Friday, June 28, 2013

Obligatory k-pop plastic surgery blog post #672

K-pop and plastic surgery.  Well-worn territory, right?  It's like bees and honey - whenever you see one, you know the other is close by.  I don't really care though.  How is getting injections or plastic in your lips/nose/cheeks/ass/boobs really any different to getting those hoop things in your ears that fuck up your earlobes for the rest of your life, or a tattoo that says "fuck" on your forehead, or a piercing through your cock that also extends through your ballsack, or any number of other things people do to make themselves more aesthetically appealing to themselves or whoever?  I wouldn't do that shit personally but some people obviously would for whatever reason and good luck to them.  Obviously 90% of k-pop stars are plastic-surgeried to fuck and back and it gets pretty obvious when the studio makeup isn't on them but so what.  Michael Jackson looked ridiculous in the 90s too but he at least probably thought he looked okay and I sure didn't cry myself to sleep at night over it (maybe a few Neverland sleepover guests did though).  My point being - less people claiming to be against superficiality while simultaneously getting very upset about other people's superficial appearances, and the world would be a better place, right?


So it's less in the spirit of voyeurism or criticism and more in the spirit of community education that I now present to you the following story, which may be old news to some but I think it's a cautionary tale that should be heeded.  While there is quite a bit of writing out there about this specific incident, which is fairly old, there isn't much within western k-pop blogging sites so I felt that it was a tale that needs to be told to a k-pop specific audience.  Warning: this gets scary.

Meet former Korean singer and model Hang Mioku.


Charming young lass, right?  Well, okay, maybe she looks just a little like JYP there.  (Thought for today: if you ever find yourself with an awkward boner at some inappropriate time, like at the office, or at your sister's wedding, just whisper "JYP" to yourself, over and over, while imagining what JYP's face looks like when he whispers that into the microphone in the studio over the opening seconds of the next 2PM single.  Thank me later.)  Here's a more flattering photo:


Okay, OKAY, that's even worse.  It doesn't help that the photo seems to have been taken at "JYP whisper range".  Let me try again.


That's more like it.  Some washed-out photography and blurriness plus a bit of stage makeup does wonders.  I think she's rocking a bit of an Isabella Rossellini in "Blue Velvet" kind of vibe here, and that's a serious plus point in case you don't know.  Here is a picture of Isabella Rossellini from a scene in the aforementioned film, included partly for comparative purposes, and partly because all the images below this one in this post are so fucking terrifying that I feel a moral duty to balance them out with something more attractive.  Trust me, Isabella holding a kitchen knife up to Kyle MacLachlan's throat looks positively benevolent compared to what you're about to see further down the page.  Consider yourself warned.


Anyway, even if she's not your type, you'd have to admit that there are probably people out there more desperately in need of surgical beautification than Hang Mioku.

So the story goes, Hang Mioku was rather fond of having her skin feel smooth and soft, so she went to Japan on a regular basis to get injections of silicone into her face (as you do - there probably wasn't the proliferation of local plastic surgeons in Korea back then that there is now).  This started at the age of about 28 (she's now 50-ish so we're talking pre-idol explosion "trot" era here - not that I could find any of her music sadly) and went on for quite a while until the Japanese surgeons said "hey your face has ballooned quite a bit, you're starting to look a bit wrong, maybe I should stop taking your money now".  I wasn't able to source exact dates for these photos but at this point I'm guessing her face probably looked something like it does in this picture of her:


I couldn't find a non-cropped version of this photo but it looks like she's resting her head on a guy's shoulder.  Awww, how sweet.  Hey netizens, if you want a fun project to try in your spare time between perfecting your additional pylon construction tree and leaving crybaby comments on articles about people more attractive and successful than you, try to find a photo of a male k-pop star wearing a blue jacket which matches the same patterns as the one in the above photo of the cropped mystery shoulder guy.  If you find one, then he must have dated Hang Mioku once, right?  (I call this "IU's couch logic".)  Anyway you have to wonder how surgeons even let it get to this point in the first place.

Once Hang was eventually refused plastic surgery, she managed to obtain a bottle of silicone on the black market (yes a black market really exists for this stuff, IKR) and did some DIY injections.  Because if you want a job done right, do it yourself, yeah?  Black market silicone is apparently pretty expensive though so after injecting an entire bottle of the stuff (don't ask how big the bottles are) into her face, she swapped to cooking oil to save some cash.  That is not a misprint.

The results speak for themselves:



Look at that poor dog, it's terrified.

