Friday, August 30, 2013

Question of the Week 77

This week's question comes from an anonymous asker on my Ask.fm:
Fans always like to believe that their idols are all super nice and every fuck up is a misunderstanding; but people with braincells know that aint true. so my question is, which idols do you think are probably huge megabitches and assholes when the camera's off?

Thanks for your suggestion!

I think we already have had a question like this before. But newcomers are always welcome to answer this now since the comment section is time sensitive.

If anyone has suggestions for future Question of the Weeks, please send them by: e-mail to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to @akf_shinbi, ask them at http://ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Remember your rights on this site: anything you say or do here can and probably will be used against you. Thank you, FISHies!


  1. Jungsis but that's why I like them tbh. They probably bitch out all the dumbass reporters behind the scenes. G-dragon seems like he has a superiority complex over the rest of kpop... maybe because he writes his own stuff and is all trendsetter-y I don't know he seems snobby. Hm and I know Siwon is always the super kind Christian boy but he also seems kinda stuck up, like he'd get pissed if you didn't believe what he did I wonder how he and Heechul get along (Heechul being atheist)

    1. siwon has this really weird duality - on one end he says being gay is against god or whatever and on the other he's makin out with the rest of sj for an audience of thousands and yeah i don't think he does it on purpose but some people who have been brought up with a lot do sometimes just have this air of ~haha peasant. i really do wonder how heechul gets along with him though cause he seems to like a lot of religious people but he really doesn't seem to be the type to put up with someone else's shit

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. My impression of the Jung sisters has always been not so much that they were bitchy more so just blunt, particularly Jessica. And both suffer from resting bitch face syndrome. I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that Jessica identifies as an introvert. As an introvert myself, I know I can be a total dick towards people I don't know. I don't have anything against you and I don't mean to be a dick, I just don't care enough to be nice to you until I get to know you.

      Leeteuk, now there's a guy that has always given major douche vibes. And Taec. Definitely Taec.

    4. @blue exactly about Siwon. He was probably the most fanservice-y member during the last Super Show yet he's so homophobic off stage it was weird. I've said it before but I think he's struggling with his orientation and I he likes Donghae (?) (Lol I sound delulu) but at the same time even on twitter he sounds like one of the stuckup jesus freaks, but so does his dad so it's probably inherited. (Look that up. His dad is full cray) It's kinda odd he and Heechul get along and I just assume he learns to can it about god when he's nearby because I can't see Heechul putting up with him otherwise.

      @davidn Yeah, jungsis aren't so much straight out bitchy as much as they (especially Krystal) just say what they mean and don't really force themselves to be nice/look interested like half the idols do. I don't remember exactly what Jessica said but she is sort of introverted and has said stuff to that effect. If she doesn't know someone you won't see her acting like their bffs. I'm sorta introverted too and yeah, we act like uncaring assholes to people at times. Cest la vie.

    5. Kpopalypse recently posted something on his ask fm about people with polar viewpoints (In this case, Siwon and Heechul) and how little effect it can have on their relationship.

    6. *goes to stalk kpopalypse's askfm*

  2. i heard once that hara is supposedly a bitchass whore and she looks like she could be but who knows that might've been made up

    tbh i would pin all the 'visuals' and he ones who were ~famous from a young age and shit as the terrible people? i mean that stuff's gotta do something to you, but really i'm describing everyone in the kpop industry

    except yixing and sungjong they are perfect humans and we should all grovel at their feet. i also really like sunhwa i think she would be the exact same person she is on screen

    1. I kind of agree on the Lay part since I saw a Weekly Idol episode with EXO and the only ones who seemed normal and not (that) fake were him, Chen and D.O
      But Sungjong.. I mean how is he a perfect human, he's always whoring at every single camera with his girl group dance and disturbingly girly face, voice and gestures. Sungyeol or Hoya would be better candidates for that role (maybe Dongwoo too, but sometimes his overboard dorkiness is really awkward), cause they seem quite natural.

