Monday, May 27, 2013

Hyori Fucking Sucks

What do you get when an artist loves herself so much that she begins to believe in her own delusions that she's actually the Queen of Kpop? You get Lee-Fucking-Hyori. In a world where Hyori's fans pretends that BoA doesn't exist, we have this sorry excuse for the "Queen of Kpop". Jesus Christ, I have three songs to review for this article and I already want to blow my fucking brains out while listening to Miss Korea. Times like this, I wish I drank alcohol, because I need something to get me through the next 15 minutes of torture. If you want to laugh at my misery, read on.

I believe I have made it clear by now that I think Hyori is an overrated piece of shit who should stick to showing her tits instead of parading as a singer.

A few days ago, Hyori had a comeback show all for herself, copying BoA in which I had to stop watching after 10 minutes because I was so bored. I was lucky to get through Miss Korea.

In Miss Korea, Hyori made a poor choice of selecting a subdued melody. Her voice is fucking terrible, and since it's dominant over the track unlike her previous singles, it takes a lot to slog through this shit. With a terrible choreography to go along with Hyori's excruciatingly bad singing, I applaud anyone who can make it through this MV.

You notice how Bad Girls start off with an ambulance. They're coming to rescue me after I listened to Miss Korea.

Another song that I dislike from Hyori, and to top it off, she made it even worse by rapping. GG.


After Hyori's mess of a 4th album where half of it was plagiarized, I lost all of what little respect I had for Hyori as an artist. I tried giving her new songs a shot, but they were bad because Hyori doesn't possess anything that makes me want to listen to her songs. She is totally clueless about her identity as a singer. She chose songs that glaringly show her weaknesses as a singer instead of choosing songs that bring out her strengths. Hyori, stop pretending you're Ock Ju Hyun (read: FIN.K.L.'s main vocalist, the group Hyori came from).

I know a lot of Kpop fans give Hyori a pass just because she's a first generation idol. Hyori only got this far because she's hot and has nice tits. She is not the Queen of Kpop because Hyori hasn't achieved anything. She can't achieve respectability with her music, so she doesn't deserve any accolades given to her. I know people rally around Hyori just so they can be anti-idol, but you'd be better off supporting girls like Younha, Baek Ji Young, BoA, etc. instead of Hyori. If you truly want an artist who can portray what Hyori goes for, listen to Jolin Tsai. Otherwise, have fun trying to prop up someone who sucks so much ass.


  1. Every. Fucking. Point. Exactly. If I hear one more 'Hyori is a Kween. Haters gon hate' I will self-abort

  2. I like the guy that get featured in her Amor Mio, he sang 95% of the song anw

  3. Watch her trying to be bright and friendly when she performs Holly Jolly Bus. Scary Shit!

  4. She's been in the industry what? 10 years? 15?
    What's weird is that her vocals are still subpar.

    1. 15 years. FIN.K.L. debuted back in '98.

    2. she's only started needing vocals now that she isn't as hot

  5. I really liked "Miss Korea." It stood out among recent kpop releases. "Bad Girls" bleh

    1. I agree, I was actually very pleased with "Miss Korea". It's jazzy and I felt like her voice actually fit the song. Her low tone made it kind of soothing.

      As for "Bad Girls", I heard the teaser and thought "Well this song is gonna be shit" and I was right. I wish she would promote "Miss Korea" instead, honestly.

      People call HyunA the next Lee Hyori, and they might be right. A girl who can't sing or rap and is only known for her sex appeal.

    2. Miss Korea was OK for me, I liked Bad girls more though, since I think it fits her well, it just has that u go girl style music which I like.

    3. mmm. it was catchy without being insufferable & the engrish was fun.

    4. Same here. I like Miss Korea

  6. Damn...I was just thinking about Jolin Tsai too...she really does the 'queen of pop' title more justice. She's more versatile at both dancing and singing, looks great as well and can pull off sophisticated stuff once in a while like her ost with AR Rahman a few years back.

  7. Oh geez. One of you guys has got to review this.


    I myself couldn't get past the title of the song without suffering seizures from both laughing and crying so hard. Baddest female ever in the whoe wide world biotches - C fucking L!

    1. *whole

      I like to believe I subconsciously tried to spell out "hoe" because it's another word to describe CL pretty accurately.

  8. eh I thought bad girls was quite alright mv and song wise, I mean if you compare it to phominute's whatchoname

  9. I liked Miss Korea, but Bad Girls was meeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  10. Replies
    1. Taylow Swift is an awful singer and has even worse songwriting abilities. I don't get how people think she's hot, either. It looks like someone beat her face with a baseball bat.

    2. the worst part about taylor swift is that she thinks she makes real music. if she wanted to just please the patriarchy and sell her vagina to horny young boys i'd be okay with her

    3. She was better trying to be "country", which she isn't. Now she's just mainstream and irrelevant.

    4. you're all faggots, t-swizzle is queen

    5. Says the faggot who faps to Woo Young.

    6. T-Swift is just whoring herself to get inspiration for her songs. Thats how kind of uninspired *artist* she is. i'd rather be a faggot at least i suck dicks for my own pleasure. unlike her who suck dicks for her so-called art.

    7. thanks, now i'm all stiff 'n' shit

  11. Pretty much 'Miss Korea' is one of her good songs if not her best IMO. I would like her a little more if she knew how to sing. And I mean sing, sing. She's like another "Rihanna" in the music industry. Nice body, marketable, but that's pretty much it. She can sing way better than Rihanna, I give her that.

  12. Her song amor mío is so great!! I downloaded the album and just not erased amor mio


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