Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lee Seung Gi Grabs the Bae Suzy

How anyone thought Suzy could pretend to be a boy, let alone think giving her another prominent drama role was a good idea, is beyond me. I mean come on, her face isn't mannish, she's very attractive in the traditional feminine sense, and she's not built like a beanpole. 

Whatever the logic is, Lee Seung Gi still manages to get to second base in one of the latest episodes of whatever  shit they're starring in at the moment.

Lack of even the slightest shred of a bishounen benefit of the doubt aside, you have to admit that's a funny scene no doubt enhanced by Suzy's hammy acting. Either Lee Seung Gi got a handful of titty, or a palmful of padding. I'm more inclined toward the latter, but you never know with these fat whores man.

At any rate, poor Lee Seung Gi probably thinks he's coppin' a feel of some fresh nubile virgin, but Ian Somerhalder tapped that way ahead of him.


  1. That's second base, not first. (Sorry to get technical.)

    1. Oh and thanks for reminding me I totally forgot to add labels to my blog... fuck. Gonna go fix that up.

    2. Oh yay, you fixed it! Awesome, my inner OCD dickhead is now happy, thanks.


    I so jelly :(.

  3. Wait, she is supposed to play a manly role or really a man?

    Doesn't matter though since she looks girly as fuck there

  4. Wait waaaaat?! This is one of those "pretending to be a boy" dramas? And I thought Gyuri was a stretch...

  5. "and she's not built like a beanpole"


    Nubile is my #1 porn-search adjective.

  6. is it me, or does seung gi look like a comedic retard?

  7. Seung gi is so fugly. thats why i dont get why he's so popular? Maybe his voice? But i dont see/hear any special with his voice. or maybe he have a charming personality? But he bored me into tears... also, i dont get why they keep hiring Suzy on their dramas. the girl cant fucking act!!! 90% of her acting consists of pouting and arm crossing... one of the wonders of the world: SOUTH KOREAN PEOPLE'S LOGIC.

    1. I think only ahjummas find him attractive.

    2. I actually have the same question every time I see them Korean people go gaga over fugly Lee Seung Gi. He's charisma level suck really bad and his face is a cry for more plastic surgery. Personality is bland and acting is really awful. /mindfuck/

    3. Well I have exactly the same thought of LSG when I realised that actually he was a co- star to my fav actress ever HJW in the King 2 Hearts. I TOTALLY refused to watch the show merely because of HIM. Later accidently I watched his video clip singing What Happened to Bali OST (my love) and after watching it few times I came to think that LSG sang it very well and his look not totally bad..so then I decided to give it a try to watch The King 2 Hearts.....and I really like him in that drama and later I explored more about him and his other projects and I found his personality is genuine and an honest one. The more I found about him the more I found him adorable and then suddenly he seems good looking to me. I dunno why...And later I found that HJW said the co-star that she ever fall in love while filming is LSG and I thought she was just played her part in promoting the drama or maybe to pay him back after he said that HJW is his ideal type. But I dont that is the case..I think HJW really fall in love with while filming with him. And I fall in love with him too.....

  8. How does suzy keep getting acting jobs? I feel like she's just riding on her popularity and not her acting capabilities at this point. If she's beating Yoona in CF deals then she's certainly on top, and I'd rather watch Suzy in a drama over Yoona any day.

  9. So, what size are her's ?

  10. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/nina-dobrev-ian-somerhalder-break-up-201395

    I wouldn't be surprised if Ian was on his way to Korea right now.

  11. First Gyrui, now Suzy. C'mon, they should just settle with the only and only Manber.

  12. Lee Seung Gi is a Nice Guy. He doesnt do like that. and He ia not doing Plastic Surgery!. -,-. He doesnt 'drink'. Aish. Thinks before write !
    Lee Seung Gi fans will mad. -,-

  13. yeah..lee seung gi is a good man..he has a great personality that other korean actors don't have..he's my favorite actor forever..
    yes, he's not very handsome but i find him very attractive..multitalented man...seung gi oppa...


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