Friday, August 16, 2013

T-ae wants some cock........... tail.

Trufax: my first exposure to the word "netizens" was through the title of this video:

I thought "this video is pretty tame, really - what's a 'netizen' anyway, is that some kind of slang for an ultra-sexually conservative Internet censorship body who should be pushed under a bus and forgotten about?".  Little did I know how close to the truth that initial thought was.

Far more importantly though (because netizens are never important), this video was also my first exposure to Rania.

I didn't think much of "Dr. Feelgood" (great sounds but too repetitive) or their other song "Pop Pop Pop" but I did like Joy, who looks even better backstage than in the videos.  I especially like her cute and awkward English-speaking accent that sounds like she's trying to talk and gargle a mouthful of cum at the same time:

(relevant part: from the start until 1:15)

Maybe in fact that's exactly what she was doing, because not long after this documentary was shot, I heard that she left the group amid rumours of her blowing the guy who refilled the coffee machine in Teddy Riley's recording studio or whoever.  So when a new single of theirs called "Style" was announced, I really wasn't that interested.  Then of course the song was released and made me look like a fool by turning out to be just about the best goddamn thing in 2012:

I won't go into the musical elements that make "Style" work for me because that would be technical and boring, even by my standards.  Let's just say that I like it musically, a lot.  I did find the video a bit dull though, I thought that the "possessive rich guys trying to control Rania by buying them shit to mold them into their idealised image of the perfect trophy girlfriend are told to get fucked" theme was really cool, but I also thought "damn there are some ugly mutts in Rania now that Joy has left".  That is, until the 1:35 mark when the video pulled out its ace card and my genitals shed white tears of joy.

Tell me that she's not practicing her blowjob technique right there, right in the middle of a high-budget music video.  What a thirsty skanky hoe - of course I applaud her wholeheartedly.  Further investigation revealed that this lady is called T-ae, and... well to be honest I didn't spend any more time investigating jack shit after I found that out, because I was "busy".  How the fuck I didn't notice her before is beyond me, but I've been following Rania closely ever since, and they're yet to release an absolute stinking turd of a song this year unlike a lot of other groups I could mention but won't because I'm a nice guy.  So when T-ae did a guest vocal on some track with Defconn a few days back, I was all over that shit straight away, and you should be too.

Never mind that it sounds like Pitbull and that Defconn looks like your uncle, or that T-ae is only in it for about five seconds.  Those are some of the best five seconds you're going to see this year, and in fact the whole video is pure gold.  Watch T-ae flirt with the camera intensely enough to make Hyuna look like Lee Hi:

 Even if T-ae is not your type, don't worry, there's plenty of other eye candy here:

Pole-dancing too, without the disadvantage of having to listen to After School's "First Love" at the same time:

Then there's the video director's daring bid to one-up Bikiny's latest video as the bustiest in all of k-pop:

I hope the competition between these two video directors keeps up, it can only lead in good directions.

Maybe that's all a bit raunchy for you though - perhaps you prefer things a little more subtle and symbolic.  How about this for subtlety?

(And there I was two weeks ago thinking f(x) were pushing it hoping nobody would notice their uterus-walls video sets.  They slipped right under the radar with that, didn't they, those cheeky cao mi nas.)

The "I want some COCK.... tail" vocal refrain obviously nicely helps the "this song is about drinking... but not the alcoholic kind" theme along and this is probably the highest concentration of fap in one music video that you're going to get this year.  You're welcome.



    1. I honestly don't even know who's even in Rania at the moment. I heard they started at 9 and now they're down to 5(6?) The only ones who I'm 25% sure are still in the group are T-ae and Di.

    2. This was the photo of Joy that made me be interested in Rania, and then she left, I don't follow too much of them, but don't dislike them or anything http://3kpop.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/maxim_rania_joy9.jpg

    3. zaku makes several very good points

    4. Actually I don't think they're mutts at all tbh. I was just trying to capture how the sheer strength of prime fap material Joy coloured my perception of the other members.

    5. really? tbh when i watched dr feelgood live the members i picked out were di and xia. idk joy looks kind of generic to me

    6. I had a girlfriend who looked a bit like Joy. That sort of similarity always bumps up ladies on my bias list.

  2. Well August is wrapping quite nicely in terms of sexy cumbacks, while it is mostly male cumbacks, they are promising quite a bit of sex appeal with a ton of 19+ videos from Seung Ri's "Talk about Sex...I mean Love", "I'm not kidding" from non-Exo Suho. On the girl's side we had a rather budget Kim Sori's "BIKINI" and of course T-ae's cocktail and I haven't even gotten started on the late July's cumbacks.

    Truly a great time for me because it will be another two months before we see if they can keep this up...sure beats JPOP's stance which was disband the only group that acutually cater to the fapgod's interests. Namely SDN48...

    Also loving the new video by Bumkey...

    1. It's been a good season for fap.

    2. YES BUMKEY, his songs are quite good so far, though I'm not digging the new one (yet?), 'Bad Girl' was really good. I really wish he would stop using those sunglasses so much and actually show his face though.

