Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Zen and the art of not being a complete fuckhead, k-pop style

A true story:

Last year, I was on tour with my band, driving my piece of shit Mitsubishi stationwagon down the highway in Victoria, Australia, to some tin shed that myself and my musical combo were going to spend the night.   I noticed that we were nearly out of fuel, so we pulled into a country petrol station.  As we were filling up petrol, a queue of cars started to form behind us.  We went into the service station, paid for petrol and some dreaded "road food" and we went back to my car.  Just when we had almost gotten ourselves in and were about to leave anyway, I was stopped by some guy old enough to be my grandfather (and I'm not a young guy so you know this guy was seriously old), who got out of one of the cars behind us, and walked up to me especially to say something like "can't you get a move on?  There's about half a dozen cars waiting behind you, you know!".  My response to this person was "we're done when we're done, I'm sorry but you're all just going to have to wait.  We're getting out of here in a second anyway.  What's wrong with you younger generation anyway, can't you be a bit patient?"  He then went back to his car and shut the fuck up, and we got the hell out of there when we were good and ready, and not a second before.

What a cuntbreath.  Can't he wait ten seconds for us to get in the car without running his mouth like a little bitch?  Anyway, today when reading about the latest G-Dragon controversy, it occurred to me that this random petrol station fuckbrain has a lot in common with every k-pop fan ever.

The entire k-pop industry and culture seems to me to be very much built around the needs of the Internet generation.  There's a whole strata of information and activity around k-pop that you would completely miss if you weren't plugged into the Internet.  I'm not just talking about music downloads, or about blogs like this one - the whole promotional machine is Internet-driven.  Teasers are designed specifically for Internet consumption.  Videos debut on YouTube globally long before they hit TV shows.  SNS is now a promotional tool.  If you were to just go down to your local k-pop CD store and buy albums and merch, and had no other involvement in k-pop apart from that and maybe watching it whenever it's on TV, you would honestly be clueless about almost everything k-pop related.  Everything is interconnected, self-referential and instantaneous, and moving very quickly, something the brains behind the industry are acutely aware of, and doing their best to be at the forefront of, with varying degrees of success.

(Relevant part: from the start until 8:15)

Unfortunately, this wonderful connectivity through the miracle of technology has had an unfortunate side-effect - everyone has grown accustomed to all this instantaneous access and availability, has grown to expect it, and gets shitty whenever they have to wait for anything for any length of time that would be considered normal in any other music scene.  Everyone wants their new teaser/photoshoot/comeback/tour/blow-up fetish toy NAOW NAOW NAOW.  For example, remember the f(x) fans whining about no f(x) comeback a few months ago?  How long had it been since the Electric Shock mini-album, only about 12 months if that, in any other music scene any group who releases a mini-album in 2012 and then a full album in 2013 is considered to be fairly prolific.

It's great for the companies to have their audience on a string like this, so they're happy to play along, nudging fans with teasers and cryptic SNS messages, and releasing things a day or two early to satisfy the impatient masses.  Where it becomes a problem is that fans pandered to and endlessly spoiled by these companies expect instant access to not just music-related content, but everything and I really do mean EVERYTHING related to it, and whine like bitches when they don't get it.

The perfect example from last year:  T-ara's "bullying" controversy only escalated because the company didn't respond to the concerns of fans in what fans thought was a reasonable timeframe (i.e within a few days), so with a lack of official information to work with, fans created their OWN fraudulent "information" to fill the void, and ran with it.  By the time the company bothered to clarify things, people had so much emotional energy invested in their own stupid little theories that there was no way they were going to believe the words of anybody who would actually know the truth - you know, like the people actually involved.

The most recent example: G-Dragon takes a photo with his face blacked out, deliberately ambiguous, very obviously a teaser of some kind.  People quite understandably wonder what it's all about (which is of course the point of a teaser, proving that it's fucking working a charm isn't it), and some people with a bunch of time on their hands think that maybe G-Dragon is being racist and then the company seeing the social media outcry responds by saying that it's a face-painting thing for something upcoming in a few weeks, implying that maybe you should hold your fucking horses for a bit and settle down with your theories about racism or whatever, at least until you see the end result of whatever the fuck it is they're working on.  Do people then settle down?  Oh fuck no.  Everybody has to know NAOW NAOW NAOW whether G-Dragon is a horrible racist who hates black people or at the very least a cultural ignoramus because he painted his face black, and speculate on this shit endlessly.  Please.  Just spare me, and chill the fuck out.