At this point, Hang Mioku realised she had made a terrible mistake, and after appealing to the media kind-hearted Koreans donated thousands of dollars worth of money to help her fix her disfigurement.  As they say, it's not your appearance, but what's inside you that counts, and no-one knew that better than the surgeons who extracted 60 grams of silicone and cooking oil from inside Hang Mioku's face and another 200 grams from inside her neck over the course of at least ten operations.  Of course, while her physical appearance has improved drastically, it will never be what it was before, and a bit of makeup still doesn't hurt.


What can we learn from this story:

*  As bad and unnecessary as it is, your favourite k-pop star's latest shitty round of surgery could have been worse.

*  In the pre-idol "trot" days of k-pop people obviously still had major issues about their appearance, societal pressure, self esteem etc blah blah. Or they probably wouldn't do this shit (you'd hope).

*  Don't lose your objectivity in the face of praise because plastic surgeons will continue taking money from you and telling you that you look great until your surgery has well and truly hit the fug zone.

*  I couldn't find any of Hang Mioku's music anywhere while researching this, which just goes to show that even if plastic surgery makes you famous it still won't help your music career.

*  Jabba The Hut is an attainable plastic surgery goal if you're into DIY.  For anything else, seek a qualified professional.

This has been a Kpopalypse Community Service Announcement.  Stay safe, kids.


  1. In before "hyogre is still worse"!

    1. blasphemy! hyoyeon is purdy~

    2. Actually I like her too. I just know how most of the readers here think.

    3. Seeing pics of her smile makes me smile :)

    4. she had this one picture during the genie/gee era that's just a close uo of her smiling and i thought it was gorgeous

  2. I sobbed at the horror, inb4 Google slaps us with an age-lock again.

    1. Google might have automated flesh-detecting algorithms which confuse some of those Hang Mioku images with BBW porn. I probably should have thought of that and put a few black bars in to cover the neck folds or something.

  3. she's still better looking than daesung and shindong.....

  4. Replies
    1. Think of the money they can save on CGI work in the next three Star Wars films if the filmmakers just bulk-buy a bit of cooking oil. It would look better too - CGI always looks like crap anyway, it's never convincing.

    2. And don't tell me actors wouldn't do it - it's still not as gross as what Christian Bale did to himself for The Machinist.

    3. Christian Bale also did that for a superb movie, so his extreme determination is reasonable.

      I guess you're a cinephile, I also liked Blue Velvet, but never found Rossellini very attractive.

    4. You guess correctly.

      I actually found Rossellini more attractive as she got older. The 80s makeup in Blue Velvet doesn't do her any favours which is why I picked a B&W photo where you can't really see it.

      The Machinist is indeed great but I still prefer just about every David Lynch film over it. Except Dune, of course.

    5. The Machinist isn't a Lynch film, though. =P
      But if you were saying "it could be a (modern) Lynch movie", then I agree.

    6. Yeah that's what I meant. It's very Lynchian in style, although not completely as unlike Lynch they do explain everything at the end!

  5. For those who still complain about celebrities getting plastic surgery and call them plastic monsters, Jiyeon says it all in that gif "너나잘해요 mind your own business"

    1. You have astutely detected the not-so-hidden subtext correctly.

    2. I don't care if they get surgery, however the point is that these celebs are supposed to be the lucky few whose genetics have combined to create superior or above average attractiveness that enables them to live lives of liesure (because lets be honest in that being a K-pop star isn't that hard no matter how much they groan about it...really, most of them have nothing to do half the time) because pretty people deserve lives of leisure because they are pretty.

      So, when you find out they aren't natural it's sort of like...the illusion crashes and you feel duped. Here you thought this person was just naturally superior only to find out they are as basic as you without the enhancements and have been making money off the fake beauty...really, that's all it's about. Anybody can buy beauty, we're only supposed to support those who were naturally born into it. Idk why society is like this but it is.

    3. I don't know if it's just me, but my illusions were shattered a decade ago when I found out that plastic surgery was rampant in Hollywood, and the ones who were "natural" wore so much makeup that they looked like a totally different person without makeup. To this day, I don't know why plastic surgery is such a big deal among Korean fans. Celebrities are molded into an ideal image through surgery and makeup to take as much of our money as they can.

    4. It's actually the meticulously-crafted illusory quality of all aspects of k-pop that drew me to it in the first place. There's something so fascinating about seeing something crafted so well (when it works), and I honestly find it refreshing after decades of working in the western music scene dealing with people's tiresome obsession with "authenticity" and "keeping it real" in an industry that is just as much about illusions once you dig into it.

