Monday, March 18, 2013


This is why I started Anti Kpop-Fangirl.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. *wipes tears* I continuously laughed for the first 12 minutes of this video. This fangirl spews so much bullshit that I couldn't contain my laughter.

The first flaw of her argument is that "weed isn't a big deal" in the United States. Uh, it is. There's a reason why it's illegal. This isn't Amsterdam. You can go to jail because of marijuana in the U.S. Maybe this girl smoked a few too many doobies and killed the brain cells that contained the knowledge that marijuana is still a big deal in the U.S.

The second flaw in her argument is that allkpop is out to destroy groups and they make shit up. Wrong. I'm far from being the biggest fan of allkpop, but they don't make shit up. LOOK AT THE FUCKING SOURCES. They TRANSLATE articles from Korean entertainment sites. allkpop has a lot more translations compared to editorials. Just because you don't like what allkpop translates, it doesn't mean they make shit up. I can verify myself that they translate the articles just by comparing the original Korean article and allkpop's article.

She mentions that allkpop is out to destroy groups. No, they're out to make money, and translating articles such as these attracts views. WHy do you think they had 93750347503 T-ara articles in the span of three days when Hwayoung was booted out of the group? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Lastly, she threatened to kick anyone's ass who makes fun of Daniel/DMTN. I guess everyone at AKF should line up to get their virtual asses kicked. I mean, come on, threatening people over trolling? This bitch takes Kpop too seriously.


  1. Is that a homo boy or a woman?

    can't tell.

    1. I can't tell either. He/she/it looks flat chested despite being overweight.

    2. why were you looking at it's tits?

    3. She said her name is Samantha, so she is a girl

    4. she's a "grown-ass motherfucking woman", as evidenced in her latest video

      and she doesn't know how to pronounce simple names like 'Nguyen' or 'Choi'

    5. she is probably a 13 year old girl with a lot of free time on her hands

  2. lol'd at ALLKSHIT

    fuck your dog


    Oh shit is that her?

  3. "Maybe this girl smoked a few too many doobies and killed the brain cells that contained the knowledge that marijuana is still a big deal in the U.S."

    Only in a legal sense federally and in a shrinking number of states. It will be completely legal within our lifetimes. Here on the west coast you can just buy a license and then go into a 'clinic' and buy it off the shelf like you were buying beer.

    1. You are right, but as of now, marijuana is still illegal because federal law always trumps state law.

  4. I just don't understand how people have so much guts to post shit online without having done any research, posting a vid with my face on youtube itself is nerve wracking. This is an example of it how worse it can go, really.

  5. God she's so annoying. I remember her posting annoying shit in relation to KCON hotel setups with kpu for Kcon.

  6. None of these fangirls seem to remember/know what "accessory" or "criminal facilitation" are. Let me copy paste from the last time I explained 'em:

    accessory -- "a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal"

    criminal facilitation -- "a person is guilty of criminal facilitation if he knowingly provides substantial assistance to a person intending to commit a felony and that person, in fact, commits the crime contemplated, or a like or related felony, employing the assistance so provided"

    Telling someone where to get illegal drugs is very much a crime, goddamn it.

    1. That depends on the jurisdiction and wording of written law, and if challenged/appealed, on the interpretation by a judge/jury. I don't know about Korean law, but facilitation may not even be an unlawful act or just a misdemeanor.

      Basically, I don't think anyone where without a JD in Korean law should be convicting this guy for anything.

  7. Compared to in Korea weed is definitely nothing in the states. Weed as an Issue is a big deal, but the actual social repercussions for it are nothing. Rihanna posts pictures of herself with doobs or hints at doobs all the time, whereas this guy is getting crucified for just telling a bro about his bro that sells.

  8. Butthurtedness to the extreme maximum in YouTube.

    It's even more stupid she makes a fool out of herself with her own face present. Jeebus XD. I'll be waiting for the nutter herself to comment here.

    1. And for someone who's 28 (though I suspect that's a lie), she sure as hell doesn't seem like one at all XD.

      Boy, oh boy. It's like she's making AKP sound like the Illuminati or some shit LOL.

  9. That is a fcking douche with his drag on. Omo, my eyessssssss :(

  10. I saw that some of you guys posted comments on the video, but she deleted them all lolololol.

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjurrYYmZ8Y&feature=youtube_gdata_player new video! She is a girl lolol omg i cant ... i dont to spoil the fun. Just watch how she prooves it. Omg this shit is the best. Even if im a horny desperate man. I still wouldnt kiss that heifers lips downunder

  11. Chuck. Thanks for the laughs. The only thing that i actually agree in her video is that she said she was a heifer that can fuck a dog.

    But lbr allkpop translation isnt really that good and daniel Dint mean to get caught!!

    You guise laughing at her rite naow but too bad she dont gives a flying fuck!

    But seriously this was funny. Like that shit with the midget sone swearing

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Those dramatic... pauses are killing me.

    Didn't watch the whole video, but allkpop is shit.

  14. oink oink keep spewing you little piggy~

  15. hey AKF, she lookin' out for you guys.



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