From what YG described, maybe what G-Dragon ends up doing will look and sound something like what these white performers painted in black (and red, and white, just like the YG statement said) are doing?

I certainly hope so (and if you think what THEY are doing is "blackface", you're an idiot - go look up what the term actually means you daft cunt).  Or maybe it will be something really shit instead but IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO FUCKING WAIT TO FIND OUT ANYWAY, YOU LITTLE SHIT.

If this generation of tech-savvy entitled brats don't have shit handed to them on a platter and neatly explained in a timely fashion with no ambiguities left over they have to get on their high horse and start pointing fingers at someone, or something, or ANYTHING, so they can feel good about themselves and morally superior, because "well, gosh, you'd never see ME painting my face black for a performance concept because that would be culturally insensitive", or "well if it was ME in charge of YG I wouldn't have made 2NE1 wait two years for a comeback" or "SM need to prioritise f(x) as much as SNSD" or "KKS should have held a press conference with all of T-ara", or whatever the fuck else they think they know about how to do any of this shit despite having precisely zero experience in said field.

(Relevant part: from the start until 7:30.)

I'm sure people could change the world infinitely for the better if they could just stop fucking complaining about it all the time and get up off their computer chairs.  Which seems like a good note to end this blog on.


  1. tbh, I thought this topic was done and cooling off... and now there's another article about it just to ignite the flames again. Outta here before it gets dangerous on the comment section.

    1. Except I'm really not talking about G-Dragon at all, but using it to address something else entirely.

    2. I read the article and I realize that. But even so, it was still mentioned... and judging by the comments so far after what I said, most people are focusing on that, too.

    3. Put one person in front of South Park and they'll laugh at Cartman being a fat spoiled racist little loser and swearing a lot. Put another person in front of it and they may laugh at the political satire. Neither perception is invalid because the show's humour is designed to work on both of those levels.

      People can get out of my post what they want to get out of it. As long as people reading this don't think I'm either an apologist for G-Dragon, a G-Dragon anti, or a card-carrying white-power guy who thinks blackface is ultra-radically hilarious, then I think they've avoided the main pitfalls here. Although if they do (mistakenly) think any of those things, I can't exactly stop them, but that's fine. I'm not a dollar bill to be liked by everyone.

    4. I thought the article was good and express he level of ridiculousness this whole GD black face issue has reached. But also the attitude of K-pop fans and their need for instant gratification.Which directly effects how PR in K-pop is so fuck up and fans will jump to conclusion before evening knowing all the facts. The article speaks a lot of truth but some people are to tired to read and absorb.

    5. Cheers. I'm glad so many people get it tbh.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I don't understand how so many people hate GD, I thought those retarded fangirls would just eat up, defend or praise anything he did?

    1. Yeah I dunno. I don't really have a strong opinion about GD or even this latest incident tbh. I'm just baffled that this shit matters so much to people that they can come at it with a fully formed opinion (either pro or anti) based on just one photo with almost no context.

    2. nooo but there is a class of retards who think they are better than everyone else and taking some kind of moral high ground by calling everything they see racist/sexist

    3. Yes.

      People who call racism and sexism on every little thing are in my experience the most racist and sexist people of them all, because they perceive everything through the distorted lens of race and gender instead of just chilling out and thinking "why don't I just treat people the way they would like to be treated".

    4. Some people call him "Korean Kanye" but most of his music Shittier than Mac Miller

    5. O_o korean kanye?

      I don't really like gd, but I think he isn't a douchebag and did not deserve to be called Korean Kanye lol.

    6. Imma let you finish, but Kayne West's "808s and Heartbreak" was the worst hip-hop album OF ALL TIME. OF ALL TIME.

    7. "Watch the throne" is even worse :O

  4. I have a question, after paying for your petrol, how long did it take for your road food to be made/given to you?

    1. It was just packets of chips and other trash, nothing that had to be "made". About one minute for us to make a selection and then another minute or two to stand in the queue and pay for it, perhaps.

    2. there are petrol stations in America (or australia whatever white people-istan) where people MAKE food for you?

    3. Yes, it's called a "road house". Frequented often by truckers.

    4. Gotcha. Anyway, back to the article, the world may be a better place if we gave things a lot more thought before we acted but that relies more on the notion that people are going to be rational beings as opposed to psychotic blobs of emotion that act on entitled feelings.