    5. Your writing is getting better and better, Popalypsie, and finally we all know why OneEyedYeon is in your dp.

    6. Yeah so many k-pop fans are so concerned about so much stupid shit that they really know nothing about apart from what's on rumour mills and that's none of their business anyway. I feel that the DP is a very righteous one-size-fits-all response to the majority of k-pop so-called "issues" I can think of, and who better than Cyclyeon to deliver it.

      I'm glad you like my writing, I'll try to keep improving and hopefully remain entertaining and not suck too much, although I know I can't please everyone (and don't really want to please certain elements). I try to write more frequently than I do, but because the amount of fucks I give about so many issues is low, topics that interest me to write about don't pop up every day. I don't want to just retread what others on here or other sites write either, I try to make it a bit different to the sort of posts I read and enjoy from others and pick unusual topics they wouldn't cover and/or come at those topics from a different angle.

    7. It is of course not that easy as "mind your own business".
      By becoming a celebrity you have a certain amount of responsibility, because young people/fans look up to you and sometimes it's hard for them to objectively judge the shit you do. So, you as a celebrity have the responsibility to not promote things that are morally questionable.

    8. What parallel universe are you living in where celebrities are responsible people.

    9. They are to be held responsible, that's what I've meant.

    10. I don't think celebrites should ever be held responsible as role models or placed in a position of authority where they are helping influencing impressionable young people and getting them on the right path in life by showing good behaviour or whatever. If you want a role model, look to parents, teachers, people doing good things in your community etc not to some idiot in a band or in some movie and especially not some guy or girl in a k-pop group who is just being told to sing and act and talk on cue and often don't even get a choice in what they promote or don't promote anyway.

      If young people are so easily led by celebrities, that's their own fault for being so fuckin' dumb, and their parents' fault for not bringing them up to have a brain and use a bit of common sense and discernment. It's not Tom Araya's fault that your friend carved the wold "Slayer" into his arm.

    11. But everybody has role models as a kid they like and look up to and are not their parents etc.
      It's a thing you can't change, unless you live a really extremely secluded life.

    12. Yes of course but good parenting and education will tell you "it's okay to admire someone but you don't have to jump off a bridge just because they do it". How did we get on this boring topic LOL

  6. And I thought Park Bom's case was bad...

    1. TBH, and I know people will riot and shoot me down over this, but I don't think Bommie's actually had that much done. She looked weird in 2009 and she still looks weird now. The ones who I think got tons of work are the real plain-Jane types with attractive but characterless faces, like Suzy and Yoona. Because that's the kind of look the surgeons all aim for over there. Not that it matters of course, just saying. *ducks incoming wall of fire*

    2. That's probably true. Bom's usually the poster-girl for PS but I was surprised as to how normal-looking other cosmetic surgeries turn out. I don't think Yoona got tons of work done (she looks similar pre-debut) but we'll never know for sure haha.

    3. Yeah Noseyeon is a rare case - the fact is that none of us will ever know for sure about most idols because these surgeons are mostly damn good at their job.

    4. Gayoon is a very obvious case to me but seems like everyone thinkis she lost weight.
      That ain't the point. She got "prettier" whether she lost weight or not.

    5. i was always really confused about yoona because photos of her as a child show her looking ditto same as today so maybe she got something subtle done after awkward teen years? idk

    6. The problem with Bom is that she's putting on way too much make-up and her lymph nodes.
      If she'd wear much less make-up (there are some rare, older photos like that), she'd look a lot more natural.

      I'm pretty sure Suzy nor Yoona have had barely anything done. If you look at school photos of both of them, they're the exact same person.

    7. Personally I'd pick a "plastic surgery monster" as someone who DIDN'T have a weird look or awkward features that stuck out, rather than someone who did. Because that type of plastic surgery exists to specifically eliminate those things. Of course I don't really know who did or didn't get work done any more than the next person. I always laugh when I see comments on articles "yes she's definitely had this type of filler, and had that type of implant" - like they can fuckin' tell, I don't think so, especially when you also add the effects of Photoshop, makeup (or lack thereof), different types of lighting, different angles, camera quality and especially ageing which is bizarrely often overlooked.

    8. The only thing that's easy for me to see is when someone gets their jawline shaved down. That is one of the few things that makeup can't do a whole lot about (and I obsess over drag queens, so I KNOW what makeup can do! lol), unlike noses or making your cheekbones look higher, or your eyes more open.

  7. Still makes me think that noseyeon had one of the worst and obvious PS. Some of the idols are already pretty naturally/ at their latest round of PS, I don't get it why they would do another, and I don't think their company forces them to.