    2. i like lay because of all his pre-debut stuff; he seems like a genuinely really good person

      ahh i really like most of infinite (and in fact sungyeol, hoya and dongwoo are my favourite members) but sungjong is a member i appreciate more and more with time; he doesn't take shit from his hyungs just because he's younger than them amd he does all these cute little things that he doesn't have to? like there was this video of him randomly kissing this little girl who was his fan on the forehead and it was sweet cause it looked so spontaneous (he's said before that he's a bit tired of the girl group stuff so i think he's told to do it)
      i will say that sungjong is fake for the camera and what we see of him seems to be about 5% of his personality but it seems to be because he's a private person because everyone in his personal life seems to really like him

    3. I know, it's like the more I watch stuff with them the more I like Lay and the quiet gang.
      I didn't know about SungJong, his cute persona really irks me most of the time but, who knows, he may be nice actually.

    4. quiet gang is where it's at yo

      yes sungjong's cute thing is really awkward and forced i think that's why the other members are always telling him to knock it off; he seems to have the most connections in the industry though

    5. Sunhwa is known for having temper tantrums. She's been trying to get acting jobs, but words are already out among PDs because she's difficult to work with. Sometime in near future, she will go through couch casting to get a secondary role.

  3. Soyeon has quite a bitch face, and Jessica + Krystal

  4. I think it's all the nice ones you gotta watch out for. I wouldn't be surprised if Yunho, Ryeowook, Onew, and Suho go on puppy-kicking sprees after church every Sunday.

    1. Drinking superglue will do that to a person.

    2. Yeah, you gotta watch out for those pansy looking ones. Qri is probably plotting to take over the world as we speak.

  5. Shindong, on and off camera, has said his share of asshole-y shit.

  6. Does Jang Yebin from "White" count?

  7. I want to say Sulli because whenever she acts bitchy she really pisses off netizens so I want to see her do it a lot more often.

  8. Omfg. Yewon from Jewelry. I just hate that chubby face. She's pretty much not interesting at all and acts like she deserves more than she does (she rejected Jonghoon and goes on and on about her many choices on this variety show, just so you know). Gonna stop now before I start to sound more like a fangirl.

    I was about to say Hyosung, but I remembered that she once saved Jieun's life during the car accident that occurred last year even when she's already injured herself, so maybe she can talk about many more things other than her body.

    1. Tbh Jonghoon had it coming seeing as he rejected G.na for her and basically left her with no one even though Yewon had like half the show going for her. Throw the poor girl a bone, she was crying after that happened, I actually felt really bad.. (And why did they all like Yewon so much?) The second season of Romantic and Idol bombed for good reason, they casted idiots. Shame because it could've been like the new WGM or something.

  9. Narsha, SULLI, Krystal, All of SNSD (except Seobot, fake ice queen Jessica and Hyoyeon), All of T-ara(except Qri, Dani and Boram), 4minute Gayoon and JiHyun (ESPECIALLY HER)......

  10. G7 Invincible Youth S1 members :( Narsha, Hyomin, Hara, Sunhwa, Sunny, Yuri and Hyuna ) aka The Bitch Club

  11. everyone in exo seem like a bunch of stuck up prissy boys especially tao or toe whatever the frig his name is. (they have crazy ass fans so i i don't blame them)

    hyuna is a total bitch to international 4nia's and has acted violent/bitchy to many hosts/idols (slapping the mc on weekly idol , ignoring lee joon etc.)

    Dara is full of herself and thinks all the male idols are after her but probably doesn't realize most of them are only staring at her because the have either stared off into space or know delusional shippers are watching with there camera's in hand so they give them some good footage to take home and squeal over with there friends.

    siwon: not just a total prick but weird and probably messed up in the head from his homophobic daddy telling him what to think/do since the second he could walk and talk.

    seungri: hits on everyone thinking he's some korean justin timberlake but in reality looks like a perverted school boy talking to a bunch of hot female idols

    everyone in hello venus seems like there only in it for the money and hate everyone around them except AS who they pretend to like.

    ilhoon: hes a total bitch to his band members and always wants to be in the front. (theres also tension with him and peniel)

    1. 'perverted schoolboy' is the best description of seungri i have ever heard

    2. Shouldn't it be Dani the giraffe...

  12. I've heard that Lee Hongki from F.T. Island is a right cunt, but I don't really follw F.T. Island (except for Jaejin) so I wouldn't know.