      With things like scandals, I would think it's in a company's best interest to react quickly. People are going to speculate regardless, something happens and the machinations of one's mind are going to be at work trying to put the peaces of the puzzle together no matter what the circumstances may be. Companies should want to get out ahead of that, people are going to paint their own pictures based on what they can scrounge up, and it should be their priority to control the message being circulated, because once some imagined up scenario is established by crazy people, it's going to be an uphill battle trying to change that perception. Imaginations are going to run wild, should people take a deep breath and think before they lose their shit, of course, is it likely they'll do that and not be entitled assholes as well, fuck no. People are fucking crazy.

      I hope what I said makes sense because it's nearly 6 am and I can't fall asleep.

    5. I think the core problem is that the Internet is sending society straight down the toilet by giving these little douchebags too much of a voice (and not just about k-pop). Actually that was one of the post labels I was originally going to use but I didn't have room for it. There's a whole nother blog in this. One day.

    6. I find the netizen culture in Korea or what it appears to be, completely fucking crazy. They seem to have so much fucking influence in that society. They give voices to these crazy people, like why do they even care about the opinions of these individuals hiding behind their keyboards that seem to exist to solely tear people apart. They give the vocal minority too much power.

    7. MTE. The problem is not the netizens themselves (who are nuts in every country) but the Korean media and companies who actually take their crap seriously. Imagine a western company dictating policy based on the derpy feedback they get in YouTube comments. I fear things sliding in this direction.

    8. Kpopalypse has Sulli Good Point, I check out the NetizenBuzz Blog, she mainly translate comment from Nate + Naver, both filled with Youth (nate mostly Middle School + High School) I got to this demograohic simply by age group known to use the communities more + posts in the communities + what these people have to fucking say. These are people expected to buy into the ☆.。.:*・°Hallyu Wave ☆.。... maybe that why company pay so much attention to what they say? then again if western do the same, does that mean companies will start doing similar processes with comment from MTV.com??? Where would you say most western youth go to online community?? Not 4chan. Livejournal????

    9. In the US at least, I don't see Companies ever taking comments from articles or youtube seriously. Something social media driven like twitter, yes, but certainly not anonymous youtube comments.

    10. Dude, if you're driving across Australia isn't that shit going to take hours anyway? They can just drive faster if they are concerned about time, lol.

    11. IKR. You'd think the average Australian country grandpa hick would be a bit more patient but no.

  5. i don't know why people are taking this so seriously, i don't think kpop is capable of a political message. i thought about my pattern of kpop 'obsession' once and i realized that i use it as mindnumbing stress-busting time (like most people use television) cause i suddenly became infinitely more interested in idols around exam time/stressful times when teachers predicted grades and told us that we would amount to nothing for the rest of our lives if we didn't do excellently

    yes it was probably thoughtless considering korea's infamous racial ignorance but i really, genuinely thought that everyone had figured out by now that gd is a retard

    digression: you really nailed it with that release time thing; i'm usually surprised if a band releases two albums within two or three years of each other and still only one comeback cycle for mblaq in one year makes me feel cheated.

    1. Record companies got k-pop fans hanging out for their next fix like junkies. Over 9 months between songs and fans go into withdrawals and get the shakes. Dunno how much is good marketing and how much is fangirl insanity, but then I guess the marketing is there to create the insanity which then fuels more marketing so it's a chicken/egg argument.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I honestly feel like I'm lucky as hell that K-Pop groups generally release music once a year (or in SM's case, two or three times a year). All of those fans freaking out about groups taking SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long to comeback (yes, I'm looking at you cray EXO fans) really do annoy me because a year is not that long to wait. And if you seriously are going into withdraws because of lack of music from your bias group, go listen to something else. Or go visit a psychology, because music (especially pop music) is not that damn serious XD

  6. This article made me realize how ludicrous Exo fans were during their debut year. Same deal with f(x), a full album just one year after a mini-album is pretty darn active imo, not to mention they were promoting through several different product endorsements and tv shows. Imagine how difficult it is to like a band that disbanded decades before you were born. :c

    1. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know whether EXO fans are a special case of madness or if any other fanbases are also that cray-cray and I just haven't been noticing - but either way, EXOtics scare me and I'll let someone else write the inevitable "let's put all these people into one arena and let the bulls out" article because I don't want explosives and fecal matter arriving in my post office box.

