Monday, July 29, 2013

Stupid Thing Fangirls Utter 35

This week's photo comes from Harshmin:

Thank you for your submission!







Are you fo real homeslice!?

Aww hellz no. Out of any of the 4 in 2NE1, you picked DARA.

Wow. Words cannot express how disappointed everyone on earth is in you. Like, even non-Blackjacks are facepalming at your choice.

Minzy can win any dance showdown hands down. And every male and pedophile out there is all about her ass.

CL is the baddest bitch in the game! Top Asian female rapper, yo! (lol just kidding. I still don't like CL)

Non-plastic Park Bom can sing, too. Fake? What? Where is this accusation coming from.

Silly you. in 2NE1, Dara is only the face. There is literally no talent there.


lol. Dara.


Another STFU submission came from 준하, who found this photo:

I thought this submission accentuated this article a little more.

If anyone has submissions for future Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to akf_shinbi, ask them at http://ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Thank you!


  1. I don't know why this didn't post on time. It's probably Zaku's fault.

  2. man, I'm a bad person for laughing at that pic ;^D

  3. Picking the best one in 2ne1 is probably like picking which diarrhea smells the best.

    1. it's basically like the US elections.

    2. Excuse me but Minzy is like the feces of a newly-born baby.

  4. no but wait can we pay attention to "g dragon for president 2016"

    1. I was about to say that lol. Wait, let's just ignore that too.

    2. I like that page on fb should I be ashamed or

  5. Fangirls love Dara because they want all visuals to be cougars so oppar isn't tempted.

    1. True but fangirls don't see it that way, they think the older girls are at a disadvantage, so they let down their guard a bit. Oppa probably prefers the older girls because they spazz less. Being an idol would put anybody off young girls.

    2. Makes sense. When 50 16 year olds scream and stalk you everywhere, youll probably start getting annoyed with the entire demographic. However, I have seen fangirls (can we even call them that?) in their 40s and that freaks me out.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Simple explanation: you get turned off by the teen demographic when the only teens you ever gonna see are the acned, overweight, greasy haired and foul mouthed ones. On the other hand, Tony Ann has picked a hottie (albeit with some not so subtle resemblance to alien)for himself. Who wouldn't wanna bang a piece of hot young meat?


    5. @efficu5. Do you mean Tony An?

  6. Out of all of them, I'd say Minzy is the best talent-wise and CL is the best live-performance-wise... you can say all you want about how she sucks and screams and garbles when performing but without her on the stage it'll be boring to watch them, imho. Bom is there--she's not the best visuals, she's not the best singer, hell, she's not even the best dancer and 2NE1's dances are easy. But let's be honest for a second here, without Dara, their visuals would be shit.

    On a different note, G-dragon for president 2016.

  7. I love Dara being she's derpy and hot; singing really is not for her. Her voice is so thin that the only time you hear it, it's buried up a thick layer of overdubs and deception XD

    1. "Derpy"... you know, whenever I read one of your comments, I just want to murder you even more.
      It also makes me want to wish Blogger had an ignore user function.

    2. Awwz, you really like me!!! You know to really make a guy feel special :D

    3. So you two are feeling hot for each other?

    4. What do you mean trap? If you had asked, then I would have been totally up front with you, silly billy ^^

  8. Minzy pretty much held "Falling in Love" together; the rest flopped really bad. She's the most well rounded out of all of them, tbqh.

    1. Falling in Love was made for Minzy; the rest sounded so terrible on it >_>

    2. third that cause that is real truth and this article is such crap

  9. I will say Minzy was adorable on Running Man

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. When has being an idol ever been about singing ability? I always thought 2NE1 was popular for their unconventional concepts and avant-garde fashion (twennywan unnirs so youneek), though I do like some of their songs. Kpop is all about image, and in that regard I admire 2NE1 for their popularity when the members' appearances aren't playing in their favor.

  12. let that delusional blackjack, stay with dara and let me stay with minzy, ok?

  13. CL is all that and whatnot, don't you know? CL is the One and Only Baddest Female Seoul City has Ever Had. (=

  14. If you ask me, I will rather have Bom than Dara. Notwithstanding her plasticity, Bom's leggy and has got a nigga arse. At least I can avoid looking at her face by banging her doggy style. On the other hand, I don't find Dara's derpy face much less of a boner killer than Bom's mannequin one. But her adolescent boy body just makes sure whatever lust you have left inside your body upon witnessing her derpiness is completely killed off......

  15. that person probably like dara because of her history before 2ne1

    err...it's her, right? the one who nude?

  16. that cl picture just made me remember that when i was new to kpop i had started a thread on the old akp forums about idols that looked like animals and i had MEANT for it to be about cute things like how nana looks like vulpix and thunder looks like a baby seal but everyone there was so mean it's like come off it bro we know you don't like xyz idol stop devoting your life to them

  17. HAHAAHAHAH dara wish she could look as good as Soyu!!! 2ne1 are just ugly girls with no singing talent.
    2ne1 in order of relevancy
    cl- can't rap tries to hard to be black, and her face is atrocious
    minzy- Uses the same dance moves over and over, face is gross.
    bom- voice is worn out and terrible, face is disgusting (fans can't figure out if its lymph nodes or Plastic surgery) either way she definitely had a nose job double eyelids and lips done to old for being an idol.
    dara- cute but body of a 12 year old body, has no talent, can barely dance, to old for being an idol. (all she does is post pictures on social media!!

    1. Hey, at least none of them looks as if they have Down's. lol

    2. I bet you are a nasty 40 year old creepy old man so who cares what you think?

    3. If they had no talent, then why would Will. I. Am. have such interest in them?
      If they had not talent, then why would they be voted as best new artist of the year by MTV iggy?
      If they had not talent, why would Snoop Dogg, personally request to have them perform with him ?
      You WISH you had their talent. Stop hating behind your broke ass Toshiba computer. They're getting paid, while all you do is hate. Go back to you 9-5 job at Arby's bitch.


      CL doesn't try to act black. It's called swag bitch. So I'm assuming Mac Miller, Mackelmore, and Eminem try to act black too? Stay in school. it's better for you.


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