  13. they say that Nicole is a total bitch in kara and that she sleep around alot , just kidding i think the girl is to 4D to be a bitch
    i'd say yunho , Hara , jiyoung and saeyoung from kara . all the bullies from T-ara .
    btw did you read about hara scandel with idon't know his name apperntly some Hara stans are mad cause nicole has like a gazillion male idole friend and she hadn't been in one dating scandel i'd say cause she is dating Nana from AF

  14. Let me see, Jiyeon and Soyeon have major bitch faces and Boram can also be bitchy too (cue, pretty much every variety show she's been on). Also, the shortest girl from Crayon Pop, SNSD's Taeyeon, I mean the way she blatantely ignores Jessica who's just craving for her attention is painful to see. Some people say hyuna but I actually think she's very sweet. Maybe she just has verbal diarrhea. Krystal and Sulli (I can see through her lovey dovey face) have major bitch vibes (sorry for that), Davichi's Minkyung and Fuck Dolls Eunkyo. From dudes I'd say Leeteuk, G-Dragon.

  15. Let me see, Jiyeon and Soyeon have major bitch faces and Boram can also be bitchy too (cue, pretty much every variety show she's been on). Also, the shortest girl from Crayon Pop, SNSD's Taeyeon, I mean the way she blatantely ignores Jessica who's just craving for her attention is painful to see. Some people say hyuna but I actually think she's very sweet. Maybe she just has verbal diarrhea. Krystal and Sulli (I can see through her lovey dovey face) have major bitch vibes (sorry for that), Davichi's Minkyung and Fuck Dolls Eunkyo. From dudes I'd say Leeteuk, G-Dragon.

  16. Shindong, cause he's saying crap everytime he gets the opportunity to speak. Too damn ignorant.

  17. I really don't care if they're shitty people or not just keep making catchy music for me to listen to and/or make fun of.

    (Actually I would love it if someone like Hyogre was a huge cunt bts, then she has absolutely nothing going for her and her fans would be even more delusional than they are now).

  18. suzy, sure as hell. jung sister i guess, then also taeyeon.

  19. I pray to the Machine Goddess for Seohyun to come out with a bitch scandal or something, that would honestly make my day.

    1. That'll never happen cos she'll just put Taeyeon and Tiffany out of their part-time jobs as resident bitches.

  20. I thought most idols are mega bitches? Well, Heechul, Hongki and their others 'Chocoball' members looks like assholes. Wanna add Leeteuk, Siwon and Shindong. Wow, most of SuJu members are in my list and I used to like them. May I add Jaejoong and Yoochun too...? Though I like MBLAQ but Mir is troublesome.

    For girls: Sunny, Krystal, Soyeon & Taeyeon.

  21. Taeyeon and Tiffany definitely, Hara, Hyorin, Leeteuk, Shindong, and Suzy.

  22. I'd definitely put Shindong and GD on that list. Really, I think it would be easier to name who isn't a jerk behind camera.

    Like Lay from EXO is a genuine sweetheart, P.O. from Block B is surprisingly humble and kindhearted, Kris from EXO and Ryeowook from SuJu are both way too dumb to be purposely malicious, Amber from F(x) is generally chill, Daesung from BIGBANG is too busy being the only talented member to care about being a jerk, etc...

    I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Leo from VIXX, although I personally don't think he's a jerk off-camera or on-camera. The guy is just painfully awkward. I almost feel bad for him every time VIXX gets invited to radio/variety shows.

    1. Daesung??? U obviously have never watched Bigbang's live vids on youtube. NONE Of them are excellent singers live.

  23. well I think Taeyeon, Tiffany and Yuri are obvious bitches, also Krystal and Sulli. Everyone in Suju exept Donghae and Ryewook. GD looks like a bitch, also CL and Dara


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