    2. no exotics are definitely the cthulhu of fandoms, both the korean faction and the international one

    3. (Any EXOtics reading, the whole thing about explosives and fecal matter is just a fantasy I thought up, nobody actually does that in real life and it doesn't work, okay? Great, glad we got that sorted.)

    4. "Imagine how difficult it is to like a band that disbanded decades before you were born." That's how I feel about Queen.

      EXOtics overreacting and complaining about how long it was taking is the reason why we can't have nice things. I mean, just listen to Wolf.

    5. Nobody outside the business believes me when I say this, but making really good pop music is incredibly difficult and takes time. Pressure from fangirls isn't helping these companies write and produce good material.

    6. I believe you. Music (even pop music) isn't something that should be rushed just because of crazy fans. EXO's album was a decent affair (despite the fact that Wolf exists) and if it took another two years to get something just as good, then who am I to tell SM no XD

    7. At least they didn't make D.O a hot mess.

    8. "This article made me realize how ludicrous Exo fans were during their debut year" What the H*ck it took you that Long?

    9. Being a fan of Exo myself (will never adopt the term "EXOtic") I've seen enough shit from fans to disregard their usual irrational behavior. If Exo releases another monstrosity, I say we revive John and George and make the Beatles have a comeback. c:

  7. Since we're all discussing exo I should throw in that while all the EXO fans were crying I was sitting there with my chocolat stuff and crying because they'd been gone longer than EXO. Same with MBLAQ fans I'm sure, but then I remembered that I was once into Avril Lavigne (awks) and she had taken since 2007 to release something new. I actually really wanted EXO to pull a Shinvi or M.I.L.K. and disband after their first album and just leave a bunch of nutso fans behind. It would've been fun just to see them try to reintegrate themselves into society.. after all the extra Krispy Bacon flavored Lays jokes idk if it'd even be possible.

    1. waiting for mblaq oppars is neomu himdeureo but always worth the wait

      exo wouldn't have that much of a problem bc the kpop random is the only one that recognizes them and most people only recognize the super distinctive members even within this, although they have amassed quite a fanbase so there would always be people following them and taking pictures and videos

      everyone had an avril stage dw. when i was thirteen I had the weirdest thing for bill kaulitz
      and girugamesh's satoshi but i'm still not embarrassed of that one he is amazing

    2. **random not random dammit



    4. I'm still going through my Avril stage *hides face in shame* But seriously, fans of musical artists in the west have to wait a hell of a lot longer than just a year for new music, so I have no idea why EXO's fans are going cray cray. Also, I know there are other K-Pop acts who have taken longer than one year to make comebacks (Lee Hyori, BEG, Ivy, etc). I know I have times when I'm clammering for stuff to come out, but that's two days before the release, not two days after -_-

    5. Yay I'm not alone with my Avril phase though I think she was actually my first exposure to kpop (she was on some japanese show with snsd and said she'd write a song for them wtf)

      And yeah. I never got all upset over f(x) not having a new release post electric shock, or even Chocolat post One More Day (well not much for them given that they nearly disbanded and meltia even disappeared off twitter) , until the teasers and stuff came out. Then it's like OMG OMG MOAR OF THIS GROUP NAO but idg freaking out out of nowhere for lack of comebacks.

      I'm frankly really glad i entered kpop from being a fan of Destinee and Paris (formerly Clique Girlz) and Skye Sweetnam they took ages to release new music (esp DP they took trolling to a new level do not get me started) -_____- how often kpop artists released shit surprised me, and still sort of does..

  8. > so they can feel good about themselves and morally superior, because "well, gosh, you'd never see ME painting my face black for a performance concept because that would be culturally insensitive", or "well if it was ME in charge of YG I wouldn't have made 2NE1 wait two years for a comeback" or "SM need to prioritise f(x) as much as SNSD" or "KKS should have held a press conference with all of T-ara", or whatever the fuck else they think they know about how to do any of this shit despite having precisely zero experience in said field.

    POINT! I'm reading a lot of comments about the 7even scandal these days, and people seems to be mad at Park Han Byul for not dumping him after he "cheated" on her. They're calling her names and giving her labels because she didn't act as they expected. I mean... what the fuck?

    Big ups for posting Die Antwoord, btw :-]

    1. Seriously, though. I don't think what Han Byul did was smart (let me catch my dude going to crap like this >_<), but I'm not going to call her names. She's a person and she can do whatever the fuck she wants. If she wants to keep Se7en, is it really our job to act like her moral compass?

