Thursday, August 29, 2013

The next rapper who should have joined the "Control" diss battle

This Cube rapper should have stepped-up and gotten involved in the recent Korean Hip Hop "Control" battle. He doesn't deserve to just be the (temporary replacement) featured rapper in G.NA's "Bananas" (way back then). He should have been performing his own song, yo.

Speaks for itself. He would kill it if he made his own track! Own the rest of the other mofo rappers in that battle. They ain't got shit on you, good sir. This guy has the sickest flow I've ever seen.  

Do you think his trainee contract was terminated after this clusterfuck?


  1. rapping over g.na tssssk tsssk.

  2. lipstick chicken butter roll

  3. Wow he should've just lipsynced to the MR. I'm genuinely alarmed.

  4. Who's worrying about him when we got real rappers like Minho and T.O.P to anticipate!

    1. Ahem, mock all you want, but T.O.P and Minho are actually amazing rappers. Just ask their delusional, confirmation biased fans.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I hate to shit on your article like this but that's Swings, he started this control thing in Korea.

  7. I don't know whether you're trolling or not, Shinbi. This dude is Swings, the guy who started everything. lol.

    1. Oh crap. I have posted the wrong video. There was a "Bananas" performance with a terrible trainee rapper (who was to replace Swings for that one time) who really dropped the ball. Guess G.NA is just unlucky with rappers in her songs. Thanks for pointing that out and super sorry for the mistake, readers!

    2. Oh well Swings sucks too anyway.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Gosh i would recognize that face even in the dark and his rap...poor guy he sucks so much i don't even know how he had the guts to start the diss craze.I love Shinbi's sarcasm ^^

  10. Chad Future say "Hello" to gorea rap scene, ready for this "Heart2Heart" with Swings, SamD, E-Sens, Gaeko, Tiger, Fana, Beenzino, Lexi(Corea version of National Has-been Lil Kim), Even great notorious B.(lackaboo).Y.G and Yunho U-know! DOK2 join control beat and beat them all with his 1llionaire swag (^:


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