Monday, August 26, 2013

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 38

This week's photo comes from an anonymous asker on my ask.fm:

Thank you for your submission!


That whore, Krystal. How dare she touch another boy from the same company. Well, we netizens always knew that Krystal was a bitch. What a slut! Touching Taemin AND THEN KAI. Like some harlot. Gawd. Woman be thirsty as shit. Gurl, she has no right to be feeling up YOUR Kai.

If anyone has submissions for future Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to akf_shinbi, ask them at http://ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Thank you!


  1. @Kpopalypse like I said, female sex drive.

  2. "Aff(x)tion" - Is this actually a term ?

    Poor Korean boys, being sold into the slavery of a company and then pushed into being touched by some whore like Krystal ! FREE KOREAN BOY BAND PEOPLE !

    Where can I sign up ?

  3. I adore Kai too, but Mrs. Psychotic needs to chill. Even some f(x) fans don't like Krystal which is sad if you ask me.

    1. exo-fags hate Kai as well. This is actually the first time in a while where I've seen one of them show any sort of concern for him.

    2. don't forget affections have been riding sullies ass for lack of charisma on stage.

    3. exotics don't necessarily hate kai they just very ignorant and like to deride him in their 'jokes'
      there are a handful that resent him bc he's shoved in the spotlight so much - same logic as hyoyeon stans who hate yoona

    4. The reality is is that Hyoyeon and Lay are both loved for having so little screen time whereas this is the first time in months where I've seen someone acknowledge Yoona's existence. People try and convinve themselves that nobody cares about the most popular members of the group such as Lay and Hyoyeon and that the members which nobody cares about like Kai and Yoona but that's just being completley deluded and applying negative logic. Really, Lay and Hyoyeon are both the most overrated members of their respective groups because their fans continuously drown them in drippy praise whereas, ironically, Yoona and Kai are both underrated because nobody gives two shits about them.

    5. *tbh yoonkai situations aren't exactly comparable bc i really REALLY haven't seen any full-on hate towards him - a good number of exotics that i've seen are kai biased (like one in every three-four blogs on tumblr)

      while i will acknowledge that hyoyeon is alrightish but not the best dancer ever, kai and lay are pretty much neck-in-neck to me talent wise (i would put yixing a little over kai because imo kai adds too much flourish to the routines and yixing can actually sort-of-kind-of sing and plays a few instruments) and not even the exotics that dislike kai fail to acknowledge that he is good at his job

      i will say that exo as a whole is very overrated though. chen, lay, sehun, kai, baek and kyungsoo seem to be the only members with skills relevant to their profession

    6. Its the fact that Lay is a smidgen more talented than Kai which makes him overrated because his fans shove this down everybody's throat as if his 1000 times more skilled then Kai ever will be and treat him like he's the friggen male Christina Aguilera. The cutest part is that they think he can rap. But the KaixLay comparisons are irrelevant anyway because Xiumin can dance circles around both of them (not that he ever will because he's "too shy")

      I hate to admit it but EXO's probably the most talented boy-band in kpop. Unfortunately, talent is usually a completely irrelevant factor in kpop (see T-ARA and Crayon Pop) and it still doesn't change the fact that EXO is overrated as fuck.

      As for SNSD, despite Hyoyeon being being a far superior dancer to Yoona, she's actually the most overrated member of the group. Yoona is actually the most underrated because literally no one acknowledges her dancing ability.

      I think it was a bit of an exaggeration for me to say exo-fags HATE Kai but its just idiotic that they say that Lay, who is obviously a lot more popular than him, is underrated in comparison. And like you said, they're neck and neck anyway.

    7. lay was underrated/a nugu member back when they debuted because everyone rushed to lu han and kris (as far as i know lu han is still the most popular member by quite a margin; the insane gifts he gets for his birthday aren't even outdone by polar light (bae's korean fans) and those guys are basically human-shaped money) but damn i guess not anymore. is he more popular than kai? i'm not sure. exo has a lot more chinese fans so maybe by default

      sigh sigh sigh yes well xiumin needs to get the fuck over it i'm pretty sure he can sing, too, but he just refuses to. i'm pretty sure they wouldn't have put male sohee in exo if he was talentless

      i'm pretty sure people don't think yoona is totally talentless? i saw somewhere that most people follow yoona to learn choreo because she does the actual choreography well without adding her own shit to it

    8. Yoona's not the best dancer in SNSD but she's the most flawless and least likely to make mistakes which is why she's in the centre all the time.

