Sunday, September 8, 2013

Minzy Hates Herself

On some variety show, Minzy ranked herself third in terms of looks in 2NE1. Third as in last place, shared with CL.

With Bom fucking up her chin (and not looking human in the first place), along with CL's "I want to be Japanese" teeth, there's no way I could see Minzy being lower than second.

It's gotten to the point where we did feel really bad for Bom and wanted her to seek psychiatric help, but she kept on going and it's funny again. She deliberately chose to make herself look like...this. It looks like she boxes with Mike Tyson every morning. I wonder if her plastic surgeon is blind and uses all of the silicon lumps in her face as braille. Who the fuck knows at this point.

CL's bottom teeth are fucking gross. There's a reason why these were invented.

They're not that expensive. After you get your braces removed, there will be cases where they attach a permanent retainer to the back of your bottom teeth to keep them straight. I have one of these. It's either put up with that slight annoyance rather than looking in the mirror at some unsightly crooked-as-shit teeth every time you brush and floss your teeth. YG, divert some of that money from Bom's plastic surgery fund and get CL some Invisalign or some shit.


  1. park bom should have stopped after 2010. now she can barely form a sentence properly because of her frozen face.

  2. I thought I was the only one who wanted to recommend a decent fucking dentist to CL. Everytime I see her bottom teeth I want to retch. Especially in her "The Baddest Female" video. But silly CLovers or whatever the fuck the fandom is named this week are like a pack of wolves. With all that money YG makes you'd think they'd get her some fucking Invisalign.

    1. I KNOW RIGHT? You would think something as basic as dental work would be taken care of BEFORE an idol debuts, but I guess YG's "all about the music" amirite

    2. Well hearing a tune about the dentist would be music to my ears.

  3. I pray that this Bom surgery thing is all just a massive troll on her part and one day she's just just gonna pull it all off and say "Gotcha!" but I don't think it's likely.

    1. That made me laugh way more than it should've.

  4. Ugh, I have those retainers as well, it's a lot better than the ones that you can remove. Bless Bom, I honestly just feel bad for her now , she's gonna end up looking like Joan Rivers if she doesn't stop trying to enhance her face. She should probably get some real help, she seems to be slightly touched in the head.

  5. You people actually notice a girl's bottom teeth?

    1. This is actually the first time have ever noticed them, legit. And 2NE1 was my second girl group in kpop. I think they're just concerned that she'll slice someone's dick in half when she gives them the blow job, then netizens will accuse her of plagurising the innocent Brooklyn Vampire oppar and it would just be bad for everyone involved. Other than that, I don't really see why her teeth are such a big deal. I'd still tap that.

    2. Yes. Especially when she always has her mouth open, a la CL.

    3. I guess I never look at girls in the face when they open their mouth.

    4. Any secret crush any female readers had on me - DESTROYED hahahaha

    5. Yes, Kpopalypse. What you do when the girl have shark teeth you didn't notice right before she give you the blowjob? You get shred up.

    6. I enjoy a bit of extra friction.

    7. Guess I'm using double condoms. I guess CL is "the baddest female" at giving blowjobs.

  6. If YG care about the look of any kind, Even the CLown ugly shark tank teeth, CLown and seungri wouldn't be the YG in the first place ¯\_(:-//)_/¯ in fact, YG building could very well be abandoned warehouse. Exception of Actress 유인나

  7. I just saw a comment on another site and this person said :
    "for me, its dara,cl,minzy,bom"

    CL AS SECOND???????

    1. i will put CL as first. not because she brainwashed me or whatsoever. it is because of her dignity and her natural look.

  8. You guys know she's right, though? CL might have fucked up teeth, be she doesn't have as fucked up an entire face as Minzy. Bitch is straight ugly. She looks like a female Daesung, albeit she manages to look cute, and even kinda pretty with tons of makeup and good lighting.

    1. Yes, Minzy is butt ugly, but I find CL and Bom even uglier.

    2. Remember that less offensive =/= more pretty.

  9. my teeth are a bit crooked on the lower jaw .-.

    westerners give so much importance to teeth

    1. My teeth are among the most precious things on earth to me, probably more than my own house or global food security, and I'm Asian

  10. I'm not the prettiest thing either but I don't see how everyone else can be so judgmental and hateful. I mean, you can honestly say without hesitation that CL, Bom, and Minzy are all ugly? I mean, if they weren't your type or something I'd understand. But to straight call them all ugly? You can't call them average or unattractive to you? To call someone or something ugly, that means that there is absolutely nothing about it that you think looks nice about them. I don't think Taeyeon is all that pretty or Jonghyun is all the handsome but I'd never think to call them ugly. They are just not my 10/10's. And I don't get how you get mad at Bom for changing herself and want her to stop, while simultaneously wanting CL to change herself. I'm not even a big fan of SNSD ( I have, like, three of their songs) but I still get really angry when people call Hyoyeon ugly. I think she's really pretty but I feel the reason why her face has changed so much is 'cause of people like y'all. So quick to see things as just black and white. Ugly or pretty. No in between. Minzy is my favorite and, to me, the cutest. Recently, I noticed her face looks soooo different; like a whole different person. It makes me so sad seeing that she most likely got surgery 'cause of so many calling her the ugliest of the group. She's only 20. I don't get how some can be so mean to a young girl like her, or any other artist/actress in the limelight.


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