, though. I assume you meant the hairstyle when she was wearing a cheerleader outfit?

  5. after A i thought the girl with the huge eyes left the group until i recently found out she was the hot chic with the short hair in to me and sweet dreams

  6. I really loved, and still love, Rainbow - A.

    This part of the MV though... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QnAhnxmSNFw#t=49s

    I think I shrieked out loud when I saw it.

  7. i think the second pic was cute....

  8. i still find yoonhye's face funny. it's consistent with her other shot. she doesn't seem to move

  9. the gif was hilarious by the way

  10. Ugly dress, no talent bitch.

    And this style of writing reminds me of sulli fag

  11. http://www.inflexwetrust.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/samsung-ssd840-ad.jpg


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Song hye kyo is the real shit,she is the most pretty asian woman I have ever seen and korean people still insist kim tae hee(who has fuckin weird eyes) is the most beautiful woman in korea...And delusional sones please dont compare the queen and the beast...

  14. when circle lenses fight back, i know Korean girls are into using white out as makeup foundation and having big eyes to emulate a doll like presence. But honey, you gotta draw the line when look in the mirror and look like a extra for the Puppet Master.

    Ratchet idol style


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