Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is Haeryung North Korean? (BESTie Dance Video)

I CALLED IT! I remember writing an article where I wrote that entertainment companies would start picking up North Koreans who try to escape the country and putting them in Kpop groups. So, why do I think Haeryung is North Korean? One is the myth that North Korean women > South Korean women (obviously this myth predates plastic surgery, photoshop and professional makeup for entertainers). The second one is from all of the comments in the video and allkpop article: Haeryung's legs are too skinny. If Korean netizens can make up shit based on less evidence, well, I may as well write a doctoral dissertation on proving that Haeryung is North Korean.

When I stumbled upon watching this video, I thought most of the comments would be about how hot they are. There are still plenty of those comments, but there are quite a few comments about how Haeryung's legs are too skinny. Too skinny to who?

Yes, yes, in before someone brings up all of the Sooyoung and Boram leg articles. I believe those articles still withstand because they were written at a time when both of them lost too much weight, especially Boram. Boram looked like she was going to become the Skeletor of Kpop at the rate she was losing weight. Sooyoung has skinny legs, but there have been times where they have lost what volume they had and looked like all bones. On a normal day, Sooyoung's legs look fine. With Haeryung's legs, again, I see nothing inherently wrong. She simply lacks any muscle mass in her legs. Sure, Kim Jong Un may have eaten all of her food while she was still in North Korea, but this doesn't look like Boram's case.

Maybe all of the concern trolls want Haeryung to meet up with Rick Ross so that they both can eat some fried chicken together.

I don't know. I remember when it was the "in" thing to make fun of fat people. But since everyone in America is fucking fat now, it's the cool thing to make fun of skinny people. Things were so much easier when we just made fun of Shindong's fat ass, but now skinny people who have no problems have become the targets.


  1. Speaking of North Korea, I recently came up with THE best idea for a Korean Reality TV show that will be an international ratings smash. We drop several kpop trainee groups behind the 38th Parallel and have them attempt to infiltrate the Presidential Palace and the nuke facilities (All whislt being followed around by an entire camera crew, oppan Bear Grylls style). I am certain comic hijinks will ensure like when Bill Murray and the guys in the "documentary" movie Stripes invaded the Warsaw Pact. The reward for a successful penetration of those facilities will be a recording contract with one of the big 3. The consolation prize is to be made fun of by a trashy k-netizen, as if you were a real k-pop idol. The second season will involve them trying to break out of a North Korean gulag and get to the South.

    1. And as an added twist each team would have a bomb strapped to a random member that would detonate when they aren't able to penetrate the facilities in time, so death for teams with lazy-ass members without determination

    2. You guys been watching Battle Royale too much.

    3. Well luckily for T-ara, the least determined member has already been exterminated.

  2. I was expecting Haeryung's legs to snap like twigs at any time underneath her during the more complicated choreography.
    That being said, she's still the hottest one in that group.

  3. I wonder if NK-Poppers also get surgery.

  4. I am not a fan of BESTie, but after 1:53, I will start to pay more attention.

  5. I like them a lot. Hammie 2 is pretty great.

    http://youtu.be/_Ut-Y-Izjb0?t=3m17s bossy cuteness plus cuteness cuteness <33333
    http://instagram.com/p/gCmEqtAjpH/ aaaaaaaaaaaa <3333333333333333

    1. You already found your Hammie replacement once Kara disbands in January haha.

  6. I've always thought that Narsha was a dude in drag. My evidence: I thought it. That's what makes it true.

  7. I don't know, I find her legs too thin, she's not Boram thin but it wouldn't hurt for her to put on a few pounds. I just want to tie her up on a bed and cook/feed her. She does have a pretty face though. It wouldn't hurt to at least get to Dahye levels of legginess


    1. She is seriously adorable, but yeah so skinny. However she is 18 and I get the feeling she will put on some weight as she gets older.

      This video convinced me of Dahye's hotness.

    2. It's not as if her weight is set in stone so I too would hope that she wouldn't shy away from getting some curves.

    3. I agree that if she can, it would be good if she put more definition to her legs, but I don't think this is some "if you gain ten pounds, you'll instantly become a 10, but if you stay at this weight, you're only a 3" type of thing.

    4. I'm not putting a number on her, I would just find her more attractive if legs weren't so thin, nothing wrong with some sexy thighs to add some curves. It's not as if she's on the verge of becoming obese.

  8. Which one is she? cause I cant see anything wrong with any of them lol

  9. all the comments hating on her skinny legs are just jealous of her thigh gap^^


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