    3. And now Queen B'z release a non abridged version of their video...well goddamn.

    4. Hard to believe the hot girl from Bumkey's new MV is from Crayon Pop.

  3. The second last gif came out as creepy as fuck to me, and the last one was funny lol.

    1. This post couldn't have existed without comekpop's incredible gif skills.

    2. when are you gonna do live chat again oppar?
      do u have a fanbase? can i be kpopalypse-fag?


    3. Sometime soon, dunno, and sure, respectively. I don't wanna do live chat every week, I don't have the time. I'm thinking once a month, absolute max. Maybe I'll do another one after I've gotten back from seeing 4minute. I'd like to do a dual cam with Zaku though, that is, if he's still talking to me after I just shaded 80% of Rania lol

  4. Speaking of Rania, does anybody know how that collaboration with 2Chainz I think it is? is going?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Well Rania was always intended to be the first kpop group to conquer the global market (hence the English debut) So, to launch their success in the US, they supposedly collaborating with generic US rappers like 2Chainz and Snoop Dogg and getting their own show on MTV or some shit (Kpop idol and pregnant?) but judging from the fact that pretty much nobody, not even people who are aware of Rania's existence, have ever heard of it, I think its safe to say that the entire affair is mirroring the success of every other kpop idol who's tried to make a breakthrough in the US, ie: nonexistent.

    3. I heard about this several months ago. Kinda curious to see how it'll turn out but I can't push myself to give a damn. I'm sure a sexy concept will be treated with more approval than a cute concept, but I don't see a reason for Rania to debut here.

  5. I see Korea keeps whoring out their idols as usual.

    1. I for one appreciate the effort.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Indeed, sure it is turning South Korea into the 51st state of the US culturally. But at least they are actually growing up instead of being sexually repressed fucks like Japan.

      And I have a cute little comment by a fangirl in denial that her Maknae wants to show how easily he can pleasure her in bed and she doesn't want that orgasm.

      "Some people need to calm down. YG has already stated Seungri is not the one touching the girls, but a male model is. The real MV won't be 19+ so calm down. He did this to catch attention. Good or Bad it fawkin worked. Props to YG for being the bold one he is. His promotions plans are never predictable. As for my reaction to this MV i was shocked but not as shocked because to me if anyone were to pull this off in anyway. I'd have to say it would be the Maknae Seungri. We all VIP's should know this better than ever. Maknae. He's bring it strong~ Strong baby~ And whether you want to admit it or not. But the BEAT OF THE MUSIC sounds DOPE. <3 So just wait for it. He's almost here ;)"

      Finally, a bit late to the punch is Queen B'z "Bad" had a performance MV and they are released a real MV just now...uh I hate to say it, but isn't a performance MV pretty much "Box dance?"


      Rumi's only 16 and she does a 19+ video as her debut?

    4. I wouldn't single out the US as the country at the forefront of sexual content in pop MVs... US seem relatively sexually conservative to me compared to European countries.

      I was playing in 18+ venues in my first gigs as a 14 year old, including one with strippers on the stage LOL. That sort of thing just comes with the territory.

    5. Still rarely do you comments from artists who state that they are going out of their way to be ammoral and risk getting beatings from their boyfriends. But this shows how Korea is slowly becoming less conservative than Japan. Of the Far East countries, Korea is the least sexually conservative and Japan is in the middle before China. Of course all of them get blown out of the water by Brazil though...

    6. A music industry in any country has its own separate set of cultural norms which don't necessarily match up to those of the society as a whole. Often, they're quite opposed.

    7. I also liked the way the teaser sounded, and if the actual MV isn't 19+ then damn, I'll be sad http://comekpop.tumblr.com/tagged/let%27s-talk-about-love

    8. there better be sexy heinz ketchup gifs from seungri's teaser because that shit was hilarious


    9. Haha I didn't even notice, they could at least take off the label if they want to do their red color accents

  6. prefer Killer

    also, pls review Sori's new MV okthankyou?


    1. I prefer the original:


    2. I think there's a lot to appreciate in there http://comekpop.minus.com/mbt6wTrDMhafEr

    3. http://i.minus.com/imMzDCkNxwU1O.gif

      truly one of the greatest moments of our generation

    4. you're doing the lord's work, by the way

  7. Replies
    1. I really wonder what the real reason for her leaving was.

    2. 80% sure it was because she didn't adapt well to Korea. I think she was homesick.

    3. She didn't like sucking old kimchi penis all the time just to keep her job.

    4. Haha, I guess that's reason enough to leave. I don't have a sense of how popular or known Rania is in korea, does anyone?

    5. Not very, is my guess. A shame really given the song quality is pretty well above average. Saw a live video of them and it was at a venue small enough where you could pretty much hear each individual audience member cheering.

      Also I reckon Zaku and AKFG are both right. She didn't adapt well to the "needs of the industry".


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