    2. scandal? what scandal? Oppar going to a "happy ending" massage parlour? I don't see no scandal here. Oppar just needs some pussies to jizz into. And oppar is so handsome that he probably got laid by the massage lady for free. Nothing to see here, just move along.

    3. Die Antwoord are great. Genuinely different in a genre where so much is same-old.

      Our current Prime Minister here in a Australia was caught going to a strip club in New York when he was visiting there a while back, and not only did he NOT lose his job, his approval rating actually went UP. Good enough for him, good enough for anyone else.

    4. [OT]Ehm, our former prime minister's name is Silvio Berlusconi, and he dominated italian politics for the last 20 years :( http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/24/silvio-berlusconi-guilty-underage-prostitute [/OT]

    5. That proves that Kevin oppar is not a bot but blood-and-flesh male. If a man is capable of demonstrating compassion and generosity towards strippers/massage ladies/working ladies, he surely can spare some for his subjects/fans, can't he?

    6. Oh wow, he was caught slipping with someone who was "below the legal age of prostitution". Which means that Italy HAS a "legal age of prostitution".

    7. Kevin's okay by me because instead of bailing out the banks when the GFC hit, he instead gave every adult man and woman in Australian $950 and said "there you go folks, go spend it and YOU PEOPLE can restart the economy" - and it WORKED. Australia is one of the only countries in the world to never technically have a recession since the GFC hit. He's up for re-election soon and it blows me away that people are considering the daft opposition. Kev should be re-elected on his handling of the economy alone, regardless of any other factors.

  9. yea man to no surprise ive been going back to american media more and more little by little. my kpop interest will be short lived. the fan and internet culture of kpop is something i just cant seem to fit into.petty shit like a unknown group twerking will trigger huge backlash and fights for absolutely no reason. makes it even worse that i am a guy so there is no site with a large enough male fanbase to just have normal convos about hot kpop girls without the comment sections being drowned with slut bashing comments by jealous women and cant have a normal convo about a boy groups music cause every comment is about how sexy oppa looks which makes you think if they even paid attention to the song they were so desperately waiting for.

    They are so eager for new releases but surprisingly dont really hold the music to any type of standard. no matter how underwhelming basic or just plain bad a song is, the fanbase will still overrate the shit out of it. Whether the conspiracy theories are true ore not ,its the lingering that annoys me. to think up to a year later a relatively quiet t ara is still getting hated on as if the scandal happened yesterday. i wont even get into the g dragon thing. the whole trayvon martin tribute theory made me give up on that completely.

    lastly kpop fans are just too sensitive. fuck it look at this long ass essay i wrote i might quit kpop today. i never wrote this much before i got into it lol.

    1. Keep the faith, because sensible k-pop fans need people like you to balance out the idiots out there. If you leave, the morons win.

    2. I'd rather let him/her get out of the kpop world for sanity sake and avoid time-wasting. I don't know how many hours I spent reading so-called scandals and allll the freakin' comments that followed them...what for? I'm not even a kpop fan, this craze is addicting, not the music as I don't give a shit about it. Useless.

    3. That's weird because the music is really the only thing I DO give a shit about. How people get so wrapped up in everything else except the music, I've never been able to work that one out. Maybe the marketing just really is that good.

  10. Aaaand America is slowly heading there as well. Without mentioning all the numerous "artist" that directly owe the Internet their rise to fame (souljaboy, Macklemoore), the most recent addition of adding view-counts for videos to Billboard100, and to the extend of the ludicrous process thereof.
    Social media integrations, and memetic hubs that assures everyone is in on everyone else's inside jokes, torpedoed by anti-intellectual values of todays culture in general, makes the future grim society.
    Here's hoping, it'll spark a fuckton of counterculture. Unlikely though.

    1. I actually think that counting YT views toward a song's ranking on the Billboard Hot 100 was smart. Youtube is how peeps these day consume music (which is what the Hot 100 tracks; how popular a song is).

    2. You're a kid. As such you think it's good idea, just like cloud-based services or democracy.
      When/if you become experienced enough to talk about a concept outside of opinion, you can return, after having understood the rest of the perspectives, other than the consumer. Having Jewtube's bot's bog down any and all instances of a song recognized in a given video regardless of context is/can/will be used abusively, and has massive circlejerk potential.
      Opinions doesn't fly with me kid. Try copy-pasting.
      And stop proving my hypothesizes of anti-intellectuality right.

