Thursday, August 1, 2013

G-Drayvon Martin

What's the difference between G-Dragon and a black stool? A black stool alerts you to go to a doctor right away while G-Dragon prompts some "brothas" to lynch his ass. Aside from that, they're both pieces of shit that are colored black.

Ever since G-Dragon was born, he has wished to be black, taking an interest in hiphop from a young age. While hiphop isn't exclusively black culture, it is strongly linked to the black culture. Next, in order for him to up his street credibility, he had to start doing drugs. He declares himself innocent after smoking marijuana in 2011, but no one bought his excuse. It's not likely an anti-Korean Japanese walked into the club just to give G-Dragon a blunt in the form of a cigarette just to fuck with him. No, the Japanese dude probably would have stabbed G-Dragon. Then he would have proceeded fuck his wound hole and post a video on YouTube. However, that didn't happen. G-Dragon knew he was still a few pegs short of being black. Due to Korea's restrictive gun laws, he couldn't go around shooting fellow people of his race that the media will never report because that doesn't fit their agenda. G-Dragon cannot go around having nine kids with eight women and have them on welfare because that shit wouldn't fly in Korea.

Drastic measures needed to be taken for G-Dragon to become black. He could have had a phalloplasty performed, but he wouldn't gain much length through that surgery. He could have cut off a horse's dick and sewed it over his own dick, but I don't think YG would let him for fear that the Korean version of PETA would be all up in their asses. So, G-Dragon was a few levels short of attaining "niggadom," and he would do anything to become a "brotha."

So, that desire of wanting to be black but not actually being able to be black caused G-Dragon to paint his face black. The excuse is that this is an excuse for a Trayvon Martin tribute. What G-Dragon essentially needs to do is to get in a fight with Daesung's car to pay a proper tribute to Trayvon Martin. Pick a fight with Daesung, laughing in his face about how the only solo activities he gets are in Japan. Crack a joke about how it looks like Daesung ran over his own face after he killed the motorcyclist. Daesung then can run over G-Dragon, causing sadness for his delusional fangirls, but bringing back some credibility to the Korean music scene without this wannabe.

What better way would there be for G-Dragon to pay a tribute to Trayvon Martin than to leave the Korean music scene altogether? However, he wouldn't do it on his own accord, so Daesung, our savior, would have to save Korea from G-Dragon.


  1. What I'm still wondering tbh is what's on his tongue... if that is his tongue.

  2. That mothafucka should just get a negroplasty and get it over with. It includes all enhancements needed. http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/154778/negroplasty

  3. lol on his instagram diplo commented and was like "wtf?!!!!

  4. Where's Zimmerman, when you need him?!

    1. Trying not to get lynched by black racists lol.

    2. I'm pretty sure hip-hop is exclusively black-culture. Anyone who read up on the music history would know that hip-hop is exclusive to black culture. Other cultures might adapt the use of hip-hop but hip-hop, along with R&B along with old-school rock is definitely black culture.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. G-dragon will never be issued a black card

  6. I don't get why they always use black paint, it's not like Korea doesn't have tan foundation shades. Just cause chicks walk around with white foundation on their face and tanned as hell neck and arms doesn't mean theres no tan Korean. I've honestly seen black people lighter than some asians. Just use the darkest foundation available. Most black americans are literally BLACK.

    I think it's his lip btw, and it's just black paint cause he can't color in the lines.

    1. I think it's because the in thing in Korea is, as you said, really freaking light bb creams which have maybe 2 shades tops. The darkest bb I've seen was like a honey shade(?) Which would've fit me (a white person) if I were very tanned but I don't tan. I'm sure you could find foundations and all but for korean brands in specific there's very few companies making tan shades, because tan korean people figure they can fake it and put on paler stuff to make themselves look paler. (Still with imports if they wanted they could easily go to a mac store or something and get dark foundation orz)

      I'm positive he wasn't doing a mask either, because I did a mud mask a couple days ago. You dont put it all over your eyes, that's uber bad for them and can actually harm your vision and make your eyes burn bc the skin is so thin and if you do get on your lips you don't just leave it there wtf

    2. this is probably something immature like sketch pen/marker or at most water colours/body paint. the layer is thin enough that you can still see how his face creases and you can see his real skin under the ink in some places

    3. In response to the controversy brewing, YG Entertainment reached out to SPIN to clarify the matter at hand, stating that this was all just a big misunderstanding.
      "GD was simply wearing different face paint colors and this is a huge misunderstanding. The face paint is only a color variation for his album cover which includes black, white, and red. It is in no way meant to be a political or racial statement... It's being derived by a simple photo shoot where GD was using different face paint colors for his upcoming album," the reps said.

    4. if it was for an album, i will like to see the proves.

    5. If it's for an album I'll be alarmed I mean the cover of heartbreaker was strange enough

    6. or is it, that yg likes to do weird album covers, or g-dragon really wants to be black :/

    7. Well like half of Big Bang want to be black, he's probably getting lessons from taeyang. (I almost said next thing we know he'll be getting dreads, but.. One Of A Kind was a thing and I don't want to jinx things)

    8. not only big bang, but there "friends" the "2ne1s" really see like they want to be black... i mean they're black people who will like to be asian, so that they can get to "kpop" even kpop idols wish to be succesed in america, while trying to get to kpop, they just don't realize how much international reconizing and money they will loose!,why learn a totally different languange? why taking harsh training?.


