Tuesday, September 17, 2013

[MV Review] Jolin Tsai - Journey

Queen Jolin makes a faptacular cumback.
Short review:8=======D~~~~~~
Longer review: 8=======D~~~~~~( . Y . )
Detailed review after the jump.

8======D~~~~~~~~~~> ' )\\

Okay, that's just a terrible drawing of a face, but they keyboard is limited in what it can do.

This song and music video were made to advertise Swarovski, and I say they did a pretty good job. I only knew the company beforehand because of Han Ye Seul, but if I didn't know about Swarovski before, it would be the first company to come to mind whenever I think about high-end jewelry. I mean, come on, it would be associating itself with Jolin Tsai (and her rack, more on that later.) That's pretty effective marketing to me.

The song itself is above average and isn't one of Jolin's best, but it's easy to overlook that because this is just a promotional track for an advertising campaign. Who knows, it may end up on Jolin's next album. However, the production behind it isn't as good as The Great Artist or Fantasy, but still catchy enough to listen to if the autotuned English bits don't throw you off.

The MV, however, is the best part of the whole experience. Plenty of tits and ass shots throughout the MV while Jolin looks flawless. This MV is so gif-worthy.



  1. Meh. Tsai usually has some interesting videos with some underlying narrative, but...This was like eating a hotdog without ketchup, mustard, or pickles.

    1. It was an advertisement song/MV for Swarovski, so it was all about her looking hot in all that jewelry. When she starts releasing MVs for her upcoming album, they'll be up to her usual standards.

    2. It was clearly a DeLorean ad !

  2. Man, if only she sang in a different language...
    I like her voice, obviously she's beautiful and the song's ok too, but I just find Chinese a language that isn't nice to listen to at all.

    1. I think so too, but I get accused of racism when I say it.

    2. Shu shurr Jang Sheeeeee
      Racism for disliking a language? ㄴㅇㄴ

      'Guess I'm racist against my self then.

    3. @Infamist What language do you speak (well, aside from English)?

      @No and @Zaku I thought the same way about Chinese at first, but I think it sounds way better in songs as opposed to actual speaking. That's why I can't listen to Chinese hiphop. (Same reason as to why I can't listen to 99% of Japanese hiphop, too, because Japanese just sounds awful mixed with hiphop.)

    4. I think the problem lies with hiphop there...

    5. I'm a Dane, so danish. Probably one the ugliest languages to grace the face of this watery rock.

      To join in on your discussion though: Aside from English, I found French and African (swahili especially) hiphop to flow pretty freaking well.
      With japan being limited to like 5-6 concrete vowels, with focus on consonants, unlike Galio-Romance or West Germanic languages, I'm astounded that japan's music industry, isn't predominantly instrumental, 'cause fuck.

    6. i've gotten used to mandarin. it's a pretty "airy" and "swishy" language. fun to speak for me. canto sounds a little more aggressive.

      sorry i'm gonna sound like a racist (nationalist/xenophobe?), but viet is just not easy on the ears for me. sounds kinda "ugly"

      random sidenote: mongolian sounds like slytheryn parseltongue

    7. I agree that French sounds good in hiphop, as a former author here used to link me to some French hiphop. However, I hate listening to French as it is normally spoken. Those arrogant and pompous French fucks tend to grate on my ears when they talk.

    8. Once I got used to hearing it I found it's actually quite nice in music.

      In terms of people speaking it, it seems like younger people sound more relaxed, but the older generations are really heavy on the tones and it can sound really harsh.

  3. Isn't Jolin around the same age as Koda Kumi?

    1. Same age as Kim Tae Hee. I don't know how old Koda Kumi is in monkey years.

  4. Swarovski makes some beautiful jewelry !

    1. I won't believe you until you buy me some to prove it.

  5. As a Mandarin and Canto speaker, i found Mandarin alot better to listen to in a song than Canto, no matter Hip Hop or Ballads.

  6. i dropped out of my mandarin class in two weeks. lol. not only were the characters hard but it was damn near impossible to speak. i never realized how tonal it was.

    The only chinese artist i heard was the dude who played hyomins wife for a day. he is good and looks like he could be hyun bins little brother.

    any1 know any sites for chinese entertainment?

    1. best way to produce the tones is to keep your jaw shut as much as possible with consonant sounds. kinda works the same way in korean too, tho it's not nearly as tonal as mandarin

    2. LOL Korean, by all means, ISN'T tonal, but only has very minimal pitch accent features. But heck those are just prosodic features and not the same as the tone we talk about in languages like Mandarin, Cantonese or Hakka.

      I heard a lot of Chinese teachers usually teach their students to try bobbing their heads to get a clearer differentiation of the tonal qualities of syllables

    3. double consonant vowel stresses aren't tonal?

      say, 바 vs 빠? i'm not sure that's pitch we're talking about, but then again i'm not a korean teacher or linguist.

    4. I'm taking Mandarin right now and my professor does do the head bobbing thing. Honestly bobbing your head all over the fucking place while talking is retarded, and from what I can tell doesn't really help the people in my class that suck at mimicking sounds anyway.

  7. I like the production and reminds me of Dream Girls (http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com/2013/09/kpop-fan-hating-on-taiwanese-group.html)

    But is that Engrish I hear? Lady, lady first?


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