    3. That certainly wasn't a vitriolic response to what seemed like a non confrontational reply. Yowza.

    4. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4i32l7dQR1r1b9aso1_400.gif

    5. I guess, I could've worded it better, but I don't, and none should, have the patience to deal with people, who talk object without knowing shape, size, or function.
      I'll hear anyone who has a voice, but I don't respect those who voice only to be heard.
      If it'll make the kid, or anyone, feel better they're free to insult the size of my penis. Here, I'll start: What's half an inch long, and only lasts 3 seconds? My breakfast.

    6. Well, factoring Youtube view into digital charting renders the benchmark susceptible to abusive practices. We all know most fangirls/boys live on a meagre lot therefore they can't afford to bulk buy their oppar/unnie's CDs. But if there's one thing they do have a plethora of, it's time. Since most of them don't have a life, they're more than ecstatic to spam the Youtube replay button. At least it gives a purpose and sense to their pathetic and meaningless life.

      And let's not forget the penchant of some kpop agencies for chart manipulation e.g. CUBE (many people may want to include CCM in the "guilty" list as well, but knowing what a penny pincher KKS is, I doubt that he's committed to such costly undertakings...). "Canonization" of Youtube view count just gives these "illusionists" a field day in putting their speciality to use. Not to mention that Youtube is probably more than happy to go along with these wanton number fudging courtesy of the additional revenue it generates (hell, Youtube probably charges a service fee for its collusion).......

    7. Charts are all bullshit, YT or not YT.

    8. So true, all charts are bullcraps in essence. It's just in that the so-called big 3 of Kpop (SME,YG and JYP) have joined hand to lodge complaint against the unethical practice of chart manipulation by some "entertainment agencies" a.k.a. CUBE. With all due respect, CUBE has brought this upon itself by being so brazen in its attempt to pump up its artists on the chart. For instance, 4minutes bettering even the most outlandish expectation on digital chart with that crapfest, while physical sales has shrunken to one fifth of their previous comeback? give me a break please, the glaring illogicality is visible from the lunar. But the "Big three" levelling accusation against CUBE is like the pot calling the kettle black. The Big 3 ain't exactly the kind of role models one will look up to for guidance in ethical and socially responsible business conducts. They've had their fair share of manipulations, fomenting legions of walking zombies who have equated Kpop with brain dead.

      Besides, CUBE has only been taken to task because it's not as adept at covering up its traces as the "Big three"(e.g. many of the big 3's shitfests have charted exceptionally well. Either Koreans in general are fucktards who worship the likes of SME as demigods, or something more sinister is pulling the string from behind the scene).CUBE's practice is only reproachable once it starts to threaten the market dominance of the big three, otherwise it would only be shrugged off as fool's errand. (I am sure virtually every rookie group tries to buy their way to fame. But after one, at most 2 futile attempts their agency will give up for good)

    9. If I did a blog about chart manipulation, people would gouge their eyes out and jump off cliffs. CUBE's little bit of fun is just the tip of the iceberg.

  11. G'day Cunt
    Article is pretty Sulli On Point, Fuck. I have messed with so many goreaboo by bringing up sh*t their favourite idols did (ELF were the Funniest Reactor, fucking Crazy Cunts some of them truly are) they all fucking whine and moan about "when is 0Ppa gonNa dO somethiNg 2 sAtisFy mE??¿ oTETHKAHE???! Dx" The H*ck. I getting Sick thinking about it. Fuck, you want everything cater to you, when you want, how you want it spoiled cunt? This is not a Fucking Burger King. Some of these Impatient have fucking Mutilate the Body "because their so happy ___ finally came back". Fuck, these Bitch ratio of crazy fan to normal fan is fucking higher than BMP of 소녀싯대 "I Got A Boy" + Shitdong waistline. If you call yourself "exotic" I hold right to assume you are ELF status. Kpopalypse, you Inspire me to finish 2 article I never even fucking started. Just leave it at Title. Thank you Aussie. Thank you Mother Australia.

    1. Probably one of the best replies in the history of humans replying to things on the Internet. Cheers!

  12. I always enjoy reading your articles. I always learn something not just about kpop and fan girls, but more so about the music industry itself.

    If I could say a topic I'd like to see you write about in the future, it would be about how as soon as an idol gets writing/composition credits on a song, all of a sudden that writer is Jesus and better than anyone else's faves out there.