    1. I guess it's only natural if you're in the showbusiness industry where you are trading so much on your looks, that you would want to remain a commercially viable entity capable of doing this for as long as possible. PS is part of this and idols know it so they get surgery whether their companies tell them to or not. I agree Noseyeon looked better before though, but I'll probably eventually get used to how she is now until she changes it again. That QBS front cover promo shot where she's in profile wasn't a good decision on the photographer's part.

  8. I guess I'm the only one who gets actually gets harder when I imagine JYP whispering JYP?

    1. First one I've seen who has admitted to it, but I'm sure there are others in the closet.

    2. That's not just being in the closet... I have yet to see a gay man turned on by him whispering in his plastic pants.

    3. Just the thought of being tuned on by that picture makes me wanna hurl...

  9. i am so pro plastic surgery its not even funny

  10. Ive read about this chick a billion times everytime i look up bad plastic surgery.

    I mean go for it if it makes you more happy and confident, because, lets admit it, looks are what matter at the end of the day... If youre in grade school hehe.

    I mean i would smile more often if it werent for the typical messed up jap teeth.

    And if youre ugly, be proud, because someone out there will think yr beautiful. Youre beautiful, youre beautiful. Youre beautiful its true.

    But if you're ugly on the inside... Well ps isnt gonna help you. And if you cunt afford it, use makeup!!

    Thank you,

    U-Know Who Has Man Tits

    P.s looking at you.

    1. Yeah it's an old story. I really wanted to find her music for this blog though. Maybe she just never got very far with it to put something out there. If anyone can track down some stuff I'd be impressed.

    2. Found her on naver music now. Lawd I feel like a loser for being on such an old article. http://m.music.naver.com/artist/track.nhn?artistId=76821 can't play anything though, and old songs are hard af to find, even for better known old artists.

  11. She should have fixed her jawline and nose in photo #2. That would have made her look somewhat-and probably the least bit- like Jamie Chung.

    1. For me Jamie Chung is hands down the most beautiful korean <333

  12. nam gyuri = ps queen
    a lot of work, but not so much that it makes her ungorgeous

    1. Boram is starting to look like her and it's pretty scary

  13. Why don't we ever talk about the ethics of Korean plastic surgeons. In some other countries patients have to attend compulsory counselling before surgery and minors are not eligible for it unless they have some really severe issues.
    Can you imagine if it was the same in SK? The idol system would collapse on itself, or all companies would become like YGE and try to convince us their fug talents are pretty/handsome.

  14. I thought this was gonna be about how they killed off Soyeon and replaced her and CCM are pretending it was just plastic surgery

    1. Too easy/obvious a target. I don't enjoy shooting fish in a barrel.

    2. Try fishing with dynamite in a barrel, it's on a whole nother level!

    3. Actually that's probably a more apt analogy.

  15. I can't even laugh at her
    I feel sorry for the poor lady.

    1. I actually remember reading about Hang's butcher plastic surgery on dailymail awhile ago… it's really sad. Addiction comes in so many forms…

  16. IDK why but Cyclops looks obnoxious with that clueless-creepy face she's dishing. Not cute.

    1. Given that she's basically telling people to fuck off in that pic I think "obnoxious" is exactly what she's aiming for.

  17. I've always been baffled with Hang's first name. Mioku? Is she Zainichi or did she choose a Japanese-sounding screen name? 3-syllable names aren't that pretty common in Korea. The romanization must've been different like how most do it nowadays?

    1. I wondered about that as well tbh. I had to double check she was actually Korean.

    2. 10 decades late but I decided to search it up. Her name is actually spelt 항미옥 and would be Hang Mi Ok, idek where the u part came from, it's confusing me. I searched it up on google but I'll double check naver... (every single english media site lists it as mioku it's messing with me)

    3. Oh her last name isn't 항 either (is that even a korean last name?) It's 한 or Han. Dafuq did they hire for romanizing the names?

    4. Beats me. Thanks for following this up!

  18. 너나 잘 하세요! + Jiyeon's Face = PURRFECT. 100% Bitch.

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  20. you're starting to look a bit wrong, maybe I should stop taking your money now". I wasn't able to source exact dates for these photos but at this point I'm guessing her face probably looked something like it does in this picture of her: plastic surgery

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  22. why people p0int finger on girl idol 0nly?can you see exo?0mg they're so fuckg plastic.//sorry for my bad english.imfr0mmars

    1. Oh yeah, the guys do it just as much. Nowhere in this blog do I exclude the guys - hell, I even talked about MJ.

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