      Both EXO's an B.A.P's popularity hireachy has changed it seems. B.A.P used to be just "Zelo & Friends" but now Yongguk and Himchan appear to be the most popular followed by Daehyun and Zelo with medium popularity and Jongup and Youngjae with low popularity.

      Lu Han and Lay appear to be the two most popular members of EXO but I'm not really sure who follows after that but when EXO debuted it looked like EXO-K first and then EXO-M behind.

      I've noticed that SM's visuals are never the most popular member of the group which is what they should be.
      Kyuhyun is more popular than Siwon
      Taemin is more popular than Minho
      Amber and Krystal are both more popular than Sulli.
      Taeyeon, Tiffany and Hyoyeon appear to be the big three in SNSD while Yoona is appears to be the second least popular member.
      I feel that Max is currently TVXQ!'s visual but U-Know still appears more popular.
      It looks like they tried really hard to make get it right for once with EXO by giving 50+ teasers solely to Kai but it backfired and he was eclipsed by Lu Han and Lay.

      btw, Xiumin actually has superior vocal skill to Jino from SM The Ballad which says a lot about him. He was an obvious choice for EXO but if he's to shy to demonstrate said talent then SM should've just put Jino in instead.

    9. 1. Sehun can't do shit what are you talking about he's cute and that's just about it

      I'd say the most popular members are definitely Luhan and Kai while the least are Xiumin and Chen

  4. It would be great if we can destroy all fangirls on the planet, but then this site would be pointless.

  5. She was fine until.....WHOOPS! That bitch touched MY kai! What a joke...

    1. She was obviously their fave until that happened

    2. Nahhh, I think saying she was fine until that line is a bit of a stretch.

  6. I saw that in the Pink Tape tag a while ago and I'm pretty sure the dumbass got beat by f(x) fanboys/girls.

    "have previously been on Taemin"
    .....okay but Taemin sort of kissed her/lifted her up/flirted with her not the other way around?? Ugh fangirls.

    1. Don't you get it ?
      It's always the bitches fault, with their vagina voodoo.

    2. Rum Pum Pum does sound kinda like snake charmers music o.o (???)

    3. You're not imagining that. (warning: technical shit approaching) The tonality of most of it is Phrygian with raised 3rd and 6th, which is generally not something that appears in western music but isn't that different in sound to some Indian scales (although they typically aren't strictly that diatonic). Also, no harmony changes whatsoever, also pretty characteristic of classical Indian music where they don't have chord changes but just explore one tonality continuously.

    4. Well fuck, it is vagina voodoo.

    5. wow interesting that you thought that cause despite all the technical stuff i never heard it (my parents are huge classical music enthusiasts so i hear it all the time and i was trained in indian classical when i was a kid) btw snake charming = super illegal yo they treat those poor animals like garbage

  7. Surely they submitted that as a joke after taking bets with their friends on if it would make it into a STFU article or not. But then, is it EXO fans so maybe not.

    1. This is fairly old and has been floating around since when the Pink Tape teasers with Kai came out and it's been like a month. I think it's legit and I am alarmed.

    2. When mykpopconfession.tumblr.com is up and running again I'm going to submit the most deluded, confirmation bias stuffed post I can think of and see if I can get it posted here for bragging right. Then again, it usually takes about a week before mkc actually posts your confession, and sometimes they just ignore it! Where the fuck is my confession about how I want to bury my head between Eunjung's thighs and feast upon her lady bits!? WHERE!?!?

    3. (What about kpopsecrets.tumblr.com?? That and there's usually kpop confession blogs for every group, even nugus like chocolat)

    4. hmm, that actually not a bad idea. I submitted a lot of weird confessions so Nacy's probably on to me and won't submit anymore so I'll need to find another blog where I can emotionally scar the admin.

    5. I feel sorry for confession blog admins because of you

  8. "I don't want to live on this planet anymore." You want one round in the chamber, or Vicodin with a bottle of Scotch with that order?

    1. Pah. Vicodin is kid's stuff. I can take four at a time and work a 12 hour shift of physical labor.

      Make it Dilaudid. There's something that can take away the pain in no time flat.


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