    1. I'd say at the moment that's being overshadowed by the obsession with "vocal talent" over "songs that don't suck", but yes I've noticed this too. I might cover it at some point. I'm always open to requests!

  13. Heads up new racist attack this time its B.A.P Badman MV

    what is happening to kpop fans?

    1. I didn't see a thing offensive in that mv except for the chorus. "IMMA BEDMAN IMMA BEDMAN" The GD thing was another of his fuckboy antics that drugs was likely involved in some way, but this is just getting ridiculous.

    2. And that Zoo York looking shit they wore.

    3. They were wearing Chanel beanies and shit. Most stylish looking rioters I've seen in a while. But no-one's writing blogs about how suave and sexy they are, all people can see as usual is racism, because they're obsessed by it, probably because they fear their own inner racist and have to point the fingers everywhere else instead of inward.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Tbh I was too lazy to read all of it but I got the gist of the topic. I thoroughly agree.

    1. I didn't read all of this reply but I got the general idea that you're happy about something I wrote, which is good.

  15. This article almost reminds me of the older AKFG entries by former authors...
    But I didn't read it all so I can't say for sure.

    1. Going to a blog site and not reading is like going to a brothel to hold hands.

  16. I just want to see how Q-ri is going to do as leader of T-ara QQ, is that so much to ask for now I have to wait until next year (or sooner according to KKS). I've been dying for Hwadog to get the fork out of T-ara and for Dani to finally have a place, (OUTSIDE of main T-ara [I hope Chris Brown teaches her jjangbak raps and how to bully women!]), Ahreum leaving and the controversy over it was just added lulz to that trainwreck that is T-ara's PR. I love those girls dearly but they seriously need better management.

    1. I think being a T-ara "leader" or in fact ANY group's "leader" is a pretty nominal thing. What does a leader in a k-pop group actually control? Maybe whose turn it is to wash the cutlery in the dorms.

      All the T-ara fans want T-ara to swap companies but what they are ignoring is that through all the hate it's been the company themselves who have been right with the fans and behind the group 100%. CCM could have easily turned around and said "we don't want this fail-ass group" and dropped them like a hot potato, or just kept them in contractual limbo, that would have been very easy for them to do. And no other company would have been bold enough to pick the girls up while going through such a controversy (look how they all scrambled to pick up Hwayoung - NOT) so that would have been game over for T-ara. Many T-ara fans hate CCM and KKS but without them there IS no T-ara.

    2. I understand that and I in no way was trying to say "T-ara should switch companies" if that's how it came across I'm sorry but that's not what I intended. What I was just highlighting was the fact that KKS has no skills with PR, he continues to mess up any solid ground the girls finally get. If it was me in that position I don't know what I would have done to be perfectly clear so I can't say KKS is a complete fail. I don't want T-ara to switch companies because I generally like CCM mashups like Davichi and T-ara's - We used to love and their recent song Bikini and Painkiller (minus the rap from those two speed guys). And I doubt K-pop group leaders do anything at all, however there was a statement that was made about leaders being able to participate in music selection, the extent of that participation is very unclear if they're even allowed to at all. I sometimes really wonder what would it be like if Hyomin stayed with JYP and Soyeon with SM. Wonder Girls may not be as popular with a rapper like Hyomin instead of the Asian sensation that is Yubin (lolamirite?). That being said, Hyomins English would definitely be understood on a far better basis than it is now (Dangerous Love).

    3. I think there's a very specific reason why CCM doesn't get PR right but I won't go into it here. One for the stream... or another blog, perhaps.

  17. As far as I'm concerned, if it means they continue to release stuff as good as Pink Tape, f(x) can take a year every time.

    Though it'd be nice is Victoria does something every couple months to show off her legs.

    1. I bought Pink Tape the other day but haven't had time to listen to it yet. I've heard it's decent.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I don't care about what celebrities do. I care even less about when they release music videos. I don't even bother looking at the comments, because it's mostly people bitching and moaning about the fans or saying "so-and-so group is better, yadda yadda yadda." I mean, when it comes to pop music, I'll listen to Russian pop, U.S. pop, kpop, jpop, french pop, whatever sounds peppy and raises my spirits. I've learned the languages enough to sing without just making the sounds. I'll occasionally do the dances, too. Keeps me in shape, aye! If that makes me a bad person, then whatever. But it's always the same in the comments or in the online community. It's always about race or nationality. Bitch, we're all gonna die someday anyway. It won't matter then, and it sure as hell doesn't matter now.


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