    9. Non-Koreans show up at YG auditions more because they`re marketed as the more 'progressive' kpop company compared to SM or JYP so they think they have a better chance of getting in. I don't even get it though, just because their music is black/hood inspired doesn't mean they want actual black people doing it. YG has debuted a total of 0 non-koreans at this point, whereas at least SM has debuted a LOT of Chinese people since Hangeng back in 2005 (Victoria, Amber, Henry, Zhoumi, Zhang Liyin) and JYP has Nickhun(thai which was REALLY progressive tbh), Jia, Fei and Lim was in China for such a long time they all consider her Chinese lol (But yeah, your article's stats kinda make my point. WHY THE HELL AUDITION FOR YG, THEY HAVE THE LEAST NON-KOREAN TRAINEES.

      Aside from that, unless you truly adore the Korean language/Korean Pop, why not just become famous in the states, as you said. Their music market is larger, they're a hell lot more open to black people compared to Korea who STILL DO BLACKFACE I can't even get started on the logic of people who think auditioning for YG of all places as a non-asian/non-korean is going to get them anywhere. If they pass at all, their chances of debuting are low partially because race, and partially because "papa YG" is a fucko who plays with his trainees' lives like toys do not get me started here

    10. Though I'm kinda laughing at the whole "Canadians, Australians and Americans" part because lets be honest they mean Asian-Canadians/Australians/Americans not white af folk like yours truly

  7. How many black friends he has in real life? Lemme guess...

    And well if he wants to be black there is nothing wrong in it, South Korean ppl and black ppl have more things in common than what you think. And yes I'm talking about a slavery history in their backs

    1. Wanting to be a certain race for superficial reasons is problematic and creepy.

  8. Amazed that this tryhard waste of flesh and oxygen still has any black fans left.

  9. First Vogue and now this? God I want "I am a pretentious Playboy With TOP" GD Back. Nowadays he is all visual kei bs.

  10. Remembering that photo of GD and 'YG family!! 1zomG' posing with Will Smith and his son is still giving me second hand embarassment. GD acting blacker than Will Smith ugh.

  11. Remembering that photo of GD and 'YG family!! 1zomG' posing with Will Smith and his son is still giving me second hand embarassment. GD acting blacker than Will Smith ugh.



    1. i hadn't paid attention to that until just now and i can't stop laughing

  13. What was that thing about being a swamp monster for his next MV that I kept hearing about?

  14. That black face totally shocked me the first time I saw it, seriously it's creepy. He gets more and more annoying, probably the best definition of tryhard.

    AKF, is anyone gonna review BEG's new song? :d

    1. I laid out what I thought in the Haein article - Morricone's style without his substance (although still an okay song anyway tbh). Someone might do a proper review article, but it won't be me.

    2. That's just too bad, I wanted some super complicated, technical, mind blowing, and space bending review from you (but srsly it would be nice to have some high quality in depth reviews).

    3. Whatchu tryin' ta say here, RealJW?

    4. LOL I'm not trying to say your reviews are shit, dear.

    5. I'd only be tempted to do a music review that focused on the actual music if that music was 1. incredibly amazing 2. incredibly shitty and the BEG song is neither, it's just another about-average song attached to an eye-catching concept and some attractive girls, just like several this year. I'd be struggling to find more than a paragraph to say about it. In fact I think I've blown through that paragraph with this comment right here.

    6. Knew you were gonna say that Popalypsie.
      The MV was awesome but that's about it.
      Imo Rum Pum Pum Pum is actually more catchy than Kill Bill.
      A titanic letdown.

    7. Yeah I agree RPPP is better, it's actually catchy, which is the point of a pop song - to be catchy so you remember it and can't get it out of your head and then you just gotta go buy that fucker to shut the voice in your head up. On the other hand Kill Bill is a reasonable enough listen but I can't even remember how the song goes off the top of my head - only how the video looks.

    8. I surprisingly like Kill Bill very much, I just think Miryo's parts are awesome and that "don't u wanna kill me" is so catchy to me for some reason.

      I anticipated Ailee's and BEG's comeback much, and I think BEG did a better comeback than Ailee.

  15. Sistar would never do anything like this! i tell you nothing good comes from YG!!!GD and Taeyang are the worst. the way he fetishizes African-American culture is so disgusting it makes me want to puke nails.

    1. Sistar who? The only relevant songs by them (a grand total of TWO) are all by Sistar19.
      Poor Soyu, she should find another group pronto in order to get outta nugudom.

    2. Your username reminds me of one of my favorite shows.

  16. Fuck. I saw this at like 1AM and it made me yelp so loud I almost woke my dad up.

  17. The irony, when I saw GD's black face I didn't even think about the Trayvon Martin movement. Just wonder what was on GD's lips. Seriously what the fuck is that shit dick glitter?

  18. shut the fuck up ugly bitches
    you bitches just go to hell and try to suck it <=========3
    this is daesung's cock haha


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