Thursday, October 3, 2013

[MV Review] Busker Busker - Love, At First

Boring as shit instrumental + awful vocals = I'd rather have someone insert a fucking screw through my dick.

If you're watching this Busker Busker MV with a friend someone you want to torture, play this video afterwards to wake them up.


  1. I only made it a minute into the song before I needed that Jiyeon video.

    Anyway, this is my theory as to why Busker Busker is popular. South Korea has high rates of depression but suppress it instead of dealing with it. With depression, insomnia is one of the many symptoms one can suffer. Thus, in order to combat insomnia, many Koreans listen to Busker Busker to help them fall asleep.

  2. Song is definitely not bad for me, but there is almost no hook to it. I understand why some people will like it, but I have no idea how they became #1 in korea. Well you have insomnia right oppar, so you should be liking it too no?

    I wanna give you guys some old chinese songs but I have to wait for saturday shitfest for it :<

    1. I get insomnia once a month and that's more from a health problem that's almost gone now or by being a dumbass and taking a nap at 5 PM.

  3. The girl looks exacly like Aoi yu. Even the story and atmosphere of the MV remind me of her film, One Milion Yen Girl

  4. I find it abhorrent that anyone would find this bad. The rhythmic guitar chorus utilized as melodic percussion together with the albeit slow drums, really brings out th- i am fucking with you. Busker Busker stinks like rotten donkey testicles.
    Beom-Jun trying to emulate the trademark indie falsetto, fails horribly proving how much of a try-hard he is. Sad thing is Korea, indeed, eats this shit up like kimchi spilling out of an overturned truck.

  5. Boram's wearing some heavy silicone-inlay bra there.

  6. This was more painful than an SM quasi-ballad; at least those don't make their way into MVs.

  7. I don't like Busker busker on my playlist they are one hit wonders

  8. I'd like to find a way to make Jiyeon my alarm sound. I find her stern yet playful crowing pleasing.

  9. I like the song, I don't think it's the greatest thing since kimchi, but I can definitely appreciate a slow song every once in a while.

    When do you want to meet up, I have a screw.

  10. It's not a shitty song, it's just not deserving of its success..Korean people are starved for anything that's remotely not-manufactured-by-a-corporation. What could be less manufactured than a band that plays mediocre busker music and has a guy with a cool vibrato and a random bassist that does nothing? There's even a WHITE GUY! ALL of whom barely rose to the top of an audition program that didn't really want them in the first place! There's no way in hell they were cast off the street! They inadvertently play that card in everything they do, their music, limited appearances, everything..the 'we are real, authentic artists with a real message' card. But hey, it works, and it's..not bad.

    I've accepted that their music just means more to Koreans.

  11. Seriously, I'm baffled by the comments here. Everytime I come, you are bashing KPOP and all saying that is shitty and all and when you have such a great song, you say it's annoying as fuck and do not deserve to be numero one in Korea ?
    I know people have different opinion and all but there is no doubt that the song and MV are amazing.
    I'm a little bit disappointed in you guys or maybe I'm just overreacting and I don't know your tastes at all.
    So I just want to ask, what's your favorite song and MV ?

    1. This is the place where people can express themselves freely and not get some people butthurt by not liking a fucking song. It's great for you and not for us, you can like it as much as you want but it's not gonna change our opinions. I don't think they wanted to bash the groups, they are just being brutally honest.

      Also what's the point of telling the MV/songs that we like, you can say it's shitty or worst songs on earth, it's not gonna change our minds and we are not going to be mad just because you dislike it.

    2. Because I want to know what the author considers as being a great song. I am not butthurt that he/she didnt like the song but after reading the articles on this site, I figured that the person would be more on the indie band kind of songs and so, after reading that article, I was disappointed because it seems like no matter the genre, there is always hatred. Thats why, I wanted to know favorite song and MV to know whats the standard and to clarify that the author indeed has some favorite and do not just dislike everything.

      But yeah, I do respect your opinion. Sorry if it came off as being rude and narrow minded.

    3. I don't hate songs just because they're pop or like songs just because they're indie. I'm not a hipster faggot who blankets everything in black and white. There are plenty of pop songs that the authors here like and have recommended for people to listen to. There are plenty of indie songs that I don't like because they are dreadfully boring, though some of my favorite artists are indie.

  12. I never liked Busker Busker PRECISELY BECAUSE of the dreadful vocals. And that's why Ulala Session won.

  13. lol do you hate daughter too? u have shitty music taste


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