Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday Shitfest #9

Ailee is set to make her Japanese debut next month. Sounds like a bad idea to me, unless Ailee learns to start squealing when she sings about tentacle monsters.

Just a reminder, Zaku will be livestreaming again tonight at 5 PM PST (-7 GMT).


  1. Whoops, three hours late. I forgot to schedule this post last night.

  2. That gif reminds me that Ailee... now that's someone I'd like to see twerk.

    I'll be there for the Zaku stream hellyes.

  3. Koyote did a Run to you event, though most of it is lip synced, it's pretty nice to watch if I were there.


    1. Did someone say Run To You? Right now all thoughts are consumed with this.

  4. Erm to sidetrack, did anyone else catch the 2013 gyeong gi do world peace concert? it's ending in a few mins n it was streamed live on youtube.

    1. http://www.2013dmzworldpeaceconcert.com/

      And after Beast left the stage as the 2nd last performers of the day, I finally recall why I used to be mad about the group - at least they have listenable songs and the talent is evened out in the group...
      IMO most kpop boybands have many useless members, YES I'M LOOKING AT YOU : Supersenior, Exo, BAP, BlockB, 2PeeAm, InfiNOT, TheyKiss, Zebr:A, TeenTop etc etc and the list grows on.
      Beast is not so bad after all.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. beast's music just isn't my cup of tea i guess because i've never enjoyed it and i find every last member painfully unattractive. although i agree wholeheartedly that SM makes groups with pockets of extreme talent and then filler members who do nothing, i find it interesting that you listed bap and infinitie. i don't really follow bap so I wouldn't know about them other than himchan is basically yongguk without the rapping ability and kind of an ass (other than him though i found that all the members had a speciality and maybe weren't the best at everything else but I would say that is a decently talented group), but to me infinite is one of the more even boy groups because there's no abominationfaced member and all of them are at least bearable at dancing, singing and variety.

      it really all comes down to personal taste i guess because good singer and good dancer and good looking especially are all relative

    4. I used to be an Infinite fan...just cos of the good songs...and as for BAP...well...I only like DaeHyun......because of his singing talent...for me if I wanted eye candy I'd definitely not choose Beast but for me looks are as relative to me as tasty food is to the picky.
      I studied music so for me it's all about having good songs, looks are just the candy wrapping.

    5. Oh and I forgot to mention, Ailee was one of the performers and that's why I mentioned the concert here lol.
      She's definitely far from being talentless.

    6. @blue: FINALLY. I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE WHO HAS A PROBLEM WITH HIMCHAN. All the members are of use and he is just there to... idek wut he's there for. Dude is not attractive in my book, and I really don't understand the hype about him all over Tumblr.

    7. i don't have a problem with him per se; when bap first debuted I thought he looked like a mix of joon and tiffany and i thought he was cute but as i got to know more about the group he was just the least interesting member to me, and i don't really understand why he was needed because the group without him is still pretty good looking and he has no measurable musical ability. it's more like i ignore himchan's existence

    8. ^^Where have you been all my life, omg

  5. was anyone else pleasantly surprised by growl? i found the song really boring at first but the choreography is really good (IMO one of the most consistently strong sm choreos since Lucifer, although there's one super embarrassing step in the middle) and the whole thing really works live, and for once the concept suits them and no member looks weird. of course this is comeback week so they aren't singing live but i am cautiously optimistic

    wow i am so unused to giving exo praise this feels weird

    1. Well, the song was an improvement over the other one, which shall not be named. But very, very, very boring to me. The choreo was nice though. A bit to musical-esque for me, but they executed pretty well. And the most important thing - they weren't dressed completely ridicilously! I'm not sure how the dance will work in their lives, since they are faced on opposite sides and half of them will have to turn their backs on the audience. Maybe they will do it from the side or something, idk how it will work though. Or maybe I'm just a complete dumbass who can't figure it out.

    2. After Wolf, anything sounds like an improvement

    3. I'll agree that they all look pretty good, though the improvement in song quality and choreo must've resulted in Suho Half-pants.

    4. its kinda similar to Justine beiber Beauty and the beast MV... Self Shot Video

    5. the embarrassing part i was referring to was suho's where he does some tribal dance across the stage.
      also, I forgot to mention but i'm loving the dance spotlight on sehun instead of kai and actual lines for lay i

    6. I was gifing D.O's parts like crazy after the MV came out. Stayed for D.O, left for D.O.

  6. some sh*t I found on ilbe this week:

    I have been laughing at this for couple of days:

    This news item was hot topic in SK, but I don't think any English k-related sites covered this. A youthful couple from Seoul City Universy was going at it at in a student lounge. Just a good innocent f*ck:


    Minah eating some sht:

  7. B.A.P. is coming back (can you even say comeback bc they never leave or) again. At this rate they're going to all just pass out from exhaustion (at least they're a boy group so they can eat) also it's called badman wtf, I can already hear the batman jokes.

    1. For a second there, I thought it was going to be a reggae song

    2. I haven't even watched the teaser yet, I usually just watch their stuff when it comes out as an MV. Lawl though, can you imagine Yongguk getting his reggae on?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. nananananananana daehyun is hot

    5. I prefer Himchan (and Zelo tbh but even if he's older than me he's too young for me) but okay.

    6. i have an unconscious preference for male celebrities from busan that i seem to have no control over help'h thunder hoya ssam d daehyun)

    7. fuck i despise this tablet no matter what i do a typo shows up at the last second

    8. I don't like idols with baby faces, so Jongup is my favorite member.
      The only time he ever looked impressively smashing was during No Mercy.

    9. judging based solely on looks jongup is 100x hotter but dae is more magnetic

  8. Taeyeon got 1 million followers on Instagram, which is a mindblowing-ly huge number.

    1. I betta see some full on titties, poon, AND bootyhole on her damn instagram for that heffa to have over a million followers. smh

  9. minah is taking iu's position on the inkigayo. lullz!

  10. Sulli Christ fell asleep before broadcast, now it's 6:20 PST! Oops ¯\_(:-//)_/¯

  11. Review EXO's Growl! Usually I don't say this about male groups (besides Big Bang and BAP) but their MV was seriously impressive. One take, nice choreo, catchy song...I approve.

  12. I still think B.A.P's Hurricane mv looked like it was taken off BigBang's Tonight mv. There I said it. AKFG is strangely becoming like my weekly confession if this keeps up. No offense intended.

    I only watched Bangtan Boys' MV - No more dream only for a glimpse of Jimin's abs, though he is jailbait for me.

    I like MYNAME's Gunwoo. His voice reminds me of Hwanhee. His eyes looks crazy and his ear sticks out. Kind of endearing.

    VIXX's Leo....is just Leo. It's like a 5-members VIXX + Leo. No hate intended.

    I am a Kpop Fangirl(noona actually) but I like lurking around this site like the unwanted step-child. Be nice. XD

    1. don't really see what's spesh about jiminnie's abs cause the rest of his bod is soft af but he is very nearly legal game

  13. Also, check out San-E's new MV if you want to see Nara in a lesbian relationship.

    1. Shit, I haven't heard from that goofy looking mothefucker in a minute. Good to hear he's still putting out tracks.


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